
Terms for subject General containing денежных средств | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
амортизационные и другие расходы, не требующие денежных выплат, – используются при расчёте движения денежных средствdepreciation and other non-cash expenses (cash flow)
безакцептное списание денежных средствdirect debit (A form of standing order given to a bank by an account holder to pay regular amounts from a cheque account to a third party. Unlike a normal standing order, however, the amount to be paid is not specified; the account holder trusts the third party to claim an appropriate sum from the bank. The amount to be paid can be varied. In the USA this arrangement is known as reverse wire transfer. OF&B Alexander Demidov)
безналичная оплата денежных средствwire transfer (Alexander Demidov)
бланк почтового перевода денежных средствpostal money transfer form (E&Y ABelonogov)
ведомость поступления денежных средствrecord journal of the receipt of monetary resources (ABelonogov)
ведомость поступления денежных средств в кассуrecord journal of the receipt of monetary resources in cash (ABelonogov)
ведомость расходования денежных средствrecord journal of the expenditure of monetary resources (ABelonogov)
ведомость расходования денежных средств из кассыrecord journal of the expenditure of monetary resources in cash (ABelonogov)
вкладывать денежные средстваinvest
вливать денежные средства вpump money into (reverso.net Aslandado)
внезапная проверка по движению денежных средств в кассахsurprise audit of cash on hand (Alexander Demidov)
внесение денежных средств в кассуdeposit cash in the cash desk (triumfov)
внесение физическим лицом денежных средствprivate payment (Scotland) Act 1986 by his seeking and accepting a private payment to account from a client of £31000 when only £11792.30 was required to cover work done ... Alexander Demidov)
внесение физическим лицом наличных денежных средствprivate cash payment (a private cash payment to a purchasing manager may result in a company being awarded a contract, even though the employer knew nothing about the secret ... Alexander Demidov)
внесённый денежными средствамиwhich has been paid in the form of monetary resources (ABelonogov)
вносить денежные средстваdeposit funds (reverso.net kee46)
вносить денежные средства в уставные капиталыbuy into (1. to buy shares in a company, especially in order to gain some control over it 2. (informal) to believe something, especially an idea that many other people believe in She had never bought into the idea that to be attractive you have to be thin. OALD Alexander Demidov)
возврат денежных средствrefund (Alex Lilo)
возврат ошибочно перечисленных денежных средствreversal of a payment made in error (Ремедиос_П)
возврат ошибочно перечисленных денежных средствreversal of a mistaken payment (Ремедиос_П)
возвращать ранее уплаченные денежные средстваrefund
выбытие денежных средствcash outflow (Lavrov)
выдача денежных средствdisbursement (1) N-UNCOUNT Disbursement is the paying out of a sum of money, especially from a fund. [FORMAL] Syn: payment 2) N-COUNT A disbursement is a sum of money that is paid out. [FORMAL] Syn: payment. CCB Alexander Demidov)
выделение денежных средств на проектallocation of funds to a project
выкачанные из страны денежные средстваsiphoned-off money (Taras)
выписка о движении денежных средств по счетуaccount statement (Alexander Demidov)
выплата в наличной форме денежных средствcash payout (Alexander Demidov)
выплата денежных средств в наличной формеcash payout (Alexander Demidov)
выставлять платёжные требования на списание денежных средств в безакцептном порядкеmake direct debit requests (By clicking submit you confirm that you are the primary account holder and therefore authorised to make Direct Debit requests from this account. Alexander Demidov)
гигантские денежные средстваavalanchine sums of money
Глобальная Программа противодействия отмыванию денежных средствGlobal Programme Against Money Laundering (Программа ООН Tatiana Okunskaya)
движение денежных средствcash flows (ABelonogov)
движение денежных средствmovement of funds
Движение денежных средств от основной / текущей деятельностиoperating cash flow (также operational cash flow)
денежные средстваresource
денежные средстваproceeds (вырученные, полученные в результате чего-л.: proceeds from the sale of the home ART Vancouver)
денежные средстваmonetary means (Alexander Demidov)
денежные средстваfund
денежные средстваsupply (ассигнуемые по смете)
денежные средстваfunds
денежные средства в банкеcash in bank
денежные средства в безналичной формеnon-cash money ("non-cash money" means money which is neither tangible coin nor banknote but which is found only in an intangible electronic or digital or number sense, and ... Positive Money – Bank of England (Creation of Currency) Bill 2011 Alexander Demidov)
денежные средства в кассахcash on hand (Money in the form of cash that a business has at a particular time. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
денежные средства в кассе и на расчётных счетах в банкахcash on hand and cash at bank (Alexander Demidov)
денежные средства в пунктах инкассацииcash at collection depots (Lavrov)
денежные средства в рублях и иностранной валютеmonetary resources in roubles and foreign currency (ABelonogov)
