
Terms for subject Figurative containing достигнутый | all forms
довольствоваться достигнутымrest on one's laurels (That November, Mike Love reported to Melody Maker that the group wanted to look beyond surf music and avoid living in the past or resting on the band's laurels. Val_Ships)
достигнуть вершинexcel in (excelling in painting, sculpting, architecture and poetry ART Vancouver)
достигнуть критической стадииcome to a head
достигнуть признанияarrive (establish one's reputation)
достичь балансаthread the needle (Ремедиос_П)
достичь высшей точкиreach the pinnacle (или one's pinnacle -- своей высшей точки / своей вершины / своего пика: reached the pinnacle of æsthetic expression – достиг высшей точки эстетического выражения ART Vancouver)
достичь огромных размеровreach enormous proportions ("The whole of Berlin will be enveloped within 24 hours," the correspondent added. "The exodus from the city has reached enormous proportions. The only escape route left is a six-mile wide corridor leading westwards." theguardian.com sixthson)
достичь решающей стадииcome to a head
достичь своего пикаhit one's pinnacle (He also spoke about the band's embrace of progressive rock which hit its pinnacle with their album The Grand Illusion. Young estimated sales for The Grand Illusion at 7 million units. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
достичь своего расцветаreach its zenith (Stained glass art is an ancient craft that reached its zenith in mediaeval Europe. – достигшее своего расцвета ART Vancouver)
достичь успехаstrike oil
останавливаться на достигнутомlook to one's laurels (VLZ_58)
останавливаться на достигнутомrest on one's laurels (VLZ_58)
получить рыцарство, достичь преимуществаwin spur (qwarty)
цель достигнутаmission accomplished (sankozh)