
Terms for subject Microsoft containing маркеры | all forms | exact matches only
активация на основе маркеровtoken-based activation (A specialized activation option available for approved Microsoft Volume Licensing customers that enables customers to use public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates (or "tokens," typically stored on smart cards) to activate Windows Vista Enterprise and Windows Server 2008 SP2 locally without contacting either customer-hosted KMS or the Microsoft-hosted activation service using MAK. Rori)
активный маркёрactive tag (A tag with an independent power source and an active transmitter. Active tags are not dependent on a reader to emit radio frequency signals. Active tags can generally communicate over much longer distances)
аутентификация на основе маркеровtoken authentication (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Добавить строки или маркеры, чтобы устранить дисбаланс?Add rows or markers to correct the imbalance? (Office System 2010 Rori)
знак маркёраbullet character (A typographical symbol, such as a filled or empty circle, diamond, box, or asterisk, used to set off a small block of text or each item in a list)
значение маркераtoken value (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
ИД маркёраtag ID (A number that is on the tag and is used to identify a tag. It can contain item information, such as the type of the commodity and the company that produces it)
идентификатор маркераtag identifier (A number that is on the tag and is used to identify a tag. It can contain item information, such as the type of the commodity and the company that produces it. Rori)
использующее маркёры Windows NT приложениеWindows NT token-based application (A Windows application that relies on a Windows NT token to perform authorization of users)
код маркераtokencode
код маркёраtokencode (The code used to activate a token)
конечная точка маркера OAuth 2.0OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (The endpoint on the authorization server where the client application exchanges an authorization grant for an access token. Rori)
маркер активацииactivation token (A unique identifier that activates a Microsoft Azure Connect endpoint and is linked to the customer’s Microsoft Azure subscription. Rori)
маркер блокировкиlock token
маркер выбора касаниемtouch selection handle (A handle that enables touch selection scenarios that are not possible or are difficult to accomplish with standard touch gestures alone. Rori)
маркер доступаaccess token (A data structure that contains authentication and authorization information for a user. Windows creates the access token when the user logs on and the user's identity is confirmed. The access token contains the user's security ID (SID), the list of groups that the user is a member of, the list of privileges held by that user. Each process or thread started for the user inherits a copy of the access token. In some cases a user may have more than one access token, with different levels of authority)
маркер доступа процессаprocess access token (A data structure that contains authentication and authorization information for a user. Windows creates the access token when the user logs on and the user's identity is confirmed. The access token contains the user's security ID (SID), the list of groups that the user is a member of, the list of privileges held by that user. Each process or thread started for the user inherits a copy of the access token. In some cases a user may have more than one access token, with different levels of authority. Rori)
маркер доступа с низкой степенью целостностиlow integrity access token (A filtered access token that is created with a low integrity level. This access token is used by Internet Explorer Protected Mode, but can also be used by other applications Rori)
маркер доступа службы контроля учётных записейUAC access token (Rori)
маркер заполненияfill handle
маркер-звездочкаAsterisk Bullet (Office System 2010 Rori)
маркер измененийchange marker
маркер изменения размераsizing handle (A handle that supports sizing an object. Rori)
маркер исправленийchange hint (ssn)
маркер комбинированного доступаsplit access token (A combination of full access token and filtered access token linked together by the local security authority (LSA) component of the operating system. Rori)
маркер контроляcontrol marker (Andy)
маркер контроля версийversion control marker (Andy)
маркер конца строкиend of line marker (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
маркер краяedge handle (A handle indicating that a swipe gesture was detected, which allows the user to ignore and dismiss it or to invoke the relevant edge UI. Rori)
маркер ограниченного доступаrestricted token (An access token with restricted access to securable objects or performing privileged tasks. Rori)
маркер ограниченного доступаrestricted access token (An access token with restricted access to securable objects or performing privileged tasks)
маркер перемещенияmove handle (A handle that is displayed on some objects such as toolbars, tables, or on individual rows or columns, that allows the user to drag them to another location. Rori)
маркер поворотаrotation handle (The round handle that appears at the top of a selected shape that you can use to rotate the shape. Rori)
маркер ползункаslider handle (The user interface control that facilitates modification of the appearance, position, or behavior of another control that displays and sets a value from a continuous range of possible values. Rori)
маркер полного доступаfull privilege access token (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC). Rori)
маркер полного доступаfull access token (An access token with the maximum privileges authorized for the account. Used by User Account Control (UAC). Rori)
маркер привязкиbind token (A bind token is a character string that uniquely identifies each bound transaction. Rori)
маркер примечанияcomment hint (ssn)
маркер прокруткиscroll box
маркер разделенияsplit box
маркер сценарияscenario marker (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
маркер устройстваdevice handle (A piece of software code or an ID that allows a user to programmatically access the mobile device. Rori)
маркер фильтрованного доступаfiltered access token (Rori)
маркеры управления фономbackground handles (The handles used to resize the background. By default, background handles are hidden. Rori)
маркёр безопасностиsecurity token (A cryptographically signed data unit that transfers authentication and authorization information, based on a credential)
маркёр блокировкиlock token (The value that is returned on successful execution of the WebDAV LOCK method. This value is used to transact subsequent requests)
маркёр выделенияselection handle (A graphical control point of an object that provides direct manipulation support for operations of that object, such as moving, sizing, or scaling)
маркёр доступа службы контроля учётных записейUAC access token (An access token with the least administrative privileges required for the session. It is a restricted access token where all elevated privileges have been filtered out. A filtered access token is created by default for all interactive users that are not standard users, except the built-in administrator)
маркёр заполненияfill handle (The small black square in the lower-right corner of a selected cell that can be used to copy data and to fill adjacent cells with a series of data)
маркёр измененийchange marker (An icon that designates a change made by a reviewer to a presentation)
маркёр изменения размераresize handle (A handle that enables resizing of a row, column, window or other object)
маркёр исправленийchange hint (A vertical bar in the margin of a document that shows where changes have been tracked and displays those changes when clicked)
маркёр конца сектораend-of-sector marker (A two-byte data structure written at the end of the boot sector after the bootstrap code. Used by the bootstrap loader to determine that the end of boot sector has been reached)
маркёр направляющей линейкиruler guide marker (A marker in the ruler that aligns with the current guide position and enables users to add, edit, or delete a guide from within the ruler)
маркёр олицетворенияimpersonation token (" An access token that captures the security information of a client process, allowing a service to "impersonate" the client process in security operations.")