денежные средства, вырученные отproceeds from (money obtained from an event or activity: proceeds from the event will go to aid the work of the charity. NOED Alexander Demidov)
денежные средства за перевозку пассажировfare (Alexander Demidov)
денежные средства компанииcorporate funds (Alexander Demidov)
денежные средства на покупкуpurchase money (VictorMashkovtsev)
денежные средства на расчётных счетах в банкахcash at bank (Alexander Demidov)
денежные средства организацииcorporate funds (Alexander Demidov)
денежные средства, полученные в кредитmoney received as a loan (Alexander Demidov)
денежными или неденежными средствамиin money or otherwise (Alexander Demidov)
денежными средствамиin money (The price can't be paid out in money, so should it not be possible for you to make it the prize will move on to the second best contestant. The £5,000 jackpot, equivalent to close to £900,000 today, was paid out in money and tapestries, expensive linen, etc. Alexander Demidov)
денежными средствамиin cash (n banknotes, in currency, in ready money. BED Alexander Demidov)
денежными средствами в безналичном порядкеby money transfer (Payments must be made by money transfer in US dollars or other currency according to prior agreement. Alexander Demidov)
денежными средствами или неденежными средствамиin money or otherwise (Alexander Demidov)
день поступления денежных средств на счётdate on which the amount is credited to the account (NaNa*)
дефицит денежных средствcash flow constraints (olga garkovik)
Журнал выплат денежных средствCash Payments Journal
Журнал поступлений денежных средствCash Receipts Journal
за счёт собственных денежных средствon account of his/her/its own money (Grig1973)
заимствовать денежные средстваborrow money (a small sum, a few pounds, etc., и т.д.)
законодательство о противодействии легализации денежных средств, полученных преступным путёмanti-money laundering legislation (Alexander Demidov)
запросы на денежные средстваcash calls (Alexander Demidov)
затраты денежных средств и усилийcost and efforts (Technical)
зачисление денежных средств на счётcredit of funds to a bank account (Credit of funds to your bank account will usually be between 2 and 5 working days from the date of processing by ETX Capital. Alexander Demidov)
зачисление денежных средств на счётcrediting of funds to an account (VictorMashkovtsev)
зачисление денежных средств на счётcrediting of monetary resources to an account (ABelonogov)
изымать денежные средства в соответствии с распоряжением местных властейprecept
имущество и денежные средстваassets (anything of worth that is owned. The assets of a business are money in the bank, accounts receivable, securities held in the name of the business, property or buildings, equipment, fixtures, merchandise for sale or being made, supplies and all things of value that the business owns. Glossary of Business Terms Alexander Demidov)
иск о взыскании денежных средствdebt recovery claim (Alexander Demidov)
испытывать недостаток денежных средствbe strapped for money
испытывающий нехватку денежных средствcash-strapped
источник денежных средствsource of funds
кампания по сбору денежных средствfund-raising campaign
коэффициент оборачиваемости денежных средствcash turnover ratio (Ремедиос_П)
легализация денежных средств, полученных незаконным путёмmoney laundering (отмывание денег 4uzhoj)
надлежащий учёт денежных средствproper recording of monetary resources (ABelonogov)
наличные денежные средстваcash resources (ABelonogov)
наличные денежные средстваcash in hand (Alexander Demidov)
наличные денежные средстваcash money (ABelonogov)
наличные и перечисляемые денежные средстваcash on hand and in transit (Ying)
наложение ареста на денежные средстваfreezing of funds (5) Croatia, in the form of freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons indicted by International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia Alexander Demidov)
направить денежные средстваapply funds (Ремедиос_П)
направлять денежные средстваapply funds (Ремедиос_П)
невыделенные денежные средстваnonappropriated funds
неисполнение обязательств по перечислению денежных средствdefault (Alexander Demidov)
неисполнение обязательств по перечислению денежных средств в счёт оплатыdefault on the payment for (Alexander Demidov)
неиспользованный остаток денежных средствunexpended funds (Alexander Demidov)
неуплаченные вовремя денежные средстваarrears (money that sb/something owes that they should have paid earlier: rent/tax arrears • The airline has now paid its arrears in landing fees. • The country has accumulated debt arrears of $715 million. OBED Alexander Demidov)
нуждаться в денежных средствахbe strapped for money
оборот денежных средствtransactions in cash (Ремедиос_П)
оборот денежных средствcapital turnover
общая сумма денежных средствsum total of monies (Alexander Demidov)
объём государственных денежных средств, потраченныхpublic spending (общий объём государственных денежных средств, потраченных на покупку = the total public spending on. The total public spending on drugs in 2005 was 16 billion Norwegian kroner (NOK) (1 Euro = 8 NOK), and the reimbursable drugs paid for by the National. Alexander Demidov)
объём потраченных денежных средствmoney spent (Alexander Demidov)
