
Terms for subject Microsoft containing клиентов | all forms | exact matches only
автоматизированная система учёта заявок от клиентовHelp Desk (Denis Tatyanushkin)
автоматически сгенерированный клиентautogenerated client (Alex_Odeychuk)
автоматическое удаление клиента из многоадресной рассылкиMulticast Client Auto Removal (Ability to automatically remove a client from a multicast group (usually a client with lower bandwidth – to be served via unicast deployment), have it join a different multicast group or to terminate deployment)
агент клиентаclient agent (Software that runs on SMS/Configuration Manager clients and performs client-side functions associated with a specific SMS/Configuration Manager feature, such as software metering)
агент клиента инвентаризации оборудованияHardware Inventory Client Agent (A component of the SMS/Configuration Manager hardware inventory feature. It is a program running on an SMS/Configuration Manager client that gathers detailed information about the hardware in use on the client)
агент клиента обновлений программного обеспеченияsoftware updates client agent (microsoft.com bojana)
агент клиента удалённых средствRemote Tools Client Agent
агент клиента удалённых средствRemote Tools Client Agent (A component of the SMS/Configuration Manager Remote Tools feature. It is a program running on an SMS/Configuration Manager client that enables an SMS/Configuration Manager administrator to use remote troubleshooting tools to diagnose client problems or remotely control a client)
агент синхронизации клиентаClient Sync Agent (The synchronization agent between the SQL Server database and the SQL Azure hub database. Rori)
администратор клиентаtenant administrator (A user account that has been assigned as an administrator for the tenant)
архитектура клиент-серверclient/server computing (A model of computing whereby client applications running on a desktop or personal computer access information on remote servers or host computers. The client portion of the application is typically optimized for user interaction, whereas the server portion provides centralized, multiuser functionality)
архитектура клиент-серверclient/server architecture (A model of computing whereby client applications running on a desktop or personal computer access information on remote servers or host computers. The client portion of the application is typically optimized for user interaction, whereas the server portion provides centralized, multiuser functionality)
безопасность клиентаclient security (ssn)
веб-клиент OutlookOWA
веб-клиент OutlookOutlook Web Access
веб-клиент Microsoft Office Project PortfolioMicrosoft Office Project Portfolio Web Access
веб-клиент Microsoft Office ExcelMicrosoft Office Excel Web Access
веб-клиентWeb Client (harser)
веб-клиентweb-based client (Andy)
веб-клиентWeb client (A computer that uses a Web server)
веб-клиент ExcelExcel Web Access
веб-часть веб-клиента OutlookOutlook Web Access Web Part
включение культуры на основании данных клиентаEnable Client Based Culture (Windows 7 Rori)
внешний клиентexternal customer (An outside organization or individual that submits a sales order for goods or services)
внутрихолдинговая накладная клиентаintercompany customer invoice (A customer invoice that documents a customer payment request from one legal entity to another legal entity that is part of the same organization that consolidates the accounts of both legal entities)
внутрихолдинговый клиентintercompany customer (An internal company that acts as a customer to another internal company. When a company does not satisfy an original sales order, that company becomes an intercompany customer when it directs a purchase order to another internal company to satisfy the original sales order)
возможности клиента по интеллектуальному анализу данныхData Mining Client Functionality (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
выбор групп безопасности клиента Windows 7Windows 7 client security groups selection (Windows 8 ssn)
выбор групп безопасности клиентаclient security groups selection (ssn)
выписка по клиентуcustomer statement (A form that can be sent to customers that includes the customer's balance and amount due for the statement period. Rori)
выписка по счёту клиентаcustomer account statement (A form that can be sent to customers that includes the customer's balance and amount due for the statement period)
группы безопасности клиентаclient security groups (ssn)
дополнительный клиентsecondary customer (A customer that is linked to the primary customer in a customer relationship)
защищённый клиентlocked-down client (A computer that is highly secured so that most users and processes cannot change characteristics of the computer, applications, or files on the computer. Clients are often locked down to enforce standards and to prevent damage due to malicious processes or user error)
идентификатор клиента OauthOAuth Client ID (A type of client ID that allows Open Authorization (OAuth))
Имитация клиента после проверки подлинностиImpersonate a client after authentication (microsoft.com bojana)
интеграция разработки на стороне клиента и сервераintegration of client and server-side development
исходный файл клиентаclient source file (microsoft.com bojana)
