
Terms for subject Informal containing здание | all forms | exact matches only
заброшенное зданиеderry (Anglophile)
здание, на которое крайне неприятно смотретьconcrete carbuncle (a building that is extremely unpleasant to look at concrete carbuncles macmillandictionary.com suburbian)
здание остаётся недостроемbuilding remain unfinished (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
здание под сносteardown (в результате пожара, стихийного бедствия: That fire was absolutely raging. The building's going to be a teardown. ART Vancouver)
неухоженное зданиеshabby dump (988 Powell was a shabby dump, like so many of the buildings east of Main and north of Hastings. ART Vancouver)