объём потраченных денежных средствspending (the amount of money that is spent by a government or an organization • to increase public spending. There has been an increase in total government spending. • Three quarters of all federal spending goes to Social Security. OALD Alexander Demidov)
операции с денежными средствами или иным имуществомoperations involving monetary resources or other assets (ABelonogov)
операция с денежными средствами в наличной формеcash transaction (Alexander Demidov)
остаток денежных средств на счётеaccount balance (a figure stating how much money is in your bank account; it can be in debit or in credit Example Sentences Including "account balance" He then stepped up his account balance to more than L10,000 and began speaking to the press. INDEPENDENT (1999) Most companies use the profit and loss account balance , but there are alternatives. One man, who was not named, worked for a housing authority and never had an account balance of more than $130 at the end of every month. TIMES, SUNDAY TIMES (2002) The facility provides options of viewing account balance , downloading of transaction details and mail facility. INDIA TODAY (2003) The member must also tell the trustee what will happen to any remaining account balance if the member should die. THE AUSTRALIAN (2004). Collins Alexander Demidov)
острая нехватка денежных средствcash crunch
осуществление перевода денежных средствremittance (the act of sending money to sb in order to pay for something Syn: payment • Remittance can be made by cheque or credit card. • Many countries place restrictions on the remittance of currency abroad. • The goods will be dispatched on remittance of (= when you have sent) the full amount. OALD Alexander Demidov)
отмывать денежные средстваlaunder funds (Alexander Demidov)
отчёт о движении денежных средствcash flow report (Alexander Demidov)
отчёт о движении денежных средств по РСБУCash flow statement, RAS (mascot)
очерёдность использования денежных средствcash waterfall (Lavrov)
ошибочно перечисленные денежные средстваpayment made in error (Ремедиос_П)
ошибочно перечисленные денежные средстваmistaken payment (Ремедиос_П)
перевод денежных средствmoney transfer (max UK hits. Money transfer generally refers to one of the following cashless modes of payment or payment systems: Wire transfer, an international expedited bank-to-bank funds transfer Electronic funds transfer, an umbrella term mostly used for bank card-based payments Email Money Transfer, an online banking transfer between Canadian banks Giro, also known as direct deposit Money order, transfer by postal cheque, Money Gram or others Paypal, transfer by email on Paypal. It can also refer to the following cash-based wire transfer systems: al-Barakat, an informal money transfer system originating in the Arab world Hawala (also known as hundi), an informal system primarily used to send money to and from the Middle East, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, and South Asia Remittance, transfer of money by a foreign worker to his or her home country. Wiki Alexander Demidov)
перевод денежных средствtransfer funds (bigmaxus)
перевод денежных средств без открытия счетаmoney order transfer (AD Alexander Demidov)
перевод денежных средств в безналичном порядкеelectronic funds transfer (finance) a transaction made using electronic banking ⇒ While an electronic funds transfer may be a safe substitute for cash, it can cost money to use. Collins Alexander Demidov)
перевод денежных средств в безналичном порядкеelectronic transfer of funds (Alexander Demidov)
перевод денежных средств в безналичном порядкеETF (Alexander Demidov)
перевод денежных средств в безналичном порядкеEFT (Alexander Demidov)
перевод денежных средств в безналичном порядкеfunds transfer (FUNDS TRANSFER is money that is withdrawn from one account and transferred into a different account. See also ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER. ventureline.com Alexander Demidov)
перевод денежных средств в безналичном порядкеmoney transfer (Alexander Demidov)
перевод электронных денежных средствelectronic funds transfer (Electronic funds transfer (EFT) is the electronic exchange, transfer of money from one account to another, either within a single financial institution or across multiple institutions, through computer-based systems. The term covers a number of different concepts: Wire transfer via an international banking network Cardholder-initiated transactions, using a payment card such as a credit or debit card Direct deposit payment initiated by the payer Direct debit payments, sometimes called electronic checks, for which a business debits the consumer's bank accounts for payment for goods or services Electronic bill payment in online banking, which may be delivered by EFT or paper check Transactions involving stored value of electronic money, possibly in a private currency Electronic Benefit Transfer. WT Alexander Demidov)
перевод электронных денежных средствelectronic transfer (Any transfer of funds from one account to another that occurs electronically. An electronic transfer can take various forms, including a transfer made between an individual's various accounts (move from savings to checking), from one individual's account to a corporation's account for an automatic reoccurring bill payment, or via a credit or debit card swiped at a retail location to pay for a purchase. BD Alexander Demidov)