клиент автоматизации пользовательского интерфейсаUI Automation client (An assistive technology application, such as a screen reader, that uses UI Automation to obtain programmatic access to the UI elements in an application's user interface. The client presents information about UI elements to the end user. Automated test scripts are also considered to be UI Automation clients)
клиент активации WindowsWindows Activation Client
клиент-банкclient bank (A program that is used to make electronic payments to banks and to receive information from banks. This information includes acknowledgements of payments that were made, information about incoming payments, and bank account balances)
клиент групповой политикиGroup Policy Client (A local service that queries Active Directory at policy application time (at boot/logon or scheduled intervals) for the policy objects which pertain to it and applies them)
клиент групповой политики для беспроводной средыWireless Group Policy Client (A Group Policy Client in a wireless environment)
клиент групповой политики для проводной средыWired Group Policy Client (A Group Policy Client in a wired environment)
клиент диспетчера конфигурацииConfiguration Manager client
клиент Microsoft CRM для OutlookMicrosoft CRM client for Outlook (The client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
клиент Microsoft CRM для Microsoft Office OutlookMicrosoft CRM client for Microsoft Office Outlook (The client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
клиент Microsoft CRM для настольных ПК для OutlookMicrosoft CRM desktop client for Outlook (The desktop client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
клиент Microsoft CRM для настольных ПК для Microsoft Office OutlookMicrosoft CRM desktop client for Microsoft Office Outlook (The desktop client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
клиент Microsoft CRM для ноутбуков для OutlookMicrosoft CRM laptop client for Outlook (The laptop client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
клиент Microsoft CRM для ноутбуков для Microsoft Office OutlookMicrosoft CRM laptop client for Microsoft Office Outlook (The laptop client version of the Microsoft CRM product suite for Microsoft Office Outlook)
клиент Microsoft CRM для переносных ПК для Microsoft Office OutlookMicrosoft CRM laptop client for Microsoft Office Outlook
клиент Microsoft CRM для переносных ПК для OutlookMicrosoft CRM laptop client for Outlook
клиент интернет-печатиInternet Printing Client (Windows 8 Rori)
клиент корпоративной голосовой связиEnterprise Voice client (A voice client that is part of the Enterprise Voice solution from Microsoft; for example, Lync or Office Communicator. Rori)
клиент кэшаcache client (A .NET application that uses the Windows Server AppFabric client APIs to communicate with and store data to a Windows Server AppFabric distributed cache system. Rori)
клиент маршрутизацииrouting client (A type of cache client that includes a routing table that is maintained by lead hosts in the cluster and enables the client to obtain cached data directly from the cache host on which the data resides. Rori)
клиент межсетевого экранаMicrosoft Firewall Client (The standard firewall client on Microsoft products; Майкрософт)
клиент межсетевого экрана MicrosoftMicrosoft Firewall Client
Клиент печати через ИнтернетInternet Printing Client (Windows 8 Rori)
клиент подготовительного этапаpre-staged client (A computer account object that is created within Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) before the operating system of the computer is installed Rori)
клиент получения метаданных устройстваDMRC (A feature that provides an interface for acquiring rich metadata in order to support showing device detail information in the Device Center and the Device Stage)
клиент получения метаданных устройстваDevice Metadata Retrieval Client (A feature that provides an interface for acquiring rich metadata in order to support showing device detail information in the Device Center and the Device Stage)
клиент применения протокола EAPEAP enforcement client (microsoft.com bojana)
клиент принудительного помещения на карантинQEC (A component in a Network Access Protection (NAP) Client Architecture defined for a specific type of network access (for example DHCP configuration or VPN connections) and matched to a specific type of NAP server)
клиент принудительного помещения на карантинQuarantine Enforcement Client
клиент принудительной защиты доступа к сетиNAP EC (A component in a NAP client architecture that integrates with network access technologies, such as DHCP, VPN, 802.1X, IPsec, and RD Gateway. The NAP enforcement client requests access to a network, communicates a client computer's health status to the NAP server that is providing the network access, and communicates the restricted status of the client computer to other components of the NAP client architecture)
клиент принудительной защиты доступа к сети DHCPDHCP NAP Enforcement Client
клиент принудительной защиты доступа к сетиNAP enforcement client (A component in a NAP client architecture that integrates with network access technologies, such as DHCP, VPN, 802.1X, IPsec, and RD Gateway. The NAP enforcement client requests access to a network, communicates a client computer's health status to the NAP server that is providing the network access, and communicates the restricted status of the client computer to other components of the NAP client architecture)
