
Terms for subject Informal containing зоны | all forms | exact matches only
вне зоны комфортаrawdogging (The dude next to me on the plane just absolutely rawdogged his entire flight... He got on a TEN HOUR FLIGHT to Europe in jeans, no headphones, no book, no neck pillow... • Absolutely rawdogging existense Intense)
зона ближайшего развитияlearning edge (приблизительный аналог DC)
зона галифеsaddlebags (Phylonette)
зона слышимостиhailing range (the distance within which it is possible to hear someone who is calling out КГА)
на зонеinside (Alexander Demidov)
покинуть зону видимостиgo off the grid (fa158)
трёхсекундная зонаpaint