
Terms for subject Microsoft containing запроса | all forms | exact matches only
адаптер типа "ответ на запрос"request-response adapter (A receive adapter that receives a request message from the client, submits it to the server, waits for a response, and then sends the response back to the client)
адрес запроса маршрутизаторовRouter Solicitation Address (Windows 8 Rori)
URL-адрес запроса по ИД документаDocument ID Lookup URL (A URL that is based on a query using the Document ID rather than the physical location of the item)
URL-адрес запроса по ИД документаDocument ID Lookup URL (A URL that is based on a query using the Document ID rather than the physical location of the item. Rori)
активность запроса проверки подлинностиauthentication challenge activity (A Windows Workflow Foundation activity that is used to configure a challenge that will be issued to a user in order to authenticate to ILM "2")
веб-запросWeb query (A query that retrieves data stored on your intranet or the Internet)
веб-служба запросовQuery Web Service (A Provisioning Server Web service that responds to customer service related queries from solution providers Rori)
веб-служба запросовRequest Web Service (A Web service that accepts requests from solution providers to manage computers with FlexGo technology. Rori)
видео по запросуvideo on demand (A technology that includes systems, services, and standards for the interactive delivery of streaming video to multimedia clients such as digital set-top boxes)
вложенный запросsub-query (Andy)
вложенный запросsubquery (A SELECT statement that contains one or more subqueries)
вложенный запросnested query (A SELECT statement that contains one or more subqueries)
время записи запросовquery log time (Andy)
входной запросinput query (SQL Server 2012, System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 Rori)
входящий запрос маршрутизатораincoming router request (Windows 10 Rori)
выполнение запроса на обслуживаниеservice request fulfillment (The process for managing service requests)
выполнить запросexecute query (SQL Server 2008, Visual Studio 2010, SQL Server 2012 Rori)
выполнять слияние изменений с главной веткой кода посредством запросов на включение измененийmerge changes into the main branch with pull requests (Alex_Odeychuk)
выражение запросаquery expression (An expression that uses a language-integrated syntax for queries)
глобальный список блокировки запросовGlobal Query Block List (microsoft.com bojana)
графический конструктор запросовgraphical query designer (A query designer provided by the Reporting Services that allows the user to interactively build a query and view the results for data source types SQL Server, Oracle, OLE DB, and ODBC)
данные запросаquery data (Andy)
дерево запросовrequest tree (The tree of nodes that contains HTTP requests)
для отчётов по расходам и запросов денежных авансов требуется уникальный код последовательности номеров.A number sequence code is required for both Expense reports and Cash advance requests (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
естественный синтаксис запросовnatural query syntax (A search method that lets you direct your search using conversational language)
журнал запросовquery log (Andy)
журнал запросов предложенийRFQ journal (A journal that tracks the status of RFQs)
заголовок запросаrequest header (An informational listing at the top of an HTTP request: Let’s use JSON files to store the localized strings and implement middleware to switch languages via language keys in the request header.)
