
Terms for subject United Kingdom containing законы | all forms
Закон о защите персональных данных 1984 г.Data Protection Act 1984 (The 1984 Data Protection Act gave new legal rights to individuals whose personal information is held on computer. It is an offence to hold personal data on computer for a purpose not entered in the Data Protection Register. The Act also imposes obligations on HMRC and its staff as recorders and users of personal data. gov.uk)
Закон "Об арендодателе и арендаторе"Landlord and Tenant Act (a stock short title used for legislation about rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants of leasehold estate in Hong Kong, the United Kingdom and the United States wikipedia.org Igor Kondrashkin)
хлебные законыcorn laws (с 1436 по 1846 гг)