клиент принудительной защиты доступа к сети DHCPDHCP NAP ES (A NAP Enforcement Server for DHCP-based IP address configuration that uses industry standard DHCP messages to communicate with DHCP NAP ECs on NAP clients)
клиент принудительной защиты доступа к сети DHCPDHCP NAP enforcement client (A NAP Enforcement Client for DHCP-based IPv4 address configuration that uses industry standard DHCP messages to exchange system health messages and limited network access information)
клиент принудительной защиты доступа к сети DHCPDHCP NAP EC (A NAP Enforcement Client for DHCP-based IPv4 address configuration that uses industry standard DHCP messages to exchange system health messages and limited network access information)
клиент развёртывания пакетов приложенийapp package deployment client (ssn)
клиент размещённого кэшаhosted cache client (Windows 10 ssn)
клиент распознавания знаковShape Client (The recognizer specific part of the shape trainer. Typically every recognizer claiming to support shape personalization must supply a Shape Client DLL. All the Microsoft Latin recognizers will all use the same Shape Client)
клиент с поддержкой защиты доступа к сетиNAP-capable client (A Windows-based client that supports Network Access Protection. Rori)
клиент сайтаSite Client (A type of Groove workspace that is an offline, personal copy of a SharePoint site and is kept in sync with the corresponding SharePoint site providing a convenient way of working with SharePoint content, even when the SharePoint site is not available. Rori)
клиент-серверная сетьdedicated server network (lain)
клиент службы Whoiswhois client
клиент удалённых средствremote tools client (ssn)
DLL клиента развёртывания пакетов приложенийapp package deployment client DLL (ssn)
DLL клиента развёртывания пакетов приложенийApp Package Deployment Client DLL (A DLL that deploys .appx packages)
Клиенты используют виртуальные серверы для доступа к приложениям в кластереClients use virtual servers to access applications in a cluster (Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
код сертификата лицензиара клиентаClient Licensor Certificate ID (Windows 8 Rori)
коммерческий клиент лицензирования программного обеспеченияSoftware Licensing Commerce Client (A service or feature of Windows that enables licensing at the feature level; thereby broadening the distribution and licensing options for retailers, ISVs, and OEMs. New business models may include: trials, subscriptions, gifting, transfers, or pay-for-use)
коммерческий клиент лицензирования программного обеспеченияSLCC (A service or feature of Windows that enables licensing at the feature level; thereby broadening the distribution and licensing options for retailers, ISVs, and OEMs. New business models may include: trials, subscriptions, gifting, transfers, or pay-for-use)
контекст безопасности клиентаclient security context (ssn)
контекст клиентаclient context (The object that is used to initiate any actions with the client-side object model. It is the primary entry point for the client object model, and the primary object for coordinating requests against corresponding objects in a site collection)
Максимальное время упреждения для клиентаMCLT (Maximum Client Lead Time microsoft.com bojana)
Максимальное время упреждения для клиентаMaximum Client Lead Time (MCLT microsoft.com bojana)
мастер настройки клиента Office для Microsoft Dynamics CRMMicrosoft Dynamics CRM Office client configuration wizard (The wizard that configures the Microsoft Dynamics CRM Office Client)
Метод оплаты клиента и поставщика с банковских счетов оплатыCustomer and vendor method of payment bank accounts (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
на стороне клиента или сервераat either the client or server end (Alex_Odeychuk)
наблюдение на стороне клиентаclient-side monitoring (The monitoring perspective that receives events and statistics from end user browser sessions. Rori)
накладная клиентаcustomer invoice (A source document that documents a customer payment request. When a payment is received, it can be matched to the invoice)
Налоговая аналитика клиентовCustomer tax dimension (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
неверный тип объекта для эффекта рисунка текстового клиентаtext client drawing effect object is of the wrong type (Windows 8 ssn)
недопустимое событие клиентаinvalid client event (Windows 8 ssn)
неуправляемый клиентunmanaged client (A client that is not communicating with its assigned site in the Configuration Manager hierarchy and therefore cannot receive policy or upload inventory data. Rori)
область статистики клиентаClient Statistics pane (One of the tabs that hosts the output of the client statistics information. Rori)
область статистики клиентаClient Statistics pane (One of the tabs that hosts the output of the client statistics information)
облегченная версия веб-клиента OutlookOutlook Web Access Light
обнаружение области клиентаclient realm discovery (microsoft.com bojana)
обслуживание клиентовcustomer service (A wide variety of activities intended to ensure that customers receive the goods and services they require to satisfy their needs or wants in the most effective and efficient manner possible)
