
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing каком | all forms | exact matches only
а вам какая разница?what do you care? ("Too many people who don’t belong here, foreign born.... Hong Kong, India, China, Iran, Taiwan, Korea, Africa..... and they keep coming. We were never asked." "What do you care where somebody is born?" ART Vancouver)
в какой-то моментat one point (At one point I remember just sort of saying to myself, I have to stop taking drugs but I need support. ART Vancouver)
в какой-то моментat one time or another (Everyone feels jealous at one time or another. ART Vancouver)
в какой-то моментat one stage (I confess that at one stage I just gave up. Frankly, I wanted to die. Then I heard my baby's voice and I thought, "I can't do this. I need to live." ART Vancouver)
в каком смысле?in what way? ("This is something new," she said slowly. "Something quite new." "In what way?" (Raymond Chandler ART Vancouver)
в каком смысле?what do you mean by that? (ART Vancouver)
в каком смысле?what do you mean? (ART Vancouver)
вам-то какая разница?what do you care? ("Too many people who don’t belong here, foreign born.... Hong Kong, India, China, Iran, Taiwan, Korea, Africa..... and they keep coming. We were never asked." "What do you care where somebody is born?" ART Vancouver)
если будут какие-то проблемыif there are any issues (If there are any issues, please call the property manager or knock next door at my sister's house. ART Vancouver)
если будут какие-то проблемыif any issues arise (We will be out of town until June 20. My mother-in-law will be around house sitting and dog sitting while we are gone. If any issues arise, please contact my brother Antonio. ART Vancouver)
какая разница? Всё равноwho cares as long as (A 45-storey tower or a 54-storey tower – who cares as long as many of us could not afford or dream living in it. ART Vancouver)
какая-то ерундаthis doesn't make sense (you say this when you can't solve a problem ART Vancouver)
какое-то времяfor a while (I think I'll stay with Hiroshi and Julia for a while. –- какое-то время поживу у … • I think I'll try a different toothpaste for a while. -- какое-то время буду пользоваться ... ART Vancouver)
какой он?what is he like? (Юрий Гомон)
не идти ни в какое сравнение сpale in comparison to (When they saw a motor boat in the area later that day, they were able to compare the wake that it created and indicated that it paled in comparison to the ripples created by the creature. -- не идёт ни в какое сравнение со следами на воде, оставшимися после этого животного coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
с какой стати?why should I? ("You don't have anybody tailing me around in a grey Plymouth sedan, do you?" His eyes widened sharply. He looked jarred. 'Hell, no. Why should I?' -- «С какой стати я бы это делал?» (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver)
самый ..., какой мне приходилось видетьthe best ... I have ever seen (лучший образец для популярной модели в англ. яз. ; ever *вообще* не требуется переводить на русский, эта манера уже прочно утвердилась в практике переводчиков с появлением видеофильмов: "самое великолепное парусное судно, какое мне приходилось видеть (...)" – А.С. Грин ART Vancouver)
сделать кое-какие делаdo a few chores (Sorry I didn't call right back, I had to do a few chores in the backyard. ART Vancouver)
это с какой стороны посмотретьit's all about perspective (ART Vancouver)
я ни за какие деньги не согласился быyou couldn't pay me (+ infinitive: You couldn't pay me to move back to Alberta. The housing here is more expensive by a lot but everything else kinda makes up for it. Glad I moved, wouldn't go back.(Reddit) ART Vancouver)