
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing мало | all forms | exact matches only
мало того, чтоas if ... not + adj + enough (Much to the horror of the children attending kindergarten through fourth grade at the school, they heard a message booming over the PA system in a creepy voice: "This is a humoctopus! I am speaking to you from the future. Run for your lives, wretched humans! I will smash you all!" As if the message was not traumatic enough, the school subsequently went into a lockdown and had the children hiding under their desks, no doubt, hoping that the humoctopus would spare them from its wrath. -- Мало того, что дети получили психическую травму ... (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
ничтожно малоnowhere near enough (о сумме: Downtown Van has formed a safety task force to push governments for solutions, and has a meeting scheduled with B.C. Attorney General Niki Sharma, Talbot said. She is grateful the province pledged in July $10.5 million to help businesses with vandalism repairs and prevention measures, but added “it’s nowhere near enough money” to meet the demand. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)