
Terms for subject Microsoft containing динамическое | all forms | exact matches only
библиотека динамической компоновкиdynamic-link library (An operating system feature that allows executable routines (generally serving a specific function or set of functions) to be stored separately as files with .dll extensions. These routines are loaded only when needed by the program that calls them; DLL)
библиотека динамической компоновки с неуправляемым кодомunmanaged dynamic-link library (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
библиотека динамической компоновки с неуправляемым кодомnative dynamic-link library (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
вызов неуправляемого кода из библиотек динамической компоновкиcalling into native dynamic-link libraries (amazon.com Alex_Odeychuk)
выполнение динамического обновленияdynamic update progress (ssn)
динамическая блокировкаdynamic locking (The process used by SQL Server to determine the most cost-effective locks to use at any one time)
динамическая группа рассылкиdynamic distribution group (A distribution group that uses recipient filters and conditions to derive its membership at the time the message is sent)
динамическая маршрутизацияdynamic routing (Routing that adjusts automatically to the current conditions of a network. Dynamic routing typically uses one of several dynamic-routing protocols such as Routing Information Protocol (RIP) and Border Gateway Protocol (BGP). Compare static routing)
динамическая миграцияlive migration (The process of moving a running virtual machine from one physical computer to another without noticeable downtime)
динамическая областьlive region (A perceivable region of a webpage that is typically updated as a result of an external event when user focus may be elsewhere)
динамическая оптимизацияdynamic optimization (The capability to perform resource balancing by automatically migrating virtual machines within host clusters that support live migration)
динамическая памятьDynamic Memory (A Hyper-V feature in which the memory available to a running virtual machine is adjusted in response to changes in the amount of memory required by the virtual machine)
динамическая сборкаdynamic assembly (Alex_Odeychuk)
динамическая сетьad-hoc network (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
динамическая сеть группыGroup Ad-hoc Network (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices. Rori)
динамическая сеть группыGroup Ad-hoc Network (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices)
динамическая соединительная линияroutable connector (A one-dimensional (1-D) connector shape that changes its path to avoid crossing through two-dimensional (2-D) placeable shapes that lie between the two shapes the connector connects)
динамическая соединительная линияdynamic connector (A one-dimensional (1-D) connector shape that changes its path to avoid crossing through two-dimensional (2-D) placeable shapes that lie between the two shapes the connector connects)
динамическая страницаdynamic page (A Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) document that contains animated GIFs, Java applets, ActiveX Controls, or dynamic HTML (DHTML))
динамическая таблицаdynamic grid (Dotted lines that show the most desirable location for the center of the next shape being dropped on the page, based on where previous shapes have been placed)
динамическая целевая страницаdynamic landing page (An individual page in a topic series, or any page that is primarily search-driven. Rori)
динамическая целевая страницаdynamic landing page (An individual page in a topic series, or any page that is primarily search-driven)
динамическая экспозицияdynamic exposure (A feature for taking photos in low light, capturing both short and long exposure images. The user can dynamically blend the two exposures afterwards, as preferred. Rori)
динамические направляющиеdynamic guides (A feature that allows the user to move and reshape text boxes etc. on PowerPoint slides)
Динамические представленияDynamic Views (smirav)
динамический адаптерdynamic adapter (An adapter that has a custom user interface)
динамический вызов методаdynamic method invocation (A technique that defers until runtime the decision as to which specific method to call)
динамический дискdynamic disk (A physical disk that provides features that basic disks do not, such as support for volumes that span multiple disks. Dynamic disks use a hidden database to track information about dynamic volumes on the disk and other dynamic disks in the computer. You convert basic disks to dynamic by using the Disk Management snap-in or the DiskPart command-line tool. When you convert a basic disk to dynamic, all existing basic volumes become dynamic volumes)
динамический значокLive Icon (A scalable thumbnail used throughout Windows Vista that allows users to see the first page of documents, the actual image of a photo, or the album art for individual songs in a music collection)
динамический идентификаторslug (The part of the URL that consists of the user name and the app identifier, in the format of {username}/{app_identifier}. Enotte)
