
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing лучше | all forms | exact matches only
все к лучшемуit's all for the best
гораздо лучше, чем ожидалосьKnock the cover off the ball (In business, doing much better than expected. Interex)
Желаю всего самого лучшего в Новом годуBest Wishes for the New Year (Leonid Dzhepko)
за неимением лучшего словаfor lack of a better term (Gordon explained that, for lack of a better term, he would classify at least some of the cryptids reported to him as interdimensional. (coasttocoastam.com) • Я всё ещё любила его или, во всяком случае, хранила чувство к нему, которое за неимением лучшего слова называла любовью. (из рус. источников) ART Vancouver)
за неимением лучшего словаfor lack of a better word (This goofiness, for lack of a better word, can have serious ramifications for your daughter. ART Vancouver)
как это лучше сделать?what's the best way to go about it? (ART Vancouver)
лучше понять, почемуhave a better idea of why (”That family is suffering because their loved one was murdered, but not only that, they had to wait years for any type of answers,” said Caitlin. “I hope through this trial we, the general public, will have a better idea of why things were slowed down, and what the Crown's case really looks like,” Graham added. ctvnews.ca ART Vancouver)
лучше представлять себеhave a better idea of (положение дел: On Jan. 4, WLNG spokesperson Sean Beardow told The Squamish Chief that the ship will be spending the upcoming weeks at the Seaspan facility in North Vancouver undergoing its final few refits, loading equipment and undergoing inspections. After that is done, the company will have a better idea of when it will arrive in Squamish. (nsnews.com) • Повышая уровень своей экологической грамотности мы сможем лучше представлять себе последствия наших каждодневных поступков и выборов для окружающей среды.(из рус. источника) ART Vancouver)
лучше ... я не виделthe best one I've ever seen (That was the best one I've ever seen. ART Vancouver)
лучшего примера не подобрать, чемthere's no finer example than (Ever since European settlement only 150 years ago, the people of Vancouver have protected the rivers, coastline and forest, maintaining the perfect balance between nature and the built environment. And there's no finer example than the city's pride and joy – Stanley Park, which dates all the way back to 1886. (Expedia) ART Vancouver)
лучшее для васyour best choice (sankozh)
лучшие умыthe best and the brightest (sankozh)
на порядок лучшеleagues ahead (of Халеев)
намного лучше, чем ожидалосьKnock it out of the park (In business, doing much better than expected. Interex)
не в лучшем видеin poor shape (Adoption requests came from as far away as New Zealand, but Frank the Tank, a 17-kilogram tortoise found wandering in a Richmond bok choy field last month, will be staying in B.C. Despite being surrounded by leafy greens, Frank was in poor shape when he was found in early October, suffering shell rot and respiratory problems due to being out in the cold. citynews.ca ART Vancouver)
не в лучшую сторонуnot for the better (об изменениях: Lives were altered forever – and for the most part not for the better, I need to stress. Many of those who were present on those fantastic nights found their minds dazzled, tossed and turned – and incredibly quickly, too. mysteriousuniverse.org ART Vancouver)
Пусть Новый Год подарит Вам все самое лучшее!Wishing you all the best for the New Year! (Leonid Dzhepko)
узнать мир лучшеexpand horizons (sankozh)
что может быть лучшеwhat could be better (Юрий Гомон)
что может быть лучшеwhat can be better (Юрий Гомон)
это было к лучшемуit was for the best (A third brother—Vasco Anes Corte-Real—was willing to launch a second search party to recover his lost siblings, but the king of Portugal denied his request. Based on the family’s track record, it was probably for the best. -- возможно, это было к лучшему / пожалуй, так было лучше mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
это к лучшемуthat's for the best (Perhaps that's for the best. -- Может быть, это и к лучшему. ART Vancouver)