
Terms for subject Real estate containing дома | all forms | exact matches only
арендовать часть домаrent part of the property (Alex_Odeychuk)
блокированный домterraced house
блокированный домrow house
блокированный домtownhouse (ledimitri)
блокированный домtown house
блокированный домlink house
большой загородный домchateau (a large country house in France or elsewhere in Europe Taras)
в доме клиентаat the customer's house (financial-engineer)
в подвале многоквартирного домаin the basement of the apartment complex (Daily Telegraph Alex_Odeychuk)
Викторианский многоэтажный дом-особняк, разбитый на отдельные квартирыVictorian conversion (Falbhanachaich)
вселяться в недостроенные домаtaking up residence in unfinished buildings (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
входить в свой домstep into your home (financial-engineer)
высотный доходный домhigh-rise rental (New York Times; доходный дом – жилой дом, все квартиры в котором принадлежат одному собственнику и сдаются внаём квартиросъёмщикам Alex_Odeychuk)
выставить дом на продажуlist one's home (ART Vancouver)
выставить дом на продажуlist the property for sale (ART Vancouver)
выставить дом на продажуput one's home up for sale (ART Vancouver)
выставить дом на продажуput one's house on the market (ART Vancouver)
выставленные на продажу дома или квартирыlistings (на сайте агенства ART Vancouver)
демонстрация домаshowing (ART Vancouver)
дом в аварийном состоянииramshackle home (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
дом для загородного отдыхаrecreational home (The market has dropped a bit and my clients who mostly hail from the U.S., Singapore, Macao, Hong Kong, and other places in Asia, are taking advantage of the favourable exchange rates to purchase a recreational home in Whistler. ART Vancouver)
дом, занимаемый владельцемowner-occupied housing
дом, занимаемый собственникомowner-occupied home (Don Sebastian)
дом на одну семьюsingle-family home (SFH: Why would someone buy a home for that amount when you can get an SFH on a huge lot for the same price? Lower the prices and they will sell. • Welcome to East Van, where if you blink you will miss another house coming down. Cars multiply like bunnies outside your home. Blocks of single-family homes have been sold to developers, torn down and replaced with six-storey apartments, not enough of which are affordable for anyone I know. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
дом, открытый для осмотра покупателямиopen house
дом под сносteardown home (Vancouver real estate: 32-foot lot with empty, teardown home sold under $1 million after 12 days on market. The 2607 Turner Street property sold for $900,000 just 12 days after it was listed on the market. The 2,112-square-foot lot was marketed mainly for its land value. The now empty home was built in 1912, and it is considered a teardown. canadanewsmedia.ca ART Vancouver)
дом рядовой застройкиterrace house
дом с землёй, прилегающими постройками и участкомpremises
дом с индивидуальностьюcharacter property
дом с прилегающими постройками и участкомpremises
дом со своеобразным колоритомcharacter property
дом-совладениеcondominium complex
доходный домrental house (Alex_Odeychuk)
житель высотного жилого домаtower dweller (While some new tower dwellers are obtaining panoramic views from their often-pricey condo balconies, the roughly two-kilometre stretch along the Lougheed thoroughfare is often loud and congested with cars and trucks, he says. Many towers don’t really connect to pedestrians at ground level. vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
земельный участок под многосемейные домаmulti family land (flynash)
землевладение, дом, расположенные на берегу моряbeachfront property (T.Arens)
квартира в высотном домеapartment in a high-rise (Bloomberg, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
квартира в многоквартирном домеstrata (Lawpoint)
квартира в многоэтажном домеapartment in a high-rise (Bloomberg, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
кооперативный домcooperative (co-operative)
кооперативный жилой домcondominium (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
кооперативный одноподъездный высотный жилой домcondominium tower ("свечка"; New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
коробка домаconcrete structure (sankozh)
купить квартиру в счёт суммы с продажи домаdownsize (The Hampton Square development adds an opportunity for seniors to downsize without leaving their communities. • A land assembly agent told me that when old homes in Vancouver worth $2m get sold in land assembly, the owners get paid out $4-6 million. It's all tax free. They downsize and pay cash for condos. And then give more money to their kids who pay cash for their $1.5m condos. (Reddit) ART Vancouver)
многоквартирный домresidential development (A number of new residential developments are being built near Phibbs Exchange. ART Vancouver)
многоквартирный домmulti-family residential house (Andrey Truhachev)