Определяет элемент привязки, используемый в том случае, когда клиент должен предоставлять конечную точку службе для отправки сообщений обратно клиентуDefines the binding element that is used when the client must expose an endpoint for the service to send messages back to the client. (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 Rori)
основная система службы отчётов о состоянии клиентовclient status reporting host system (microsoft.com bojana)
отношение с клиентомopportunity relationship (In a relationship role, a relationship between a customer (account or contact) and an opportunity)
отчёт по клиентуcustomer statement (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 Rori)
параметры дистанционного обслуживания клиентовCustomer Self-Service parameters (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
пассивный клиентpassive client (microsoft.com bojana)
переключение клиента на основной ресурсclient failback (The process in which a DFS client, after being redirected (failed over) to a non-optimal folder target, reverts to a preferred folder target when it comes back online. Rori)
переключение клиента на резервный ресурсclient failover (The process in which a namespace client attempts to access subsequent targets in a referral if the first target is (or becomes) unavailable)
перспективный клиентprospect
Подробности по книге операций клиентовCustomer Ledger Entry Details (Dynamics NAV 2009 R2 Rori)
поиск потенциальных клиентовprospecting (A type of contact or meeting with a person to gauge his or her level of interest in your product or offer)
политика версий клиентовclient version policy (A set of client version rules that defines the actions to be taken when users try to log on with specific clients and client versions)
политика клиентов Configuration ManagerConfiguration Manager client policy (Configuration details for the Configuration Manager Client that are provided after client installation)
политика клиентов диспетчера конфигурацииConfiguration Manager client policy
полная интеграция разработки на стороне клиента и сервераseamless integration of client and server-side development (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
потенциальный клиентsales lead (A potential customer who must be contacted by a salesperson and either qualified or disqualified as a sales opportunity. Leads will be converted into accounts, contacts, or opportunities if they are qualified. Otherwise they are deleted or archived)
потерянный клиентorphaned client (A client that cannot communicate with its assigned site)
почтовый клиентe-mail client (An application for sending and receiving electronic messages)
почтовый клиентelectronic mail client (An application for sending and receiving electronic messages)
почтовый клиентelectronic mail client (An application for sending and receiving electronic messages. Rori)
правила брандмауэра для клиента размещённого кэшаhosted cache client firewall rules (Windows 10 ssn)
Предоставлен недопустимый контекст безопасности клиентаthe supplied client security context is invalid. (Exchange Server 2007)
представитель отдела обслуживания клиентовcustomer service representative
представитель отдела обслуживания клиентовCSR (An employee who provides service to the customers of the organization or business unit through the opening and resolution of cases, among other activities)
представитель Центра информационной поддержки клиентовCSR (An employee who provides service to the customers of the organization or business unit through the opening and resolution of cases, among other activities)
проверка подлинности клиентаclient authentication (A method of authentication by which the client in a client-server communication proves its identity to the server)
проверка подлинности с сопоставлением сертификата клиентаclient certificate mapping authentication (microsoft.com bojana)
проверка подлинности с сопоставлением SSL-сертификатов клиентовSSL client certificate mapping authentication (A method of authentication where certificates are used on the client and a mapping is made on the server (or possibly on the Active directory domain controller) to determine which client certificates should be allowed access to the site)
проводка накладной клиентаCustomer Invoice Transaction (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
проект клиента gRPCgRPC client project (Alex_Odeychuk)
прокси-клиент WinsockWinsock proxy client
простой клиентsimple client (A type of cache client that does not have a routing table and thus does not need network connectivity to all cache hosts in the cache cluster. Because data traveling to simple clients from the cluster may need to travel across multiple cache hosts, simple clients may not perform as fast as a routing clients)
развёртывание клиент-серверного приложенияweb app deploy (в котором клиентом выступает обозреватель сайтов, а сервером – сервер интернета Alex_Odeychuk)
разработка на стороне клиента и сервераclient and server-side development
расчёты с клиентамиaccounts receivable (A group of posting accounts that show the amounts customers owe for services or sales made on credit)
расширение клиентаclient extension (A category of customizations that enable configuration of client extension controls)
