
Terms for subject General containing деловая репутация | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
дела о защите деловой репутации граждан и юридических лицbusiness defamation cases (The High Court did not confirm, but nor did it overrule the proposition that there is a separate test for business defamation cases. Alexander Demidov)
дела о защите чести, достоинства и деловой репутацииpersonal and business defamation cases (In both personal and business defamation cases, a threshold of seriousness is applied to exclude trivial claims and ensure that the law is not undermined by bad ... | In Thornton Tugendhat J held that a qualification or threshold of seriousness is necessary in personal and business defamation cases so as to ... Alexander Demidov)
дела о защите чести и достоинства граждан, а также деловой репутации граждан и юридических лицpersonal and business defamation cases (Alexander Demidov)
дело о защите деловой репутацииbusiness defamation case (In a recent business defamation case a company was libelled by a rival bidder for a contract, we secured both damages and legal costs. Alexander Demidov)
деловая и социальная репутацияbusiness and public image (Alexander Demidov)
деловая репутацияbusiness reputation (Alexander Demidov)
деловая репутацияcommercial goodwill (Serge1985)
деловая репутацияgood will (wikipedia.org arturmoz)
деловая репутацияrecord
доказывать деловую репутациюprove business reputation (фирмы в судебном разбирательстве по нарушению прав на знак)
отрицательная деловая репутацияbadwill (multitran123)
отрицательная деловая репутацияnegative business reputation (ABelonogov)
положительная деловая репутацияpositive business reputation (ABelonogov)
порочить честь, достоинство или деловую репутацию лицаdenigrate the honour, dignity or business reputation of a person (ABelonogov)
престиж, деловая репутация, контакты, клиенты и кадры компании как её активgoodwill (gennier)
спор о защите деловой репутацииdefamation case (Alexander Demidov)
споры о защите чести и деловой репутацииdefamation claims (Guide to Defamation claims. In order to bring a claim for defamation, a claimant must prove that the defendant has published a defamatory statement to a third party which refers to him. | In order to bring a claim for defamation, a claimant must prove that the defendant has published a defamatory statement to a third party which refers to him. The Difference Between Libel and Slander Claims. There are two types of Defamation Claims: Libel & Slander. Libel Claims. The term Libel covers 'permanent' ... Defamation claims drop to lowest level since 2008 Bringing or defending defamation claims "No Win No Fee" Still Available for Defamation Claims Defending Against Defamation Claims Alexander Demidov)
честь, достоинство и деловая репутацияhonour, dignity and business reputation (Alexander Demidov)