перевод электронных денежных средствelectronic money transfer (Alexander Demidov)
передача денежных средствonward transfer (лицом, освобождённым от уплаты налогов, лицу, не имеющему подобных льгот Vadim Rouminsky)
перенаправлять денежные средстваdivert budgets (Ремедиос_П)
перерасход денежных средствoverspend
перерасход денежных средствabove-budget spending (Lavrov)
перерасход денежных средствoverspending (Lavrov)
перечисление безналичных денежных средствelectronic transfer of funds (Alexander Demidov)
перечисление безналичных денежных средствelectronic transfer (Any transfer of funds from one account to another that occurs electronically. An electronic transfer can take various forms, including a transfer made between an individual's various accounts (move from savings to checking), from one individual's account to a corporation's account for an automatic reoccurring bill payment, or via a credit or debit card swiped at a retail location to pay for a purchase. BusDict Alexander Demidov)
перечисление денежных средствtransfer funds (bigmaxus)
перечисление денежных средств на счётtransfer of monetary resources to a bank account (ABelonogov)
перечислить целевые денежные средстваtransfer a targeted amount of money (NaNa*)
письменное требование о возврате денежных средствwritten claim for refund (witness)
планирование и контроль денежных средствcash flow management (The management and analysis of a company's cash flows. Careful cash flow management allows a company to estimate the amount of cash that it will have on hand at any one time, project trends in cash inflow and cash outflow, and evaluate whether a shortfall or surplus in cash could potentially occur. BD Alexander Demidov)
планирование операций с денежными средствамиcash flow management (Alexander Demidov)
платеж денежными средствамиcash payment (Alexander Demidov)
платёжные требования на списание денежных средств в безакцептном порядкеdirect debit requests (In the new SEPA world, businesses can make direct debit requests to any recipient located in the SEPA zone to their bank account using the BIC (Bank Identifier ... Alexander Demidov)
положительный остаток денежных средств от операционной деятельностиpositive free operating cash flow (Ремедиос_П)
получать денежные средстваreceive funds (Johnny Bravo)
получать денежные средства отreceive funding from
получение наличных денежных средствcash receipts
пользование чужими денежными средствамиuse of other person's money (zhvir)
пользование чужими денежными средствамиuse of another's monetary assets (P.B. Maggs ABelonogov)
помещение денежных средствinvestment
поступление и расходование денежных средствcash inflows and outflows (Alexander Demidov)
поступление и расходование денежных средствincoming and outgoing cash flows (Lavrov)
потребности в денежных средствахfunds requirements (Alexander Demidov)
потребности денежных средствfunds requirements (Alexander Demidov)
почтовые переводы денежных средствpostal transfers of monetary resources (ABelonogov)
превышение лимита денежных средствbudget overrun (Alexander Demidov)
предложение активов путём оплаты денежными средствамиcash offer
предприятие по обмену денежных средствexchange house (Vadim Rouminsky)
предприятие по переводу денежных средствremittance house (вроде "Вестерн Юнион" и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
предприятие, предоставляющее услуги по переводу денежных средствremittance house (вроде "Вестерн Юнион" и т. п. Vadim Rouminsky)
представление потоков денежных средствpresentation of cash flows (Alexander Demidov)
привлечение во вклады денежных средств физических лицattraction of deposits of monetary resources from physical persons (ABelonogov)
привлечение денежных средствfund raising (nuclear)
привлечение денежных средствborrowing (заемных nuclear)
принимать денежные средстваaccept
присвоение денежных средств обманным путёмobtaining money under false pretences (if you get something under false pretences, you get it by deceiving people: He was accused of obtaining money under false pretences. ldoceonline.com Alexander Demidov)
причитающиеся по сделке купли-продажи денежные средстваpurchase price (the price that is paid for something you buy • the purchase price of the house. OALD)
просрочка исполнения обязательств по перечислению денежных средств в счёт оплатыdefault on the payment for (Alexander Demidov)
противодействие легализации денежных средств, полученных преступным путёмmoney laundering control (Alexander Demidov)
проценты за неправомерное пользование чужими денежными средствамиlate charge (a penalty charge in addition to the regularly scheduled payment, as of a loan, if such payment has not been made when due. RHWD Alexander Demidov)
проценты за неправомерное пользование чужими денежными средствамиinterest for the improper use of other persons' monetary resources (ABelonogov)
проценты за пользование денежными средствами, находящимися на счётеinterest on account balances (в виде процентов за пользование денежными средствами, находящимися на счете (во вкладе) резидента в банке, расположенном за пределами территории РФ = as interest on the resident's offshore account balances Alexander Demidov)
