
Terms for subject Microsoft containing классы | all forms | exact matches only
базовый классbase class (A class from which other classes are derived by inheritance)
выбор классаclass selector (In cascading style sheets, a name identifying a user-defined style. Depending on how it's defined, a class selector can be used with a single type of tag or with any HTML tag inside the BODY element)
директива создания псевдонима классаalias directive for a class (Alex_Odeychuk)
директива создания псевдонима обобщённого классаalias directive for a generic class (Alex_Odeychuk)
драйвер классаclass driver (An intermediate driver that provides a simple interface between a minidriver and the operating system)
идентификатор классаclass identifier (A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a COM component. Each COM component has its CLSID in the Windows registry so that it can be loaded by other applications)
идентификатор классаclass ID (A universally unique identifier (UUID) that identifies a COM component. Each COM component has its CLSID in the Windows registry so that it can be loaded by other applications)
имя классаclass name (A predefined name used to refer to an OLE object in Visual Basic. A class name consists of the name of the application used to create the OLE object, the object's type, and, optionally, the version number of the application)
имя класса внутрипроцессной серверной DLLclass name of an in-proc server DLL (ssn)
имя класса обработчика событийevent handler class name (Office System 2010 ssn)
имя класса событийevent class name (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
инициализировать пользовательские классы значениямиinitialize custom classes with values (microsoft.com bojana)
класс адресовaddress class (A predefined grouping of Internet addresses with each class defining networks of a certain size. The range of numbers that can be assigned for the first octet in the IP address is based on the address class. Class A networks (values 1 to 127) are the largest, with more than 16 million hosts per network. Class B networks (128 to 191) have up to 65,534 hosts per network, and Class C (192 to 223) can have up to 254 hosts per network)
класс аргумента события строкиrow event argument class (Visual Studio 2010 ssn)
класс атрибутовattribute class (A container object that groups related attributes within an object type)
класс ведения журналаlogger class (A class that implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger interface)
класс данных POCOPOCO data class (A class in the Entity Framework that does not inherit from another class or implement an interface)
класс единиц измеренияunit class (A classification of units of measurement)
Класс журнала событий NT NPSNPS NT Event Log Class (Windows 8 ssn)
класс журнала событийevent log class (ssn)
класс-интерфейсinterface class (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
класс кода программной частиcode-behind class (A class that is accessed by an .aspx file, but resides in a separate file (such as a .dll or .cs file). For example, you can write a code-behind class that creates an ASP.NET custom server control, contains code that is called from an .aspx file, but does not reside within the .aspx file)
класс кодировкиencoding class (A class which represents a character encoding)
класс контентаcontent class (A Web Storage System content class defines the intent or purpose of an item along with the names of properties that are intended for items in this class)
класс метаданныхclass meta-data
Класс не поддерживает автоматизациюClass doesn't support automation (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Класс не поддерживает программирование объектовClass does not support OLE Automation (Office System 2010 ssn)
класс-оболочкаwrapper class (A class that takes an existing class, and provides it with a new interface)
класс обработчика событийevent handler class (ssn)
класс объектовobject class (A category of objects that share a common set of characteristics)
класс перечислителяenumerator class (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
Класс поддерживает автоматизациюClass supports automation (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
класс поддерживающего кодаcode-behind class (A class that is accessed by an .aspx file, but resides in a separate file (such as a .dll or .cs file). For example, you can write a code-behind class that creates an ASP.NET custom server control, contains code that is called from an .aspx file, but does not reside within the .aspx file)
класс приложенияapp class (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
класс, размещённый во внутрипроцессной серверной DLLclass hosted in the in-proc server DLL (ssn)
Класс, размещённый во внутрипроцессной серверной DLL, будет активирован для фоновой активации, будет вызван метод Run этого классаthe class hosted in the in-proc server DLL is activated for background activation, and its Run method is invoked (Visual Studio 2012)
класс разрешенийpermission class (A class that defines access to a resource or defines an indentity by supporting authorization checks)
класс сериализацииserialization class (A class designed to serialize and deserialize objects)
класс событийevent class (In SQL Trace, a collection of properties that define an event)
класс событияEvent class (The class that indicates whether an event is a '.NET Performance Event', '.NET Exception Event', 'Client-Side Exception Event', or a 'Client-Side Performance Event')
класс содержимогоcontent class
класс сообщенийmessage class (Used by Microsoft Exchange to identify, locate, and open a form)
