
Terms for subject Sociology containing конфликтов | all forms
враждебность в результате межгруппового конфликта интересовcompetitive hostility (When groups of people feel that they are losing at the expense of other groups’ gains, it breeds and fuels competitive hostility at numerous levels. Fesenko)
гендерный конфликтgender conflict (Andrey Truhachev)
конфликт поколенийintergenerational conflict (key2russia)
конфликт поколенийgeneration gap (key2russia)
конфликт половgender conflict (Andrey Truhachev)
межпоколенческий конфликтgenerational wedge (CNN, 2021: Most lawmakers in Japan's parliament are between 50 to 70 years old. Male boomers dominate political and business life in the country. Experts say some men of that generation carry beliefs that women are best left at home, or should attend meetings but remain silent. Those views have driven a generational wedge between the political gerontocracy and young people born in the 1990s. Alex_Odeychuk)
межполовой конфликтgender conflict (Andrey Truhachev)
Социология конфликтаconflict theories (dolmetscherr)
урегулирование внутрисемейных конфликтовconciliation for family members
урегулирование конфликтаconciliation