
Terms for subject General containing малоэтажный | all forms | exact matches only
застройка малоэтажными жилыми домамиlow-rise residential development (Alexander Demidov)
квартира в малоэтажном зданииlow-rise flat
малоэтажная жилая застройкаlow-rise residential development (МЖС VictorMashkovtsev)
малоэтажный домlow-rise residential building (grafleonov)
малоэтажный домlow-rise house (grafleonov)
малоэтажный многоквартирный домlow-rise multi-family building (The regulations established the minimum standards for new construction or substantial remodels (major remodels – 50% valuation or greater as determined by the Building Official) of residential single-family, low-rise multi-family, commercial and industrial buildings – Planning and Building Department, San Mateo County (CA) Tamerlane)
малоэтажный многоквартирный жилой домlow-rise flat block
многоквартирная малоэтажная застройкаlow-rise multi-dwelling development (be changed to medium density residential which means that the Council will then approve planning applications for low rise multi-dwelling development there. | Opportunities for low rise multi-dwelling development in residential areas that exist currently thanks to being well located to shops and services (and in keeping with the existing character) ... Alexander Demidov)