запрос в диапазонеrange query (A query that specifies a range of values as part of the search criteria, such as all rows from 10 through 100)
запрос в службу поддержкиservice ticket (A correspondence in which a customer notifies a business of a problem or asks for assistance. Rori)
запрос в службу поддержкиsupport ticket (A correspondence in which a customer notifies a business of a problem or asks for assistance)
запрос "вставка в"Insert Into query (A query that copies specific columns and rows from one table to another or to the same table)
запрос "вставка значений"Insert Values query (A query (SQL statement) that creates a new row and inserts values into specified columns)
запрос выполнения задачиtask request (ssn)
запрос данных ссылкиreference data request (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
запрос защиты от программ-роботовHIP challenge (A challenge meant to be easily solved by humans, while remaining too hard to be economically solved by computers)
Запрос и выполнение выбранной командыPrompts for and then executes a selected command (Office System 2010 Rori)
запрос измененияupdate request (A request to change the attributes of an object)
запрос изображения всплывающего уведомленияtoast image request (Windows 8 ssn)
запрос ключаKey Query (Windows 8 Rori)
Запрос контентаContent Query (A Web Part that queries data from multiple sources within a site collection and presents that data in a custom view)
запрос на ввод учётных данныхcredential prompt (A dialog box that appears when a user is requested to confirm whether an administrative process should be permitted to start. The user can approve the process by providing a user name and password for an administrator account, or the user can cancel the process by clicking Cancel)
запрос на включение внёсенных измененийpull request (vlad-and-slav)
запрос на добавлениеappend query (An action query that adds the records in a query's result set to the end of an existing table)
запрос на добавление нового контактаContact requests (The tab on the Family Safety website that displays requests a child has made via e-mail to have new contacts added)
запрос на изменениеchange request (A means of proposing a change to any component of an IT infrastructure or any aspect of an IT Service. It may be a document or record in which the nature and details of and the justification and authorization for the proposed change are entered)
запрос на изменениеaction query (A query that copies or changes data)
Запрос на обновление дерева проекта отклонён.the request to update the project tree was rejected. (Visual Studio 2012)
запрос на обслуживаниеSR (A request from a customer for a service)
запрос на обслуживаниеservice request (A request from a customer for a service)
запрос на повышение правOTS (A version of elevation prompt that allows an administrator to enter administrative credentials to allow a process to run with the full access token of the administrator during the standard user session)
запрос на повышение правOver The Shoulder (A version of elevation prompt that allows an administrator to enter administrative credentials to allow a process to run with the full access token of the administrator during the standard user session)
запрос на повышение правelevation prompt (A dialog box that appears when a user is requested to confirm whether an administrative process should be permitted to start. An elevation prompt will either be displayed as a consent prompt or a credential prompt, depending upon Group Policy settings and user account type)
запрос на подключениеconnection request (Andy)
запрос на покупкуpurchase request (An economic event that generates requirements for products)
запрос на посещение веб-сайтаWebsite requests (The tab on the Family Safety website that displays requests a child has made via e-mail to view a blocked website)
запрос на продолжениеconsent prompt (A dialog box that appears when a user is requested to confirm whether an administrative process should be permitted to start. The user can approve the process by clicking Continue or cancel the process by clicking Cancel. Rori)
запрос на транспортировкуtransportation demand (ssn)
запрос о состоянииquery state (Windows 7 ssn)
запрос о состоянии таймераquery timer state (Windows Server 2008 ssn)
запрос объектовobject query (A query executed against an EDM within an object context that returns data as objects)
запрос, ограниченный коллекциейcollection-limited query (A query that is scoped to include only resources that are in a specified collection)
запрос определения данныхdata-definition query (An SQL-specific query that contains data definition language (DDL) statements. These statements allow you to create or alter objects in the database)
запрос, основанный на методеmethod-based query (A query expressed as a direct method call to one or more Standard Query Operators)
запрос пакета миграцииmigration batch request (The action of submitting a migration batch for migration from an on-premises messaging system to an e-mail system in the cloud)
запрос параметрparameter query
Запрос ПОRequest software (ssn)
запрос по образцуQFE
Запрос по столбцам финансового отчётаQuery for columns on the financial statement. (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
запрос портов интерфейсаquery interface ports (Windows 8 ssn)
запрос после всех преобразованийQuery after all transformations (SharePoint Search 2013 Rori)
запрос потомкаdescendant query (Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
запрос предложенияrequest for quotation (A source document that documents an invitation to bid on supplying a quantity of product for a specified price and by a specified date)
запрос предложенияRFQ (A source document that documents an invitation to bid on supplying a quantity of product for a specified price and by a specified date)
запрос предложенияrequest for quote
запрос при первом запускеFirst-Run Opt-In (Windows 7, Internet Explorer 9 Rori)
запрос проверки подлинностиauthentication challenge (A dialog that requires the user to provide a response in order to authenticate to ILM "2")
запрос проверки связиecho request (Simple troubleshooting message used to check IP connectivity to a desired host)
запрос проектаproject query (A query that is saved for all users of a project)