проценты за пользование чужими денежными средствамиinterest on third-party money (Not to mention the savings to be enjoyed when a person doesn't have to pay for fees or interest on third party money. Alexander Demidov)
проценты за пользование чужими денежными средствамиinterest (возвратить уплаченную сумму предоплаты с начислением процентов за пользование денежными средствами в размере ставки рефинансирования ЦБ РФ = refund the amount paid in advance plus interest at the RF CB base rate Alexander Demidov)
проценты на остатки денежных средств на расчётных счетахinterest on account balances (Alexander Demidov)
проценты по остаткам денежных средствcalculated interest on cash flow (multitran.ru)
прямая передача денежных средствdirect money contribution (Ivan Pisarev)
путём перечисления безналичных денежных средствby wire transfer of funds (Alexander Demidov)
размещение временно свободных денежных средствplacement of temporarily disposable monetary resources (ABelonogov)
расписка в получении денежных средств в оплату за автомобильbill of sale (goo.gl/mklWIy 4uzhoj)
располагающий значительными денежными средствами для успешного веденияafloat
распоряжаться денежными средствамиmake decisions regarding monetary funds (Tanya Gesse)
распоряжаться денежными средствамиspend monetary funds (some contexts Tanya Gesse)
распоряжаться денежными средствамиuse monetary funds (some contexts Tanya Gesse)
распоряжаться денежными средствамиmanage cash funds (gennier)
распоряжаться денежными средствамиadminister cash resources (triumfov)
распоряжаться денежными средствамиmanage funds (gennier)
распоряжение денежными средствамиmoney management (Alexander Matytsin)
рынок денежных средствmoney market (► [C] a market for borrowing and lending money for short periods between banks and other financial organizations: in/on the money market "Higher lending rates between banks will make it less profitable for investors to raise funds in the money market. "The bigger the bank, the cheaper it is to borrow on the money market. "The low-interest rate environment has diminished returns for money markets, bonds, and other non-stock investments. "The Bundesbank has lowered a key money-market rate in each of the past three weeks. → Compare CAPITAL MARKET ► [U] the activity of buying and selling currencies: "The software is essential for anyone engaged in money market transactions. CBED Alexander Demidov)
сбор денежных средствcollection
сбор денежных средствfund raising
сбор денежных средств открытым акционерным обществомraising money by public company (teterevaann)
система управления денежными средствамиcash flow management system (Alexander Demidov)
собирать денежные средства по подпискеraise money by subscription (by taxation, etc., и т.д.)
совокупность денежных средств фирмы, дающая ей возможность вести свою деятельностьworking capital
соглашение об управлении денежными средствамиcash management
сокрытие денежных средствconcealment of monetary resources (ABelonogov)
сокрытие денежных средств либо имуществаconcealment of monetary resources or assets (ABelonogov)
состояние денежных средствposition with regard to monetary resources (ABelonogov)
списание денежных средствdebiting funds (from the account, например VictorMashkovtsev)
списание денежных средств со счётаdebiting of an account (Alexander Demidov)
списание денежных средств со счётаdebiting of monetary resources from an account (ABelonogov)
списания денежных средствwriting off the monetary funds from (со счета; account ROGER YOUNG)
списывать денежные средства со счётаdebit an account (remove an amount of money from (a bank account): cash terminals automatically debit a customer's bank account. NOED Alexander Demidov)
способы перевода денежных средствpayment methods (sankozh)
справки об остатках денежных средств на счетахnotices of balances of monetary resources in accounts (ABelonogov)
среднемесячный остаток денежных средствaverage monthly balance (The average monthly balance is the average of the closing balances for each day in a given month or statement period. The words in the term often get mixed up, but banks use the term "average monthly balance" to define the result of calculations performed at the end of each month. Banks use the standard calculation for finding an average to determine the average monthly balance. Calculation Banks calculate the average monthly balance by adding together each daily closing account balance throughout the month. The bank divides the sum of the daily account balances by the number of days in the month. For instance, the sum of your daily account balances is $1,345, which is divided by 30 for the number of days in April. The AMB is $48.33. Alexander Demidov)
стоимость привлечения денежных средствcost of funds (VictorMashkovtsev)
судебное решение о взыскании денежных средствmonetary award (A monetary award can be any form of compensation or bonus made in monetary form. This can include work bonuses, lottery winnings, scholarships, prizes in a competition, or awards that are part of a judicial decision. wisegeek.com. The jury awarded Pifer a Monetary Award Judgment of $80,957.07 for loss of cash rent, time value of cash rent revenue (interest), loss of grain ...)
