
Terms for subject Audit containing меморандум | all forms | exact matches only
Меморандум об общих результатах аудитаAudit summary memo (Andromeda)
Меморандум об общих результатах аудитаAudit summary memorandum (Andromeda)
Меморандум по основным вопросам аудиторской проверкиaudit highlights memorandum (There is often no audit highlights memorandum or if a memorandum is prepared it will only list outstanding points that tend to be of an accounting nature. An audit highlights memorandum is effectively a summary of the audit. It should record the results of the audit tests in all the key areas identified at the planning stage. In addition any problems or outstanding points should also be listed. Preparation of the memorandum is a good discipline for the senior and manager as it helps ensure that all key areas identified at the planning stage have been addressed. If the audit highlights memorandum is properly drafted it will save partner time at the review stage as the partner will be able to review the file selectively concentrating on key and problem areas. Mishonok)
Меморандум по планированию аудитаAudit planning memorandum (Andromeda)
Меморандум по планированию аудитаAudit planning memo (Andromeda)
Налоговый меморандумTax Memorandum (Andromeda)