запрос рабочего элементаwork item query (A specialized SELECT statement containing a WHERE clause, and COLUMN and SORT BY elements. Work Item Query is modeled after SQL queries)
запрос с параметрамиparameter query (A type of query that, when you run it, prompts for values (criteria) to use to select the records for the result set so that the same query can be used to retrieve different result sets)
запрос событияevent query (A WMI Query Language statement that event consumers use to register to receive notification of specific events. An event provider uses an event query to register to generate notifications of specific events)
запрос согласияPrompt for consent (Windows 8 Rori)
запрос TCP-соединенияTCP connect request (The first of three packets used to establish a TCP connection between two computers)
Запрос состояния портаQuery Port State (Windows 7 ssn)
запрос ссылающихся сборокQuerying referencing assemblies (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
запрос страницы приложенияApplication Page Request (The option that specifies events triggered by the service application when locating a server for loading a PowerPivot data source and communicating with other servers in the farm. Rori)
запрос типа "звезда"star query (A query that joins a fact table and a number of dimension tables)
запрос утвержденияapproval request (A request that is sent to an approver in the ILM Service as part of the processing of an approval activity)
запросы, поступающие из стран, указанных по кодуrequests that originate from the countries specified by their country code
Запросы с небольшим числом переходов по ссылкамQueries With Low Clickthrough (Office System 2010 Rori)
запуск запросаrun query (Andy)
имя подключаемого модуля для запросаName of the Plugin to be queried (Windows 8.1 Rori)
интенсивность прохождения заданий через пул потоков запросовrate of jobs through the query thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
итоговый запросtotals query (A query that displays a summary calculation, such as an average or sum, for values in various fields from a table or tables. A totals query is not a separate kind of query; rather, it extends the flexibility of select queries)
итоговый запросtotals query (A query that displays a summary calculation, such as an average or sum, for values in various fields from a table or tables. A totals query is not a separate kind of query; rather, it extends the flexibility of select queries. Rori)
клиентские компьютеры, для которых не удалось выполнить запросclient computers that cannot be queried (Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard Rori)
ключевое слово запросаquery keyword (A contextual keyword in C and Visual Basic that designates the query clause of a query expression. For example, from, join, and select are query keywords in C, and From, Join, and Select are query keywords in Visual basic)
конструирование запроса данных ссылкиreference data request construction (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
конструктор запросовquery design (All elements included in the Query window, such as tables, criteria, the order in which fields are arranged, and so on. The design also specifies whether Auto Query is turned on, and whether you can edit the source data)
конструктор запросовquery designer (A tool that helps a user create the query command that specifies the data the user wants in a report dataset)
Конструктор запросовquery design
контекст запросаrequest context (Alex_Odeychuk)
Контент по запросуContent by Query (A Web Part that queries data from multiple sources within a site collection and presents that data in a custom view)
лимит утверждения суммы запроса покупкиrequest amount approval limit (The maximum amount on a purchase request document that an approver is allowed to approve)
максимальное число одновременно выполняемых запросов в одном сеансеmaximum concurrent queries per session (ssn)
маршрутизация запросов приложенийARR (A proxy-based routing and load-balancing module for IIS 7. This module uses information gathered from HTTP headers and server variables and then leverages the URL Rewrite module to make routing decisions at the application layer)
маршрутизация запросов приложенийApplication Request Routing (A proxy-based routing and load-balancing module for IIS 7. This module uses information gathered from HTTP headers and server variables and then leverages the URL Rewrite module to make routing decisions at the application layer)
метод запросаrequest method (A method that uses GET or POST)
механизм поддержки состояния представления между запросамиview state (Alex_Odeychuk)
модуль привязки запросаquery binder (An object that binds an existing StreamInsight query template to specific input and output adapters)
Мои запросыmy Queries (A folder under the work items node of every Team Foundation project that contains queries defined by, and seen only by the current user)
монитор запросовrequest monitor (microsoft.com bojana)
набор компонентов зеркального запросаA set of mirrored query components (Office System 2010 Rori)
набор тестов на основе запросаquery-based test suite (The set of test cases that are returned when a specific query is run. If new test cases that meet the criteria in this query are added to the test suite, the new test cases will automatically appear in the query-based test suite)
настроить конвейер обработки запросов HTTPconfigure the HTTP request pipeline (Alex_Odeychuk)
не допускается запуск нового запроса, так как запрос должен содержать допустимый дескриптор транзакцииNew request is not allowed to start because it should come with valid transaction descriptor. (SQL Server 2008 Rori)
неконтролируемый запросrunaway query (A query with an excessive running time, that can lead to a blocking problem. Runaway queries usually do not use use a query or lock time out)
немедленный запросimmediate query (A LINQ query that is evaluated immediately. Any query that returns a single value, as opposed to a sequence of values, or that is terminated by a call to ToList, ToArray, ToDictionary, or ToLookup)
область запросаrequestor scope (" A configured collection of users who can submit a request. It can be "everyone", or a specific set of users defined by a filter.")
