
Terms for subject Microsoft containing дерево | all forms | exact matches only
дерево автоматизации пользовательского интерфейсаUI Automation tree (A hierarchical representation of all UI Automation elements on the Windows desktop. Rori)
дерево временных рядовTime Series Tree (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
дерево вызововcall tree (All modules that might be called by any procedure in the module in which code is currently running)
дерево выполненияexecution tree (The path of data in the data flow of a SQL Server 2005 Integration Services package from sources through transformations to destinations)
дерево выраженияexpression tree (A tree-form data representation of the structure of language-level code expressions. Rori)
дерево декомпозицииDecomposition Tree (A data visualization tool that helps users analyze complex information using a hierarchical scheme)
дерево декомпозицииdecomposition tree (A data visualization tool that helps users analyze complex information using a hierarchical scheme. Rori)
дерево запросовrequest tree (The tree of nodes that contains HTTP requests)
дерево инспектора теговTag Inspector Tree (An item on the View menu that refers to the hierarchical HTML tag structure of an opened HTML document)
дерево консолиconsole tree
дерево ошибокfault tree analysis diagram
дерево папокdirectory tree (A hierarchy of objects and containers in a directory that can be viewed graphically as an upside-down tree, with the root object at the top. Endpoints in the tree are usually single (leaf) objects, and nodes in the tree, or branches, are container objects. A tree shows how objects are connected in terms of the path from one object to another)
дерево папокfolder tree
дерево представленийViews tree
дерево принятия решенийdecision tree (A treelike model of data produced by certain data mining methods. Decision trees can be used for prediction)
дерево проектаproject tree (Rori)
дерево рабочих элементовWork Item Tree (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
дерево регрессииregression tree (A diagram that depicts a decision tree mining model that has been created to analyze continuous numeric data. Rori)
дерево устройствhardware tree (A record in RAM of the current system configuration based on the information for all devices in the hardware branch of the registry. The hardware tree is created each time the system is started or whenever a dynamic change occurs to the system configuration)
дерево флажковCheckBox Tree (Windows 8 Rori)
дерево ХаффманаHuffman tree (A binary tree that minimizes the product of a leaf’s weight and its distance from the root, for all leaves. Rori)
дерево экспресс-теговQuick Tag Tree (The hierarchical HTML tag structure of an opened HTML document that appears in a window docked beneath the quick tag selector)
завершить дерево процессовend process tree (Windows 8 Rori)
каноническое дерево командcanonical command tree (A common, programmatic representation of any Entity Framework query composed of one or more expressions. Rori)
Отобразить дерево проектов?Show the project tree? (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)