
Terms for subject General containing жив- здоров | all forms | in specified order only
жив и здоровfine and dandy (denghu)
жив-здоровalive and healthy (Technical)
жив-здоровalive and well (tiolian)
жив-здоровalive and fit ("This judgment puts limits on the rights that can be sought in the name of genetic paternity: the girls cannot be claimed by their father's line after his death so long as their mother remains alive and fit." [The New Yorker] ART Vancouver)
жив-здоровsafe and sound
жив-здоровsound as a bell
живой и здоровыйin perfect health (You don't have to worry anymore. Here I stand before you, in perfect health. 4uzhoj)
мы живём в здоровой местностиwe live in a healthy neighbourhood
он всё ещё жив-здоровhe is still alive and kicking
Трудно поверить, что его нет в живых, неделю тому назад я видел его вполне здоровымI can't get over it, I saw him a week ago, he looked a healthy man, and now he is dead (Taras)