маркёр примечанияcomment hint (A visual indicator that denotes the presence of a comment and opens the comment when clicked)
маркёр разделенияsplit box (A special control added to a window, typically adjacent to the scroll bar, that allows a user to split a window or adjust a window split)
маркёр уничтоженияdestruction marker (In a collaboration diagram, a marker used to indicate object roles and association roles, or links, that are destroyed during the operation)
маркёр фильтрованного доступаfiltered access token (An access token with the least administrative privileges required for the session. It is a restricted access token where all elevated privileges have been filtered out. A filtered access token is created by default for all interactive users that are not standard users, except the built-in administrator)
маркёр эксцентриситетаeccentricity handle (A handle that allows you to adjust the angle and magnitude of an elliptical arc's eccentricity)
неожиданный маркер конца строкиunexpected end of line marker (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
неожиданный маркер конца строки в значении строкового литералаunexpected end of line marker in string literal value (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
основной маркерprimary token
основной маркёрprimary token (An access token assigned to a process to represent the default information for that process. It is used in security operations by a thread working on behalf of the process itself rather than on behalf of a client)
Ошибка: командная строка содержит лишние маркерыError: Extra command line tokens (Rori)
параметры маркераhighlighter setting
параметры маркераHighlighter Settings
параметры маркёраHighlighter Settings (A tab on the Pen and Highlighter Settings dialog box in Tablet PC that allows user to pick the color, width, and tip style of the highlighter tool)
параметры маркёраhighlighter setting (A setting that you can use to change the appearance of highlighter ink)
подготовить маркерcommission a tag (To add information (such as a tag ID) to a tag and, optionally, associate that number with a product in the database. Rori)
прикрепление маркера перед отправкойTag and Ship (A scenario that involves putting an RFID label on a case just before it is shipped from a supplier's to a retailer's facility. The purpose of using RFID in this context is strictly to meet retailer's RFID mandates. Rori)
проверка подлинности маркераtoken authentication (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
проверка подлинности на основе маркеров SAMLSAML token-based authentication (microsoft.com bojana)
проверка подлинности по маркеруtoken authentication (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
разрешить маркеры заполнения и перетаскивание ячеекenable fill handle and cell drag-and-drop (Office System 2013 Rori)
сертификат для подписи маркераtoken-signing certificate (An X509 certificate whose associated public/private key pair is used by federation servers to digitally sign all security tokens that they produce. Rori)
сертификат для подписи маркёраtoken signing certificate (An X509 certificate whose associated public/private key pair is used by federation servers to digitally sign all security tokens that they produce)
служба маркёров безопасностиSTS (A Web service that issues security tokens. A security token service makes assertions based on evidence that it trusts to whoever trusts it. To communicate trust, this service requires proof, such as a security token or set of security tokens, and it issues a security token with its own trust statement. (Note that for some security token formats, this can simply be a reissuance or cosignature) In Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), the Federation Service is a security token service)
служба маркёров безопасностиsecurity token service (A Web service that issues security tokens. A security token service makes assertions based on evidence that it trusts to whoever trusts it. To communicate trust, this service requires proof, such as a security token or set of security tokens, and it issues a security token with its own trust statement. (Note that for some security token formats, this can simply be a reissuance or cosignature) In Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS), the Federation Service is a security token service)
списать маркерdecommission a tag (To render the data that is stored within a tag unreadable. Rori)
тангенциальный маркерtangent handle (A handle that specifies unique behavior for certain shapes. Rori)
трассировочный маркерtracer token
трассировочный маркёрtracer token (A performance monitoring tool available for transactional replication. A token (a small amount of data) is sent through the replication system to measure the amount of time it takes for transactions to reach the Distributor and Subscribers)
управляющий маркерcontrol handle
управляющий маркёрcontrol handle (A handle that specifies unique behavior for certain shapes)
цифровой подписанный маркер безопасностиdigitally signed security token (microsoft.com bojana)