
Terms for subject Contracts containing договор | all forms | exact matches only
договор доверительного управленияfiduciary agreement (ChingizQ)
договор напечатан на одном листе с двух сторонthe agreement is printed on one sheet on both sides ('More)
договор о передаче правового титула под отлагательным условиемbond for deed (A document given by the owner of real estate to convey the property upon being paid money; an agreement to convey title in the future that, so long as it remains executory, allows title to remain vested in the original owner. Ying)
договор о прекращении залогаpledge release agreement (Ремедиос_П)
договор подряда с независимым исполнителемindependent contractor agreement (Oleksandr Spirin)
договор с независимым подрядчикомindependent contractor agreement (Oleksandr Spirin)