многоквартирный домapartment complex (Daily Telegraph Alex_Odeychuk)
многоквартирный домmulti-family house (Andrey Truhachev)
многоквартирный доходный домrental building (... prohibiting personal occupancy evictions in purpose-built rental buildings with five or more units ART Vancouver)
многоквартирный жилой домmulti-family residential house (Andrey Truhachev)
многоквартирный жилой домstrata (Lawpoint)
многоквартирный жилой домmulti-family development (ART Vancouver)
многоквартирный жилой дом, используемый для сдачи квартир в арендуrental building (... prohibiting personal occupancy evictions in purpose-built rental buildings with five or more units • a nine-storey rental building planned for 304 East 1st Avenue • The rental building is desperately needed in a city with a vacancy rate that’s under 1%. ART Vancouver)
многосемейный домresidential development (A number of new residential developments are being built near Phibbs Exchange. ART Vancouver)
мобильный домmobile home (Business_Translating)
на цокольном этаже жилого домаon the ground floor of a residential building (CNN, 2021 Alex_Odeychuk)
навести порядок в домеget one's home organized (Be sure to de-clutter and get your home organized before an open house. ART Vancouver)
объединение совладельцев многоквартирного домаapartment building co-owners association (как вариант Alex_Odeychuk)
объединение совладельцев многоквартирного домаhomeowners' association (Alex_Odeychuk)
огороженный участок, прилегающий к домуcurtilage of a building
одноподъездный домtower (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
односемейный домsingle-family home (SFH, SF home: "Why would someone buy a home for that amount when you can get a single-family home on a huge lot for the same price? Lower the prices and they will sell." • Every address west of Wellington Road is a SF home with a driveway either in the front or through the back lane. • The single family home is on the endangered species list. Your rising property taxes, water taxes, sewage taxes, taxes and fees, taxes and fees, taxes will force you out. OR The shadow of high-rise towers all around you will have you enjoying a nice day picking up garbage tossed from your high-rise neighbors onto your roof, lawn and driveway. (burnabynow.com) ART Vancouver)
односемейный домsingle-family house
односемейный домsingle-family dwelling (...permit construction of a single-family dwelling with a gross floor area beyond that currently permitted under the prevailing zoning.)
отдельный домdetached home (частный, без общих стен с соседними домами: Starting next year, all landlords who rent out a detached home or duplex will have to purchase a $570 house rental business licence. They will also have to pay a one-time $50 application fee. • Plus concrete is inhumane. It's like living in a cave, with no bounce. Even where you put down wooden floors, they don't feel the same. I much prefer detached wooden homes, as would anyone who had any sense of aesthetics. -- отдельные (отдельно стоящие) деревянные дома vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
отдельный домdetached housing (I was born here in 1987 and can't afford detached housing at all, let alone a property big enough for a single family home AND a separate rental home. When you're complaining about your developments on your freehold property, please remember the generation behind you that's been completely priced out of the market altogether. nsnews.com ART Vancouver)
отдельный дом с садомdetached house with a garden (the ideal of every family having a detached house with a garden ART Vancouver)
первоначальный взнос за домdown payment on a house
переписать дом на кого-л.transfer the title to a home (ART Vancouver)
показ домаshowing (выставленного на продажу ART Vancouver)
показ дома потенциальному покупателюwalk-through (We had our first walk-through today. ART Vancouver)
приобрести дом для его последующей продажиflip a house (Antonio)
расстояние от дома до работыcommuting distance (Joe is looking for somewhere affordable and within commuting distance of London despite the fact no such place exists. -- чтобы дорога до Лондона не занимала слишком много времени twitter.com ART Vancouver)
сблокированный домsemidetached house (двухквартирный)
сблокированный домsemi-detached houses (из двух частей Abysslooker)
сблокированный домdouble house (двухквартирный)
снимать комнату в домеrent a room at the residence (According to Corey O'Keeffe, who was renting a room at the residence when the attack took place, he was alerted to something amiss when he heard his 67-year-old landlord crying out for help. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
содержание и ремонт жилой площади (обслуживание внутридомового инженерного оборудования и санитарное содержание домаmaintenance and repairs (Анна Ф)
социальное жильё в высотном домеHDB (Alex_Odeychuk)
элитный домluxury home (ART Vancouver)
элитный домluxury property (ART Vancouver)