расширенный клиентadvanced client (ssn)
расширенный клиентAdvanced Client (An SMS 2003 client type, supported on Windows 2000 or later operating systems, that can be assigned to a Configuration Manager mixed mode site)
родительский клиентparent customer (An account that is immediately above a contact entity. Any action taken on the account entity can propagate to the child contact entity)
сеанс безопасности клиентаclient security session (ssn)
секрет клиентаclient secret (Part of the code that allows Open Authorization (OAuth). Client secrets are linked to client IDs. You can have multiple client secrets linked to a single Client ID)
сертификат клиентаclient certificate (A digital certificate that functions in a manner that is similar to a driver's license or passport. Client certificates can contain detailed identification information about the user and organization that issued the certificate)
SSL-сертификат клиентаSSL client certificate
сертификат проверки подлинности клиентаclient authentication certificate (microsoft.com bojana)
сеть типа "клиент-сервер"dedicated server network (lain)
система сайта управления интернет-клиентамиInternet-based site system (A site system role that allows connections from clients when they are managed over the Internet. Rori)
скидка клиентуcustomer discount (A price reduction for a particular customer)
Службам развёртывания Windows не удаётся создать начальную структуру папок для этого клиентаWindows Deployment Services is unable to create the initial folder structure for the client. (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
собственный клиентnative client (Ding_an_sich)
событие клиентаclient event (ssn)
Создание учётных номеров клиентов.Generation of customer payment reference numbers (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
сообщение для определённого клиентаclient-specific message (microsoft.com bojana)
список групп безопасности клиентаlist of client security groups (Windows 8 ssn)
статус клиентаclient status (A feature that monitors the health and activity of the Configuration Manager client and that can take remedial action if it is required)
счёт клиентаcustomer account
тип клиентаclient type (Information that determines how a cache client functions and impacts the performance of your application. There are two client types: a simple client type and a routing client type)
торговое соглашение с клиентомcustomer trade agreement (A fixed-price agreement that a company enters into with one or more customers in relation to sales prices or discounts for costs associated with the completion of a project (labor, expenses, and fees))
точка обновления программного обеспечения интернет-клиентовInternet-based software update point (The software update point for a site that accepts communication from only client computers on the Internet. There can be only one active Internet-based software update point)
требования, предъявляемые к клиентуcustomer requirements (stachel)
управление клиент-серверным приложениемweb app manage (в котором клиентом выступает обозреватель сайтов, а сервером – сервер интернета Alex_Odeychuk)
управление клиентами через ИнтернетInternet-based client management (A feature in Configuration Manager that allows you to manage computers that have the Configuration Manager client agent but do not connect into the network through a VPN or dial-up connection)
CRM, управление отношениями с клиентамиCRM (The process of building profitable customer relationships through the delivery of highly targeted interactions at all customer touch points by aligning marketing, sales and service functions and systems)
управление отношениями с клиентамиcustomer relations management (The business area related to managing a company's interactions with its customers, including sales, service, and delivery of product. Software solutions are designed and implemented specifically to manage this business area)
управление отношениями с клиентамиcustomer relationship management
уровень клиентаclient layer (The layer that resides closest to your application, and that your application uses to communicate directly with SQL Azure. The client layer can reside on-premises in your data center, or it can be hosted in Microsoft Azure. Rori)
файл клиента пулаsharer file (A file using resources from another file, which can be another project file or a file containing only resource information, called a resource pool)
фильтр версий клиентовclient version filter (Restricts the client versions that are used in a Lync Server environment)
центр обслуживания клиентовcustomer service (A business department that deals with routine inquiries and complaints from customers. Rori)
центр обслуживания клиентовcustomer service center (A business department that deals with routine inquiries and complaints from customers)
элемент управления расширения клиентаclient extension control (A user interface control that can be added to Microsoft Dynamics CRM entity forms and within the application toolbar or navigation area of an entity form. These controls are configured in XML within ISV.Config and are designed to allow the inclusion of functionality from another web application within Microsoft Dynamics CRM. There are three types of client extension controls: Menu Items, Buttons, Entity Form Navigation areas)