
Terms for subject Idiomatic containing карманы | all forms
бить по кармануtake a bite out of someone's wallet (о расходах: "Rising property taxes are taking a bite out of homeowners' wallets." ART Vancouver)
бить по кармануhit in the pocket (Even without such measures, the damage to Baidu's reputation could hit it in the pocket. george serebryakov)
бить по кармануbreak one's budget (jouris-t)
бить по кармануhit someone's pocket (His creative accounting had hit our pockets. george serebryakov)
бить по кармануhit in one's pocketbook (т.е. штрафовать ART Vancouver)
бить по кармануtake a bite (out of something – обычно о расходах: "Rising property taxes are taking a bite out of homeowners' wallets." | "When life suddenly takes a bite and you have to pay for expensive prescription drugs, dental care or lengthy hospital stays, Royal Insurance has you and your family covered." ART Vancouver)
быть без гроша в карманеnot have a penny to one's name (Andrey Truhachev)
быть без гроша в карманеnot to have a penny to one's name (Andrey Truhachev)
быть не по кармануbe out of one's league (george serebryakov)
весь мир в карманеthe world is your oyster (цитата из "Виндзорские насмешницы" (Шекспир) "Пусть устрицей мне будет этот мир. Его мечом я вскрою!" Смысл, если ты молод и смел – весь мир принадлежит тебе. Mira_G)
весь мир в карманеworld is your oyster (Mira_G)
ветер гуляет в карманахbroke as a joke (NumiTorum)
держи карман шире!I'll see you further first!
держи карман ширеin your dreams (, buddy goo.gl Tanya Gesse)
держи карман шире!not on your nelly!
обычно за словом в карман не лезетnormally is not stuck for a response (Dmitry_Arch)
за словом в карман не лезтьbe ready with one's tongue (Sun2day)
за словом в карман не лезтьbe not stuck for a response (Dmitry_Arch)
за словом в карман не лезтьbe quick with the comeback (It was not the brain he once knew – always quick with the comeback and able to find the right words. • Always quick with the comeback , Jason was sure to leave you laughing. • Both were masters of wit, specializing in the art of the sexual double entendre, and were always quick with the comeback to any interviewer's question. 4uzhoj)
за словом в карман не лезтьthink one feet (think on one's feet. Yeldar Azanbayev)
за словом в карман не лезтьthink on one's feet (Yeldar Azanbayev)
за словом в карман не полезетquick on the uptake (Yeldar Azanbayev)
за словом в карман не полезетsharp as a tack (Yeldar Azanbayev)
залезть в карманput one's hand in someone else's pocket (I am not trying to put my hand in your pocket like everyone else seems to be doing. 4uzhoj)
иметь пустые карманыbe short of the ready (Andrey Truhachev)
как следует порыться у себя в карманахdig deep (We had to dig deep after our construction budget ballooned beyond what we had planned. thefreedictionary.com В.И.Макаров)
лезть в карманcount someone's money (к кому-либо: Look, I'm not counting your money, but for your grandkids, you figure you could put something out to help them. 4uzhoj)
лезть в карманrummage in someone's pocket (4uzhoj)
набить карманыpad one's pockets (SirReal)
не залезая за словом в карманfluently, without much obvious searching for expressions (Alex_Odeychuk)
не иметь ни гроша в карманеnot to have a penny to one's name (Andrey Truhachev)
не иметь ни гроша в карманеnot have a penny to one's name (Andrey Truhachev)
не по кармануout of sb.'s price reach (BC is now phasing out new gas vehicles 5 years early. EVs are out of most Canadians' price reach. Trudeau's mega f*** up of all time. Everyone will be forced to buy old cars, which puts out more emissions. I understand our situation, but don't destroy Canada just to look good. (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
не по кармануout of reach (The housing market is now out of reach for most of my buddies at work. Many make 6 figure incomes, yet cannot afford the cost of a home. (пример ART Vancouver) 4uzhoj)
он за словом в карман не полезетhe doesn't lacks for words (VLZ_58)
он за словом в карман не полезетhe is never at a loss for something to say
он за словом в карман не полезетhe is fast on the comeback
он за словом в карман не полезетhe has always a ready answer (VLZ_58)
он за словом в карман не полезетhe never has to search for words (VLZ_58)
остаться без гроша в карманеnot to have a penny to one's name (Andrey Truhachev)
остаться без гроша в карманеnot have a penny to one's name (Andrey Truhachev)
остаться с пустыми карманамиbe dead broke (Andrey Truhachev)
остаться с пустыми карманамиbe stony broke (Andrey Truhachev)
остаться с пустыми карманамиbe flat broke (Andrey Truhachev)
остаться с пустыми карманамиbe completely broke (Andrey Truhachev)
остаться с пустыми карманамиbe broke (Andrey Truhachev)
так нагло, как будто у него в кармане лежала запасная челюстьas brazenly as cat burglars (англ. словосочетание заимствовано из статьи в газете New York Times; напр., он хамил так нагло, как будто у него в кармане лежала запасная челюсть Alex_Odeychuk)
ударить по кармануtake a hit (If a car is identifiable, the insurer will go after the owner. If not, your premiums might well take a hit. ART Vancouver)