динамический интерфейсdynamic interface (ssn)
динамический контроль доступаdynamic access control (The ability for IT pros to define how users access a system based on dynamic qualities, such as a user's location or role)
динамический курсорdynamic cursor (A cursor that can reflect data modifications made to the underlying data while the cursor is open)
динамический макетlive layout (A layout that is updated in real time as an object on the page is moved, resized, or rotated, enabling the user to preview the end result before the action is completed)
динамический манифестdynamic manifest (In Media Services, a filter (server side rule) that can be applied to the streaming manifests for assets both the asset level or at a global level (for example playback only a section of a video, or specify only a subset of audio and video renditions that a device can handle.) Rori)
динамический моментальный снимокdynamic snapshot (In merge replication, a snapshot that includes only the data from a single partition)
динамический предохранительdynamic canary (A canary whose value changes depending on the request context)
динамический просмотрLive Preview (A feature that allows you to preview the appearance of a formatting option or command before actually applying it to selected text or objects)
динамический режимlive mode (Andy)
динамический томdynamic volume (A volume that resides on a dynamic disk. Windows supports five types of dynamic volumes: simple, spanned, striped, mirrored, and RAID-5. A dynamic volume is formatted by using a file system, such as file allocation table (FAT) or NTFS, and has a drive letter assigned to it)
динамический фильтрdynamic filter (A row filter available with merge replication that allows you to restrict the data replicated to a Subscriber based on a system function or user-defined function (for example: SUSER_SNAME()))
динамический экспортlive export (The process of exporting a virtual machine and its snapshots while the virtual machine is running)
динамический элемент управленияdynamic control (A Web Parts control that is persisted in a personalization store; it does not appear in the declarative markup of an .aspx page. After it has been added to a page, the WebPartManager control automatically creates an instance of the control from the personaization store on future requests)
динамическое административное представлениеDMV (A set of built-in views that return server state information about values, objects, and settings in SQL Server)
динамическое административное представлениеdynamic management view (A set of built-in views that return server state information about values, objects, and settings in SQL Server)
динамическое восстановлениеdynamic recovery (The process that detects and/or attempts to correct software failure or loss of data integrity within a relational database management system (RDBMS))
динамическое группированиеdynamic grouping (Andy)
динамическое обновлениеdynamic update (An update to the Domain Name System (DNS) standard that permits DNS clients to dynamically register and update their resource records in zones)
динамическое обновление политикdynamic policy update (The run-time retrieval of policies using the Rules Engine Update service)
динамическое обновление состава коллекцииdynamic collection evaluation (A Configuration Manager feature that enables you to evaluate only new or changed members of a query-based collection independently of a full collection evaluation)
динамическое ограничение IP-адресовDynamic IP Restrictions (An IIS extension that enables administrators to configure IIS to block access for IP addresses that exceed the specified number of requests and determine the behavior when an IP address is blocked. Rori)
динамическое ограничение IP-адресовDynamic IP Restrictions (An IIS extension that enables administrators to configure IIS to block access for IP addresses that exceed the specified number of requests and determine the behavior when an IP address is blocked)
динамическое ограничение IP-адресов для IISDynamic IP Restrictions for IIS (An IIS extension that enables administrators to configure IIS to block access for IP addresses that exceed the specified number of requests and determine the behavior when an IP address is blocked)
динамическое перераспределение ресурсовtiled resourcing (A graphics feature that allows large logical resources to occupy only a small amount of physical memory, which can be dynamically remapped as the relevant application needs it)
динамическое подмножество данныхdynaset (A database recordset with dynamic properties. Unlike a snapshot, which is a static view of the data, a recordset object in dynaset mode stays synchronized with the data source and data updates made by other users)
динамическое потребление ресурсов службой поискаdynamic resource consumption for Search (The ability of Search to automatically consume fewer server resources such as memory and CPU when server resources are constrained due to transient load)
динамическое распределение ресурсовdynamic fair-share (ssn)
динамическое упорядочениеDynamic Reordering (A feature that simplifies and quickens the process of visualizing and arranging the order of layered objects on a page or slide)