обработчик запросовRequest Handler (A Duet server component that enables handling and routing of requests from the SAP system to Microsoft Office Outlook via Microsoft Exchange Server)
обработчик запросов DuetDuet Request Handler (A Duet server component that enables handling and routing of requests from the SAP system to Microsoft Office Outlook via Microsoft Exchange Server)
обработчик запросовrequest handler (A server component that enables the handling and routing of requests)
окно запросовQuery window (A window in which you work with queries in Design view, Datasheet view, SQL view, or Print Preview)
опрашивающий запросpolling query (A singleton query that returns a value Analysis Services can use to determine if changes have been made to a table or other relational object)
оптимизатор запросовquery optimizer (A database engine component responsible for generating efficient execution plans for statements)
отложенный запросdeferred query (A LINQ query that is not evaluated until it is iterated over, either with a foreach statement (C) or a For Each statement (Visual Basic), or by manually using the underlying GetEnumerator and MoveNext methods)
отправляемый файл запросаsend request file (A file with instructions that a sender uses to connect to and transfer data to a destination)
отчёт на основе запросаquery-based report (A type of report generated from an Application Object Tree (AOT) query)
отчёт на основе запросаquery-based report (A type of report generated from an Application Object Tree (AOT) query. Rori)
отчёт "Популярные запросы"Popular Queries report (A Web analytics report that provides information on the most popular searches)
отчёт "Число запросов"Number of Queries report (A Web analytics report that provides information on the number searches performed)
ошибка запросаrequest error (ssn)
ошибка запроса маршрутизатораRouter Query Error (Windows 8 Rori)
пакет запроса ввода-выводаI/O request packet (Data structures that drivers use to communicate with each other)
параметризированный запросparameterized query (A query that accepts input values through parameters)
пассивный инициатор запросаpassive requestor (microsoft.com bojana)
переменная запросаquery variable (A variable that stores a query, as opposed to the results of a query)
период запросовquery window (A reserved time for performing large, resource-intensive queries for a computer, server farm, or server cluster)
план запросаquery plan (An internal strategy by which a database server tries to create result sets quickly)
Office по запросуOffice on Demand (A feature that enables subscription customers to launch Office rich client applications online from a computer on which those applications are not already installed)
подделка межсайтовых запросовcross-site request forgery (An attack where a malicious website makes an HTTP request to a target website in such a way that the website thinks that the request is part of a legitimate user's session)
поддержка полнотекстовых запросовfull-text enabling (The process of allowing full-text querying to occur on the current database)
подписка по запросуpull subscription (A subscription created and administered at the Subscriber. The Distribution Agent or Merge Agent for the subscription runs at the Subscriber)
подсказка в запросеquery hint (Ding_an_sich)
поле запросаquery box (Andy)
полнотекстовой запросfull-text query (As a SELECT statement, a query that searches for words, phrases, or multiple forms of a word or phrase in the character-based columns (of char, varchar, text, ntext, nchar, or nvarchar data types). The SELECT statement returns those rows meeting the search criteria)
полоса перекрёстного запросаcrosstab band (Andy)
постоянный запросstanding query (An instantiation of a query template that runs within the StreamInsight server performing continuous computation over the incoming events)
построитель запросовQuery Builder (The user interface for defining work item queries)
Построитель поисковых запросовSearch Builder (A Windows feature that helps users to build better queries by enabling them to click on suggested filters, based on what the user is typing, to add them to a search)
потоковое воспроизведение по запросуon-demand streaming (ssn)
правило запросаquery rule (A rule that an administrator can configure and apply to query processing to help optimize results and create an enhanced user experience)
превышен интервал ожидания для запросаrequest timed out (ptraci)
Превышено максимально допустимое количество одновременно выполняемых запросовConcurrent Request Exceeded (IIS WebMatrix 1.0 ssn)
предельный размер запросаquery-size threshold (An administrative setting that limits the number of query results for SharePoint lists, sites, and site collections that contain a large number of items)
предложение запросаquery clause (The combination of an expression (or query subclause) and its adjacent logical operator. It is modeled on the WHERE clause of a SQL statement and contains Field Name, operator, and value)
