
Terms for subject European Bank for Reconstruction and Development containing государственные бумаги | all forms
государственная ценная бумагаgilt (gilt-edged security; Англия raf)
государственная ценная бумагаgilt-edged security (Англия; = gilt A fixed-interest security or stock issued by the British government in the form of Exchequer stocks or Treasury stocks. Gilts are among the safest of all investments, as the government is unlikely to default on interest or on principal repayments. They may be irredeemable (see Consols) or redeemable. Redeemable gilts are classified as: long-dated gilts or longs (not redeemable for 15 years or more), medium-dated gilts or mediums (redeemable in 5 to 15 years), or short-dated gilts or shorts (redeemable in less than 5 years). Like most fixed-interest securities, gilts are sensitive not only to interest rates but also inflation rates. This led the government to introduce index-linked gilts in the 1970s, with interest payments moving in a specified way relative to inflation. paraMost gilts are issued in units of?100. If they pay a high rate of interest (i.e. higher than the current rate) a?100 unit may be worth more than?100 for a period of its life, even though it will only pay?100 on redemption. OF&B Alexander Demidov)
государственная ценная бумагаgovernment security (A bond (or debt obligation) issued by a government authority, with a promise of repayment upon maturity that is backed by said government. A government security may be issued by the government itself or by one of the government agencies. These securities are considered low-risk, since they are backed by the taxing power of the government. Explanation: Government securities promise repayment of principal upon maturity as well as coupon or interest payments periodically. Examples of government securities include savings bonds, treasury bills and notes. Government securities are usually used to raise funds that pay for the government's various expenses, including those related to infrastructure development projects. Because they are low risk, the return on the securities is generally low. investopedia.com Alexander Demidov)
государственные ценные бумагиgilt-edged securities
курс государственных ценных бумагgilt prices (Англия raf)
курс государственных ценных бумагgilt prices
рынок государственных ценных бумагgilt-edged market (raf)
ценные бумаги государственных организацийgovernment agency issues (raf)
ценные бумаги государственных учрежденийgovernment agency issues