
Terms for subject Microsoft containing каталог | all forms | exact matches only
базовый каталогbase catalog (A catalog containing product data that is referenced by a virtual catalog. Base catalogs are stored in the catalog database)
блок управления каталогамиdirectory control block (An internal NT file system (NTFS) structure in which the file system maintains the state for an open instance of a directory file)
блок управления каталогамиDCB
веб-каталогweb directory (A list of Web sites, giving the URL and a description of each)
виртуальный каталогvirtual directory (A name used to access the contents of any Exchange store using a Web browser. The virtual directory name is used to open a mailbox as well as browse the folders of a public store. This name is also used in URLs using the Microsoft Internet Publishing Provider (MSDAIPP), which includes both hyperlinks in Web pages as well as Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects client-side code)
глобальный каталогGC (Global Catalog microsoft.com bojana)
глобальный каталогglobal catalog
данные каталогаcatalog data (The content of the catalog, including data about the individual product items and their organized categories)
данные каталога событийevent catalog data (ssn)
закрытый каталогprivate catalog (Andy)
исходный каталогsource directory (The folder that contains the file or files to be copied or moved)
исходный каталог пакетаpackage source directory (A directory containing Configuration Manager package source files that are used for package distribution)
каталог аналитики активовAsset Intelligence catalog (A Configuration Manager catalog that contains categorization and identification information for software titles and versions, which is used to classify inventoried software)
каталог базы данныхdatabase catalog (The part of a database that contains the definition of all the objects in the database, as well as the definition of the database)
каталог бизнес-данныхbusiness data catalog
каталог веб-сайтовSite Directory (The name of the central location from which to view and access all Web sites associated with a specific portal site)
каталог временных файловscratch directory (A temporary directory used by the operating system or some other program to temporarily store data until the current session is terminated)
каталог закупаемой продукцииprocurement catalog (A listing of product offerings that are grouped by procurement category. A procurement catalog is used to request products for internal use by an organization)
каталог категорийcategory catalog (A collection of category items that are used only for purchase requisitions)
каталог лентtape catalog (A catalog that maps data to the tape on which the data is stored)
каталог макросовMacro Catalog (A catalog that is part of the Macro Designer and contains all available macros and actions)
каталог назначенияdestination directory (Andy)
каталог поставщикаvendor catalog (A listing of product offerings that are available for purchase from a vendor)
каталог поставщиков ссылочных данныхreference data providers catalog (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
каталог поставщиков ссылочных данных в сетиonline reference data providers catalog (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
каталог приложений Configuration ManagerConfiguration Manager Application Catalog (The web-based view of the applications that are available for a user to search, browse, request, and install)
каталог приложенийapp catalog (ssn)
каталог продукцииproduct catalog
каталог раскладкиPickup directory (A directory that receives RFC-822 compliant files from the file system for the purpose of creating message objects that can be passed to the Submission queue)
каталог сборкиbuild directory (A folder location on the development system in which the run-time image is placed during the build process)
каталог событийevent catalog (хранилище метаданных событий, используемое приложениями для извлечения информации о классах событий и их разрешенном содержимом. См. глоссарий основных терминов, применяемых в IBM WebSphere Business Services Fabric версии 7.0; MS Windows 8 ssn)
каталог событий IP-адресовIP event catalog (ssn)
каталог составного файлаcompound file directory (A structure used to contain per-stream information about the streams in a compound file)
каталог услугservice catalog (The list of published service offerings)
каталог установкиInstallation directory (The directory where the installer for the application virtualization sequencer places its files)
каталог Центра обновления МайкрософтMicrosoft Update Catalog (A Microsoft site that provides a comprehensive listing of updates that can be distributed over a corporate network)
Каталог является сетевым ресурсом или устройством, сопоставленным с сетевым ресурсом.the directory is on a network share or drive mapped to a network share. (Visual Studio 2012)
код каталогаdirectory ID (An identifier that is given to a customer record to indicate that the customer is the same as a corresponding customer record in another company that shares the same directory ID)
корневой каталогroot directory (The uppermost directory on a computer, partition or volume)
корневой каталогroot domain
корневой каталог документовdocument root
корневой каталог документовhome directory
корневой каталог документовWeb root
корневой каталог пакетаpackage root directory (The directory on the sequencing computer on which files for the sequenced application package are installed. This directory also exists virtually on the computer to which a sequenced application will be streamed)
набор каталоговcatalog set (A group of one or more catalogs)
объединение в каталогcatalog merge (ssn)
очистка данных каталога событийpurge event catalog data (Windows 8 ssn)
Ошибка каталогаDirectory Error (Andy)
Ошибка при получении уровня стандартного фильтра нежелательной почты из каталогаthere was an error obtaining the Unsolicited Commercial Email default filter level from the directory (Exchange Server 2010)
полнотекстовый каталогfull-text catalog (A collection of full-text index components and other files that are organized in a specific directory structure and contain the data that is needed to perform queries)
Получить данные каталога событийRetrieve Event Catalog Data (Windows 8 ssn)
представления каталогаcatalog views (Built-in views that form the system catalog for SQL Server)
просмотр каталогаdirectory browsing
просмотр каталога событий IP-адресовpreview of IP event catalog (Windows 8 ssn)
репликация электронной почты каталогаdirectory e-mail replication (microsoft.com bojana)
сервер глобального каталогаglobal catalog server (A domain controller that holds a copy of the global catalog for the forest)
скопировать все файлы и подкаталоги из каталога в папку установкиcopy the complete contents of the directory to an installation folder (Alex_Odeychuk)
следящий каталогwitness directory (A directory that is created and shared on a witness server for use by a database availability group that has an even number of members)
службы Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогамActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services
службы облегченного доступа к каталогамLightweight Directory Services
службы Active Directory облегченного доступа к каталогамAD LDS
службы Active Directory облёгченного доступа к каталогам, AD LDSAD LDS (A Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service that provides flexible support for directory-enabled applications, without the restrictions of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
службы Active Directory облёгченного доступа к каталогамActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services (A Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) directory service that provides flexible support for directory-enabled applications, without the restrictions of Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
схема каталогаcatalog schema (A description of a catalog that specifies its category definitions, product definitions, and property definitions. Several catalogs can share one schema)
точка веб-сайта каталога приложенийApplication Catalog website point (A Configuration Manager site system role that provides users with a list of available software from the Application Catalog Rori)
точка веб-службы каталога приложенийApplication Catalog web service point (A Configuration Manager site system role that provides application information from the Software Library to the Application Catalog website. Rori)
точка синхронизации каталога аналитики активовAsset Intelligence synchronization point (A Configuration Manager site system role that connects to System Center Online to download Asset Intelligence catalog information and upload uncategorized titles so that they can be considered for future inclusion in the catalog)
транзитный каталогdrop directory (A disk directory in which an SMTP service can deposit incoming mail messages)
файл обновления каталогаCatalog Maintenance Request file (A data file of products, their descriptions and prices, and action codes that add, update, or delete product data in a vendor catalog)
целевой каталогtarget directory (The destination folder into which a file or files are to be copied or moved)
частный каталогprivate catalog (Andy)
экземпляр служб Active Directory облёгченного доступа к каталогамAD LDS instance (A single copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) directory service that includes its associated directory store and its application event log)
экземпляр служб Active Directory облёгченного доступа к каталогамActive Directory Lightweight Directory Services instance (A single copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) directory service that includes its associated directory store and its application event log)