
Terms for subject Politics containing коллективная | all forms
анализ ситуации путём коллективного обмена идеями в целях решения проблемыspitball analysis (Alex_Odeychuk)
коллективное насилиеcollective violence (collective violence, violent form of collective behaviour engaged in by large numbers of people responding to a common stimulus. Collective violence can be placed on a continuum, with one extreme involving the spontaneous behaviour of people who react to situations they perceive as uncertain, threatening, or extremely attractive. Riots and random youth gang fights are examples of spontaneous collective violence. At the other extreme are the organized forms of collective violence. These include coups, rebellions, revolutions, terrorism, and war. britannica.com 'More)
коллективное насилиеmob violence (Five men were arrested and four injured amidst scenes of mob violence. 'More)
коллективное руководствоconsensus ruling among senior leaders (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
коллективное членствоcollective membership
коллективные поиски путей разблокирования конфликтной ситуацииjoint search for ways to defuse this conflict situation (bigmaxus)
коллективный договорcontract
коллективный Западthe collective West (And beyond all that, the Chinese have this feeling in their heart of hearts and in their gut of guts that those of us in the collective West are just too damned arrogant – by Kevin Rudd; The war currently underway in Ukraine – which pits Ukraine as a proxy for the collective West against Russia – is primarily an ideological or religious one, with Russia representing what is left of Christian Europe, and “the West” representing a totalitarian ideology that abhors religion in general and Christianity in particular – by Emmet Sweeney Tamerlane)
национальный приоритет, требующий коллективных действийa national priority that requires collective action (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
Организация договора коллективной безопасностиCollective Security Treaty Organization (Vanda Voytkevych)
отход от коллективного руководстваshift from collective leadership (to sole leadership – к единоличному руководству // Bloomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
переход от коллективного к единоличному руководствуshift from collective leadership to sole leadership (Bloomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
расторжение коллективного договораannulment of a collective contract
расторжение коллективного договораannulment of a collective agreement
Совет коллективной безопасностиCollective Security Council (grafleonov)
традиция коллективного руководстваtradition of collective leadership (Bloomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
убеждение, принцип, теория или общественная система, в основе которых лежит коллективный контроль над производством и распределением, государственная/народная собственность на средства производства и т п.collectivism (A.Rezvov)