
Terms for subject General containing контрабанда наркотиков | all forms | in specified order only
контрабанда наркотиковdrug running (also known as drug trafficking, refers to the illegal transportation and distribution of controlled substances such as narcotics, stimulants, and other drugs. It involves the movement of these substances across borders or within countries with the intention of selling them for profit. Drug running is a highly organized and often violent criminal enterprise, involving elaborate networks of smugglers, dealers, and distributors who work to evade law enforcement authorities and maximize profits Taras)
контрабанда наркотиковdope smuggling
спецгруппа таможенников или полицейских, проводящая инспекцию судов, подозреваемых в провозе контрабанды и наркотиковboarding party (murad1993)