
Terms for subject Fantasy and science fiction containing космический | all forms | exact matches only
гондола космического корабляnacelle (Taras)
грузовой космический корабльcargo carrier (Taras)
история о космическом векеa space-age tale (Alex_Odeychuk)
космическая экспедицияspace expedition (Alex_Odeychuk)
космический буксирspacetug (тж. quadrijet transfer spacetug (TUG-b13 Taras)
космический буксирhaulcraft (Taras)
космический буксирquadjumper (Taras)
космический десантspace marines (Dangaard)
"космический кит"gormagander (The Gormagander is a whale-sized space-dwelling life form, and has been described as a "space whale" for simplicity, as it has been noted that referring to it as a "fish" would be inaccurate. They are light pink in color and have several body protrusions which resemble fins or tentacles. As of 2256, this species is considered endangered. Gormaganders spend their entire lives feeding off alpha particles in the solar winds. They often get so consumed by this task that they tend to ignore even their other biological instincts, such as reproduction.: The gormagander, a sentient cosmozoan species , holds the ignominious record of longest time spent on the Federation's endangered species list Taras)
космический корабльspacer (syn.: spaceship, spacecraft: Our satellite stations have managed to get an electronic tracer on the track of the spacer that dumped those dragons on us. It headed off in the direction of Alpha Canis Major, a sector which has, up until now, been neutral – "Bill, the Galactic Hero" by Harry Harrison Taras)
космический корабль многоразового использованияtravel pod (небольшой Taras)
космический крейсерstar cruiser (Taras)
космический мусорspace crap (The Planet of the Robot Slaves (Bill, the Galactic Hero #2) by   goodreads.com, goodreads.com Taras)
космический разломspatial rift (Taras)
космический разломspacial rift (Taras)
космический флотstarfleet (Taras)
космический челнокtravel pod (a travel pod was a small Federation shuttle predominately used during the 23rd century by facilities like the orbital office complex and Spacedock to transfer personnel to drydocks or spaceships without having to use transporters Taras)
космический челнокshuttlepod (Taras)
космический челнокrunabout (Taras)
космический челнок-таксиstar commuter (Taras)
космический челнок-таксиstar-commuter shuttle (Taras)
легенда космического векаa space-age tale (Alex_Odeychuk)
небольшой космический корабльrunabout (многоцелевой Taras)
небольшой космический корабльpuddle jumper (in Stargate Atlantis series Taras)
небольшой космический корабльrun-about (многоцелевой Taras)
небольшой космический челнокpuddle jumper (in Stargate Atlantis series Taras)
небольшой многоцелевой космический корабльrunabout (Taras)
небольшой многоцелевой космический корабльrun-about (Taras)
сюжет научно-фантастического произведения на космическую темуspace opera (Foreign Policy Alex_Odeychuk)
четырёхдвигательный космический буксирquadjumper (тж. quadrijet transfer spacetug (TUG-b13 Taras)
четырёхдвигательный космический буксирquadrijet transfer spacetug (или просто quadjumper Taras)
эпический масштаб научно-фантастического произведения на космическую темуepic scope of a space opera (Alex_Odeychuk)
эпический размах сюжета научно-фантастического произведения на космическую темуepic scope of a space opera (Foreign Policy; контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)