судебное решение о взыскании денежных средствaward of costs (Alexander Demidov)
судебное решение о взыскании денежных средствaward of arrears (Employment Tribunal makes an award of arrears of pay or damages. | Rigid application of the provision at issue would, at best, restrict any possible award of arrears to the last two years before she discovered the discrimination | His claim depends on the payment or award of arrears, not the accrual to F1 of the underlying theoretical right" (para 33). | ... if he had received income support, and that any award of arrears of income support for the period in question would be exceeded by the JSA actually received. | The remedy for a breach of an equality clause in relation to pay is an award of arrears of remuneration and probably a declaration: see Sorbie (para 65 below). | ... requests for review such as the present one made after 11 April 1988 with a view to an award of arrears of benefit in respect of a period prior to 11 April 1988. Alexander Demidov)
судебное решение о взыскании денежных средствaward of damages (Alexander Demidov)
сумма денежных средствamount of funds (Alexander Demidov)
суммы денежных средствmonies (different amounts of money taken together: "He made a mistake by mixing clients' monies with the monies from his construction company. CBED Alexander Demidov)
счёт денежных средств в кассеcash account
требование на денежные средстваrequisition for cash
фактический остаток денежных средствactual balance of funds (kee46)
хищение бюджетных денежных средствembezzlement of public funds (Alexander Demidov)
хищение денежных средств в особо крупном размереgrand embezzlement (Some states distinguish between grand embezzlement and petit embezzlement on the basis of the value of the property stolen. The former involves property of a greater value and is punishable as a felony, while the latter involves property of a lesser value and is punishable as a misdemeanor. thefreedictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
чистая сумма денежных средств от инвестиционной деятельностиnet cash provided by investing activities (ROGER YOUNG)
чистая сумма денежных средств от инвестиционной деятельностиNet cash provided by financing activities (ROGER YOUNG)
чистое увеличение денежных средствnet increase in cash (Reporting a cash balance of $12,000 for the beginning of the year, and adding it to the net increase in cash of $76,400 leaves a cash balance at 2008 year-end ... | Cash at End of Period. This is the Cash at Beginning of Period plus the Net Increase in Cash, giving a total amount of cash on hand for this ... | It is usually a good idea to include dividends paid when evaluating the net increase in cash as that is a clear benefit to shareholders. Alexander Demidov)
чистое увеличение денежных средствnet increase in funds (After recognition of unrealised investment gains the total net increase in funds for the year was £327k (2013: £161k). Alexander Demidov)
чистые денежные средства, использованные в инвестиционной деятельностиnet cash used in investment activities (VictorMashkovtsev)
чистый поток денежных средствNCF (e-sve)
чистый поток денежных средствnet cash flow (e-sve)
чужие денежные средстваfunds of others held (Alexander Demidov)
щедро тратить денежные средства наshower money on (Tanya Gesse)
эквиваленты денежных средствcash-like assets (Ремедиос_П)
экономия денежных средствcost-cutting (Alexander Demidov)
электронные денежные средстваelectronic money (Electronic money is money that is exchanged electronically. This involves the use of computer networks, the internet and digital stored value systems. Bank deposits, electronic funds transfer (EFT), direct deposit, payment processors and digital currencies such as bitcoin are all examples of electronic money. Wiki Alexander Demidov)
электронные денежные средстваdigital cash (ssn)
явиться за получением остатка денежных средств на счётеclaim the account balance (To claim the account balance on the owner's death, the named beneficiary need only visit the financial institution, identify herself, and withdraw the account ... Would she have deposited the proceeds from the property sale in the account if she had known that Amanda could claim the account balance despite the provisions in Mary's will? Alexander Demidov)