
Terms for subject Microsoft containing исполняемый | all forms | exact matches only
исполняемая версияruntime version (.NET Framework 4.5 Rori)
исполняемый файлexecutable file (A file in portable executable (PE) file format that can be loaded into memory and executed by the operating system loader. It can be either an .exe or a .dll file. In the .NET context, a PE file must be translated by the common language runtime into code before it can be executed by the operating system)
исполняемый файлexecutable (Of, pertaining to, or being a program file that can be run. Executable files have extensions such as .bat, .com, and .exe)
максимум одновременно исполняемых объектовmaximum concurrent executables (ssn)
переносимый исполняемый PE файлportable executable file (The file format used for executable programs and for files to be linked together to form executable programs)