
Terms for subject Tengiz containing износа | all forms | exact matches only
боковой износ рельсаhorizontal wear (caused by wheel flanges)
волнистый износ рельсаrail fluting
износ обсадной колонныcasing wear (Aiduza)
износ рельса боковойgage wear (caused by wheel flanges)
износ рельса боковойside wear (caused by wheel flanges)
износ рельса боковойgage face loss (caused by wheel flanges)
износ рельса вертикальныйvertical wear (wear on the top of the railhead i.e. reduction of the railhead caused by the wheel tread - result of abrasive action between the steel wheel on the steel rail)
износ рельса вертикальныйtread wear (wear on the top of the railhead i.e. reduction of the railhead caused by the wheel tread - result of abrasive action between the steel wheel on the steel rail)
износ рельса вертикальныйtop wear (wear on the top of the railhead i.e. reduction of the railhead caused by the wheel tread - result of abrasive action between the steel wheel on the steel rail)
износ рельса вертикальныйhead height loss (wear on the top of the railhead i.e. reduction of the railhead caused by the wheel tread - result of abrasive action between the steel wheel on the steel rail)
муфта соединения стрелы для защиты от износа составляющих стрелы во время выпуска стрелыWear plate
равномерный износ шинtyres uneven thread (Yeldar Azanbayev)
степень абразивного износа степень истирания заполнителяaggregate abrasion value
ускоренный износ рельсаincreased rail wear