
Terms for subject Figure of speech containing идущий | all forms | exact matches only
иди рука об руку сparallel (e.g., the growth of PUA philosophy parallels the rise of feminism in academic and popular culture financial-engineer)
Идти в ногу со временемGet with the times (EidelTina)
идти нарасхватsell like hot pies (Launched exclusively in to Waitrose on the 16th November and have been selling like hot pies! Victorian)
идти против ветраbattle wind (Lemuel Gulliver)
идущий рука об рукуin tow (marketwatch.com Alex_Odeychuk)
идёт вовсюin full swing (Ivan Pisarev)
идёт полным ходомin full swing (Ivan Pisarev)
мы идем ко днуwe have split
не идти на рискplay safe (igisheva)