динамическое управлениеdynamic management (ssn)
динамическое управление кворумомdynamic quorum management (microsoft.com bojana)
динамическое хранилищеdynamic storage (A storage method in Windows that allows disk and volume management without requiring operating system restart)
динамическое членствоdynamic membership (A group in which the membership of the group is determined by a filter)
диспетчер динамического интерфейсаdynamic interface manager (Windows 8 ssn)
Использовать динамические конечные узлы в интрасетиUse intranet range of dynamic endpoints. (Windows 8 Rori)
канал динамического обмена даннымиdynamic data exchange channel (DDE)
некэшируемое динамическое содержимоеnon-cacheable, dynamic content (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
параметры конфигурации динамических библиотекdynamic link library configuration options (Windows 7, Windows 8 Rori)
планирование динамического распределения ресурсовDynamic Fair-Share Scheduling (A method, used for scheduling threads, that dynamically scales quotas based on load instead of requiring the administrator to explicitly specify quotas. It also adds the flexibility of aggregating thread quotas based on sessions instead of just users)
планирование динамического распределения ресурсовdynamic fair-share scheduling (ssn)
платформа динамических данныхDynamic Data (In ASP.NET, a framework that facilitates the creation of data-driven Web applications. Dynamic Data uses customizable page and field templates, scaffolding, user-definable metadata, and convention-based naming to create UI that displays data, lets users navigate relationships between tables, and lets users edit and create data (create, read, update and delete (CRUD) operations))
поле динамических данныхdynamic data field (A field that can be used in a workflow rule or template as a placeholder for specific values or text in an e-mail. When you send an e-mail, these placeholders are replaced with the data that meet the conditions that have been set in the workflow rule. For example, if you send an e-mail to an account holder about a contract cancellation date, you can use a dynamic data field to automatically find and insert the correct cancellation date for that contract)
поле динамических данныхslug
представление динамического управленияDynamic Management View (DMV Ding_an_sich)
профилирование библиотеки динамической компоновкиProfile a dynamic link library (Visual Studio 2010 Rori)
расширение "Динамическое ограничение IP-адресов для IIS"Dynamic IP Restrictions Extension for IIS (An IIS extension that enables administrators to configure IIS to block access for IP addresses that exceed the specified number of requests and determine the behavior when an IP address is blocked)
расширение "Динамическое ограничение IP-адресов для IIS"Dynamic IP Restrictions Extension for IIS (An IIS extension that enables administrators to configure IIS to block access for IP addresses that exceed the specified number of requests and determine the behavior when an IP address is blocked. Rori)
расширенная динамическая библиотека средств отображения видеоEnhanced Video Renderer DLL (Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 Rori)
сжатие динамического содержимогоdynamic content compression (microsoft.com bojana)
справедливое динамическое распределение ресурсов дискаDynamic Disk Fair Share (A feature that prevents sessions from over-utilizing disk usage by equal distribution of disk I/O among sessions)
справедливое динамическое распределение ресурсов дискаdynamic disk fair share (ssn)
справедливое динамическое распределение ресурсов сетиDynamic Network Fair Share (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
справедливое динамическое распределение ресурсов сетиdynamic network fair share (ssn)
справедливое динамическое распределение ресурсов ЦПDynamic CPU Fair Share (A feature that dynamically distributes processor time across all Remote Desktop Services sessions on the same RD Session Host server, based on the number of sessions and the demand for processor time within each session)
справедливое динамическое распределение ресурсов ЦПdynamic CPU fair share (ssn)
страница выполнения динамического обновленияdynamic update progress page (Windows 8 ssn)
формирование динамических пакетовDynamic Suite Composition (An Application Virtualization feature that enables a virtual application package to allow dependent plug-ins or middleware packages to use the virtual environment. This feature enables plug-ins and middleware packages to use the primary package's registry settings, and the packages behave and interact with one another in the same way as if they were installed locally on a machine)
функция динамического управленияdynamic management function (One of a set of built-in functions that returns server state information about values, objects, and settings in SQL Server)
функция динамического управленияDMF (One of a set of built-in functions that returns server state information about values, objects, and settings in SQL Server)
ход динамического обновленияdynamic update progress (ssn)