
Terms for subject General containing залоговый | all forms | exact matches only
бессрочное залоговое правоperpetual lien (C.R.S. §32-1-1001(1)(j)(I) provides that a special district may fix fees, penalties and charges for services provided by the special district which "shall constitute a perpetual lien on and against the property served and any such lien may be foreclosed in the same manner as provided by the laws of this state for the foreclosure ... Alexander Demidov)
договор залоговой уступкиdeed of pledge of receivables (Alexander Demidov)
договор залоговой уступкиdeed of pledge and assignment (Alexander Demidov)
договор залоговой уступкиdeed of pledge (не недвижимости Alexander Demidov)
договор залоговой уступкиdeed of pledge (не недвижимости – АД)
договор залоговой уступкиmortgage assignment contract (NY Court Rejects Mortgage Foreclosure In MERS Case – LNV Corp ... 4closurefraud.org/.../ny-court-rejects-mortgage-foreclosure-in-mers-...Dec 27, 2010 – According to the mortgage assignment contract, MERS held legal title to the mortgage. There was "no language in the agreement" that ... Alexander Demidov)
договор залоговой уступки требованийdeed of pledge of receivables (Alexander Demidov)
документы, необходимые для оформления залогового обеспеченияcollateral paperwork (Alexander Demidov)
залоговая квитанцияduplicate
залоговая квитанцияpawnticket
залоговая квитанцияpawn ticket
залоговая маржаhedged margin (ROGER YOUNG)
залоговая программаloans-for-share (Lavrov)
залоговая стоимостьrefund value (SergeyL)
залоговая стоимостьhypothecation value
залоговая стоимость тарыContainer Deposit (Mas_St)
залоговая уступкаmortgage assignment (A written document serving as evidence of a transfer of a loan obligation from the original borrower to a third party. answers.com Alexander Demidov)
залоговое кредитное обязательствоCollateralized Loan Obligation (Tatiana Okunskaya)
залоговое кредитованиеmortgage finance
залоговое обеспечениеbid security (Lavrov)
залоговое обязательствоlien (law. a legal claim that someone or something has on the property of another person until a debt has been paid back. The bank had a lien on our house. [=the bank had the right to take our house if we did not pay back the money we had borrowed to buy it]. MWALD Alexander Demidov)
залоговое право на вещиright of possession of objects under pledge (ABelonogov)
залоговое право на грузlien (Lavrov)
залоговое удержаниеlien
залоговые активыpledge assets (reverso.net kee46)
залоговый аукционloans-for-shares auction (Аристарх)
залоговый аукционhigh-finance shell game (they helped bail the company out of trouble. It's another Federal Reserve, high finance shell game, that not even the boys in DC can grasp. | His lucrative new career at a prestigious London financial house looks like it could get him killed, too. And he has uncovered a high-finance shell- game built on ... Alexander Demidov)
залоговый аукционloans-for-share (Lavrov)
залоговый депозитsecurity deposit
залоговый кредиторsecured creditor (4uzhoj)
запрет на прекращение залоговых правno release of pledge
книга записи залоговregister of pledges (ABelonogov)
книга записи залоговpledge book (ГК РФ Lavrov)
необеспеченный залоговый запасunsecured loan stock
обладатель залогового праваholder of lien
оценка залогового имуществаvaluation of mortgage assets (svetlaya55)
передать в залоговое правоestablish security interest over (Турло Павел)
реализация залогового имуществаdisposal of pledged property (Johnny Bravo)
соглашение о залоговом обеспечении сpartner security agreement
специальная залоговая передаточная надписьspecial pledge endorsement (ABelonogov)