
Terms containing исторический труд | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
hist.исторические трудыhistorical writings (Edward also looked at the historical writings of Herodotus, who mentioned a people called the Atlanteans, situated west of Egypt. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Makarov.исторический трудhistorical work
hist.исторический трудhistorical treatise (Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov.исторический трудa historical work
gen.исторический труд, написанный с позиций психоанализаpsychohistory
gen.написанный с позиций психоанализа исторический трудpsychohistory
hist.Труды Государственного исторического музеяProceedings of the State Historical Museum, Moscow (Ruth)