класс сопоставленияassociation class (A class that describes a relationship between two classes or between instances of two classes. The properties of an association class include pointers, or references, to the two classes or instances)
класс субъектовactor class (The basic component of a ROOM structure diagram. The space inside the actor can contain actor references, behavior end ports, reference ports, bindings, and layer connections. The border can contain class relay ports and class end ports)
класс тестовой заглушкиtest stub class (ssn)
класс элементов конфигурацииconfiguration item class (A collection of configuration items. Groups can contain members of different configuration items classes (for example, a computer and a user). Rori)
класс этого событияclass of this event (SQL Server 2008 ssn)
классы автоматизации MFCMFC Automation classes (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
классы адресовaddress classes
классы интерфейсаinterface classes (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
классы событийevent classes (Windows 8 ssn)
ключ классаclass key (The subset of data members of a class whose values uniquely identify an instance of the class)
комбинированный классcombination class (A feature in Service Manager that is used mostly in reports and in views to display information from multiple classes that are defined in Service Manager)
конкретный классconcrete class (In Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI), a class from which you can create an instance because it has a full implementation)
конструктор классовClass Designer (A fully-functional, visual design environment for the Common Language Runtime)
модуль классаclass module (A module that can contain the definition for a new object. Each instance of a class creates a new object. Procedures defined in the module become properties and methods of the object)
недопустимое объявление классаinvalid class declaration (Windows 8.1 ssn)
новые классы событийnew event classes (ssn)
новый класс событийnew event class (ssn)
обнаруженные классы событийevent classes found (Windows 8 ssn)
общий мастер класса C++generic C++ class wizard (ssn)
общий мастер класса C++Generic C++ Class Wizard (A wizard that adds a C++ class to a project. This generic C++ class does not inherit from ATL or MFC)
объявление класса приложенияdeclaration of the app class (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
окно подробного представления классаClass Details Window (A window in Visual Studio Class Designer that you can use to configure the members of a type. By default, the Class Details Window appears automatically when you open a new class diagram)
параметризованный классparameterized class (In a static structure diagram, a template that describes a class with one or more unbound formal parameters. It defines a family of classes, each of which is specified by binding the parameters to actual values)
переменная пользовательского классаcustom class variable (microsoft.com bojana)
представление классовClass View (A window that displays the symbols defined, referenced, or called in the application you are developing)
производный классderived class (In object-oriented programming, a class created from another class, called the base class. A derived class inherits all the features of its base class. It can then add data elements and routines, redefine routines from the base class, and restrict access to base-class features)
пустое объявление классаempty class declaration (Visual Studio Web Tooling 2012 ssn)
разделяемый классpartial class (A class whose definition is split over two or more source files. Each source file contains a section of the class definition, and all parts are combined when the application is compiled)
разработчик производных классовinheritor (The developer who creates a derived class from an existing class in object-oriented programming)
связанный классassociated class (Windows 7 Rori)
связь членов классаclass member relation (An association between specific data members of the two classes in a class relation. Rori)
связь членов классаclass member relation (An association between specific data members of the two classes in a class relation)
сгенерированный компилятором класс перечислителяcompiler-written enumerator class (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
содержаться в обобщённом классеbe contained within a generic class (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
создать класс реализацииcreate the implementation class (Alex_Odeychuk)
создать класс реализации вручнуюcreate the implementation class manually (Alex_Odeychuk)
строка с именем классаclass-name string (Alex_Odeychuk)
схема классовclass diagram (A visual and static representation of classes and the relationships between them)
тестовый классtest class (Any class that is marked with the TestClass attribute)
Типы: классы с реализациями интерфейсовTypes: classes with interface implementations (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
указанный класс тестовой заглушкиspecified test stub class (Exchange Server 2007 ssn)
универсальный классgeneric class (ssn)
универсальный класс принтеровGeneric Printer Class (Andy)
устойчивый классconcrete class
фабрика классаclass factory (An object that implements the IClassFactory interface, which enables it to create objects of a specific class)
хранилище класса PremiumPremium Storage (An SSD-based storage offering low latency and high throughput designed to support demanding enterprise workload in the cloud, suitable for I/O intensive applications. Rori)