
Terms containing дата подписания договора | all forms | in specified order only
busin.дата подписания договораdate of contract signing (Johnny Bravo)
busin.дата подписания договораcontract signing date (Johnny Bravo)
busin.дата подписания договораdate of signing the contract (Johnny Bravo)
lawдата подписания договораcontract date ("дата подписания договора" – типовая фраза в русскоязычных договорах Phyloneer)
law, ADRдата подписания договораagreement date (Alex Lilo)
econ.дата подписания договораdate of execution of the agreement
SAP.дата подписания договораcontract signed date
econ.дата подписания договораdate of signature of the agreement
law, ADRдата подписания договораdate of agreement (Alex Lilo)
gen.дата подписания договораdate of contract (Alexander Demidov)
Makarov.дата подписания международного договораthe date of the signing of the treaty
lawдата подписания соглашения / договораdate of the agreement
O&G, sahk.r.договор вступает в силу с даты его подписанияthis agreement becomes effective upon the date of this agreement
lawдоговор вступает в силу с даты его подписанияthis Contract shall enter into force upon signature by.. (the duly authorized representatives, например Nuraishat)
Gruzovik, dipl.на дату подписания договораas of the date of signature of the treaty
gen.с даты подписания договораfrom the date of signing the contract (Johnny Bravo)