
Terms for subject Microsoft containing кластер | all forms | exact matches only
автоматизация отказоустойчивого кластераfailover cluster automation (ssn)
адаптер кластераcluster adapter (The adapter that, when using multiple network adapters in each host of a Network Load Balancing cluster, handles the network traffic for cluster operations (the traffic for all hosts in the cluster). This adapter is programmed with the host's cluster IP address)
адрес кластера в интрасетиCluster Intranet address (Windows Server 2008 Rori)
URL-адреса кластеров в интрасетиIntranet cluster URLs (Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 Rori)
амортизация кластера основных фондовlow-value pool depreciation (In Australia, a fixed-asset depreciation method. Depreciation is calculated as the sum of low-cost assets (acquisitions) added to the pool in the current fiscal year + second element costs (acquisition adjustments) added in the current fiscal year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage first-year rate regardless of when they were acquired in the year) + low-value assets added to the pool in the current fiscal year + closing net book value from the previous year (depreciated using the low-value pool percentage rate))
в кластереin cluster (говоря о вычислительном кластере Alex_Odeychuk)
Введите норму амортизации для кластера низкой стоимостиEnter the depreciation rate for the low value pool. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
виртуальный кластерVC (vlad-and-slav)
восстановление кластераcluster repair (A repair operation in which all missing or corrupt files are replaced, all missing or corrupt registry keys are replaced and all missing or invalid configuration values are set to default values)
действия для кластераcluster actions (microsoft.com bojana)
дисковый ресурс кластераcluster disk resource (A disk on a cluster storage device)
диспетчер отказоустойчивости кластеровfailover cluster manager (microsoft.com bojana)
журнал кластераcluster log (A trace log of Cluster service events and activities on a node)
журнал событий кластераcluster event log (Windows 7 ssn)
кворум кластераcluster quorum (microsoft.com bojana)
кластер балансировки сетевой нагрузкиNLB cluster (network load balancing cluster microsoft.com bojana)
кластер кэшаcache cluster (The instantiation of the distributed cache service, made up of one or more instances of the cache host service working together to store and distribute data. Data is stored in memory to minimize response times for data requests. This clustering technology differs from Windows Clustering)
Кластер низкой стоимости определяет норму амортизации, используемую для проводкиthe low value pool type determines the depreciation rate used for a transaction (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1)
кластер с единым хранилищемsingle copy cluster (A clustered Exchange deployment that uses shared storage and can have multiple active and passive servers (referred to as nodes) dedicated to a clustered mailbox server)
кластер с непрерывной репликациейcluster continuous replication (A replication that combines the asynchronous log shipping and replay features built into Exchange 2007 with the failover and management features provided by a failover cluster that is created with the Microsoft Windows Cluster service)
кластер с несколькими подсетямиmulti-subnet cluster (A failover cluster in which each node is located in a different subnet)
кластер серверовserver cluster (A group of servers that are in one location and that are networked together for the purpose of sharing workload: Таненбаум Э.С., ван Стин М. Распределённые системы. – 3-е изд., 2021)
Клиенты используют виртуальные серверы для доступа к приложениям в кластереClients use virtual servers to access applications in a cluster (Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 SP1 Rori)
конфигурация кластераcluster configuration (ssn)
манифест кластераcluster manifest (A schematized xml document that describes the nodes forming a Windows Fabric cluster. Rori)
место хранения данных о конфигурации кластераcluster configuration storage location (ssn)
не поддерживающее кластер приложениеcluster-unaware application (An application that can run on a cluster node and be managed as a cluster resource but that does not support the Cluster API)
непрерывная репликация в кластереcluster continuous replication (A replication that combines the asynchronous log shipping and replay features built into Exchange 2007 with the failover and management features provided by a failover cluster that is created with the Microsoft Windows Cluster service)
общая группа отказоустойчивых кластеровFailover Cluster Common (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
общий том кластераCluster Shared Volume (A feature that simplifies the configuration and management of Hyper-V virtual machines in failover clusters. With CSV, on a failover cluster that runs Hyper-V, multiple virtual machines can use the same disk yet fail over independently of one another. CSV provides increased flexibility for volumes in clustered storage-for example, it allows you to keep system files separate from data to optimize disk performance, even if the system files and the data are contained within virtual hard disk files)
общий том кластераcluster shared volume (ssn)
ориентированный на кластерcluster-aware (используется для обозначения продукта, ориентированного на использование в отказоустойчивом кластере iliy)
оснастка диспетчера отказоустойчивости кластеровFailover Cluster Manager snap-in (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster running the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system. Rori)
оснастка отказоустойчивого кластераfailover cluster snap-in (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster. Rori)
оснастка управления отказоустойчивым кластеромfailover cluster management snap-in (ssn)
оснастка управления отказоустойчивым кластеромFailover Cluster Management snap-in (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster running the Windows Server 2008 operating system)
отказоустойчивый кластер WindowsWindows Failover Cluster (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
отказоустойчивый кластерfailover cluster (A group of servers that are in one location and that are networked together for the purpose of providing live backup in case one of the servers fails)
отказоустойчивый кластерfailover cluster (кластер, обеспечивающий отказоустойчивую работу какого-либо сервиса iliy)
отказоустойчивый кластер корпорации МайкрософтMicrosoft Failover Cluster (Windows 8.1 Rori)
пакет администрирования отказоустойчивого кластераFailover Cluster AdminPak (Windows 7 Rori)
поддерживающее кластер приложениеcluster-aware application (An application that can run on a cluster node and that can be managed as a cluster resource. Cluster-aware applications use the Cluster API to receive status and notification information from the server cluster)
поддерживающий кластерcluster-aware (iliy)
порт кластераcluster port (A TCP/IP port used by the cache hosts to manage the cache cluster. The port number used for the cluster ports can be different on each cache host. These settings are maintained in the cluster configuration settings)
приложение, не поддерживающее кластерcluster-unaware application
приложение, поддерживающее кластерcluster-aware application
Расширения сетевых общих ресурсов отказоустойчивых кластеровFailover Cluster Network Share Extensions (Windows 8 Rori)
ресурс кластера высокой надёжностиhighly available cluster resource (microsoft.com bojana)
роль управления кластеромcluster management role (A cluster management function that can be performed by lead hosts or a database server. The cluster management role is responsible for managing the cache hosts and, ultimately, the cache cluster)
сервер автоматизации отказоустойчивого кластераfailover cluster automation server (Windows 8 ssn)
сеть кластераcluster network (A group of independent computers that work together to provide a common set of services and present a single-system image to clients. The use of a cluster enhances the availability of the services and the scalability and manageability of the operating system that provides the services)
система хранения данных кластераcluster storage (Storage where one or more attached disks hold data used either by server applications running on the cluster or by applications for managing the cluster. Each disk on the cluster storage is owned by only one node of the cluster. The ownership of disks moves from one node to another when the disk group fails over or moves to the other node. Rori)
служба кластеровCluster service (The essential software component that controls all aspects of server cluster or failover cluster operation and manages the cluster configuration database)
событие кластераcluster event (ssn)
состояние кластераcluster state (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
средство отказоустойчивости кластеровfailover clustering feature (microsoft.com bojana)
узел кластераcluster node (An individual computer in a server cluster)
управление отказоустойчивым кластеромfailover cluster management (ssn)
управление отказоустойчивым кластеромmanaging a failover cluster (Windows 8 Rori)
установка отказоустойчивого кластераfailover cluster installation (Alex_Odeychuk)
учётная запись запуска от имени кластераCluster Run As account (System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012 Rori)