представление запросовQuery View (The Visual Studio document window that contains both the query builder and the results list. Query View is designed to help you quickly define and run your own queries)
предыдущие поисковые запросыrecent searches (Previous searches that are recommended to users based on what they are typing)
привязка запросаquery binding (The process of binding instances of input adapters and instances of output adapters to an instance of a query template)
привязка запросаquery binding (The process of binding instances of input adapters and instances of output adapters to an instance of a query template. Rori)
производительность запросаquery performance (Ding_an_sich)
Произошла ошибка при запросе отложенных операций.an error occurred while querying for pending operations. (Windows 8 Rori)
пройти по результатам запросаIterate over query results (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
протокол, использованный для запроса содержимогоprotocol used to request the content (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
профиль пассивных запросов федерации веб-службWS-F PRP (Web Services Federation Passive Requestor Profile microsoft.com bojana)
профиль пассивных запросов федерации веб-службWS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (сокр. WS-F PRP; WS – Web Services microsoft.com bojana)
процент запросов с нулевым числом выбранных рекламных объявленийpercentage of queries with zero clickthrough (Office System 2010 Rori)
пункт трансляции по запросуon-demand publishing point (A type of publishing point that streams content to clients by request. Content streamed from an on-demand publishing point is always delivered as a unicast stream)
путь запросаquery path (A string representation of a path that specifies which related objects to return when a typed object query is executed)
распредёлённый запросdistributed query (A single query that accesses data from multiple data sources)
расширенный запросprompted query (A query in which a dialog box prompts a user to supply more information. Prompted queries are constructed with a general expression, not a specific value. The SMS/Configuration Manager Administrator console prompts the user to supply the actual value when the query is run)
расширенный синтаксис запросовAdvanced Query Syntax (A search query syntax that helps produce more precise search results by using targeted queries that search specific properties in a message type. AQS defines certain keywords which can be used to refine the search query, such as specifying boolean operations on searched terms (AND, OR, NOT) as well as to specify further filters based on file metadata or file type. It can also be used to limit results from specific information stores like regular files, offline files cache, or e-mail stores)
расширенный синтаксис запросовadvanced query syntax (ssn)
регулирование веб-запросовWeb Request Throttling (A feature that offers improved reliability by throttling client requests and notifying SharePoint administrators when performance is in jeopardy. It monitors parameters such as available memory, number of requests in the queue, and wait times, and rejects incoming requests if performance values cross predefined thresholds. Rori)
регулирование запросовrequest throttling (A method of preventing a denial of service attack by limiting the number of requests that can be made to a system)
регулирование количества запросовthrottling (A method of preventing a denial of service attack by limiting the number of requests that can be made to a system)
регулирование количества запросовpooling (A method of preventing a denial of service attack by limiting the number of requests that can be made to a system)
регулятор запросовquery governor (A configuration option that can be used to prevent system resources from being consumed by long-running queries)
режим запроса SQL в формате ANSIANSI SQL query mode (One of two types of SQL syntax: ANSI-89 SQL (also called Microsoft Jet SQL and ANSI SQL), which is the traditional Jet SQL syntax; and ANSI-92 SQL, which has new and different reserved words, syntax rules, and wildcard characters)
результат запросаresult set
рекурсивный запросrecursive query
репликация по запросуpull replication (Replication that is invoked at the target)
сводный отчёт по запросуRequest Summary Report (Windows 8 Rori)
связанный вложенный запросcorrelated subquery (A subquery that references a column in the outer statement. The inner query is run for each candidate row in the outer statement)
сервер запросовquery role (The role name of a server that services queries in the farm topology)
сервер запросовquery server (A server that is running the search service and servicing queries)
сервер запросовQuery Service
синтаксис запросов по ключевым словамkeyword query syntax (A query syntax for enterprise search that supports free-text expressions, property restrictions, and specified operators)
скомпилированный запросcompiled query (A query that has been pre-compiled and cached for the future reuse)
служба запросовQuery Service (The web service exposed by the web front-end that allows a client program to execute queries)
служба запросовquick deploy
Службе каталогов не удалось авторизовать запрос.the directory service failed to authorize the request (Windows 8)
событие запросаrequest event (ASP.NET 4.5 ssn)
событие ошибки запросаrequest error event (ASP.NET 4.5 ssn)
создать запрос в службу поддержкиcreate a support ticket (stachel)
создать запрос в службу поддержкиopen a support ticket (stachel)
состояние запроса событияquery event state (Windows 7 ssn)
Ссылка на действие запроса рабочего элементаWork Item Query Action Link (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
стандартный оператор запросаstandard query operator (A method that constitutes a query pattern and that is implemented by a LINQ provider for a specific domain. Standard query operators are defined in the System.Linq.Enumerable class)
статистический запросaggregate query (A query (SQL statement) that summarizes information from multiple rows by including an aggregate function such as Sum or Avg)
строка запроса предложенияRFQ line (The part of the RFQ that specifies the detailed information about an item)
строка ответа на запрос предложенияRFQ reply line (The part of the RFQ reply that specifies the detailed vendor information about an item)
табличный запросtabular query (A standard operation such as search, sort, filter or transform on data in a table)
Текст запроса POST не должен быть пустымthe POST request body should be non-empty (Visual Studio)
указание запросаquery hint (A hint that specifies that the indicated hints should be used throughout the query. Query hints affect all operators in the statement)
управление запросамиdemand management (ssn)
управление запросамиrequest management (The ability for a user to interact with and manage submitted requests and associated workflows)
управление запросамиDemand Management (A feature that captures and manages work proposals in a single location. Proposals move through a customizable, multi-stage governance process that may include review, selection of proposals for approval, and tracking the execution of approved proposals through to completion)
управляемое свойство, поддерживающее запросыqueryable managed property (A managed property that can be queried against. The query must contain the managed property field name, either in the query itself or programmatically. Rori)
уровень запросаQuery Level (Andy)
утверждение запросов без ограниченийunlimited request approval (An approval for which no maximum amount has been specified on purchase request documents)
файл журнала запросовquery log file (Andy)
файл запроса отправкиsend request file (A file with instructions that a sender uses to connect to and transfer data to a destination)
федеративный запросfederated query (stachel)
фильтрация запросовrequest filtering (microsoft.com bojana)
функция уточняющего запросаlookup function (Andy)
число бездействующих потоков в пуле потоков запросовnumber of idle threads in the query thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
число заданий в очереди пула потоков запросовnumber of jobs in the queue of the query thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
число занятых потоков в пуле потоков запросовnumber of busy threads in the query thread pool (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Число запросов, для которых истекло время ожидания резервного регистратораNumber of requests for which backup registrar timed out (Lync Server 2013 Rori)
шаблон запросаquery template (The fundamental unit of query composition. A query template defines the business logic required to continuously analyze and process events submitted to and emitted by the StreamInsight server)
шаблон запросаquery pattern (The set of standard query operators that is available in all LINQ queries, and the rules that define the structure of a LINQ query. Rori)
шаблон запросаquery pattern (The set of standard query operators that is available in all LINQ queries, and the rules that define the structure of a LINQ query)
этап запросаrequest phase (A particular phase of the ILM "2" request processing model. It represents one of three workflows: Authentication, Authorization or Action)
язык запросов WMIWMI Query Language (A subset of ANSI SQL with semantic changes adapted to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI))
язык запросов WMIWQL (A subset of ANSI SQL with semantic changes adapted to Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI))
язык запросов графовGraph Query Language (A query language used to query the graph index. Rori)
язык запросов рабочих элементовWork Item Query Language (A loose variant of SQL that describes a query in the Work Item Tracking subsystem of Team Foundation Server using a syntax that contains SELECT, WHERE, COLUMN and SORT clauses. Query View is the user interface for defining work item queries. Rori)