
Terms for subject General containing государственно-частный | all forms | in specified order only
государственное предприятие с участием частного капиталаpublic-private partnerships (multitran.ru)
государственно-частная инициативаpublic-private initiative (Labour is strongly in favour of public-private initiatives, but what are the implications for ... | There's been an increasing trend for United Nations bodies concerned with children's health such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) to work with private companies and foundations, governments and academic institutions through joint public-private initiatives. Alexander Demidov)
государственно-частное партнёрствоP3 (Public-Private Partnership Millie)
государственно-частное партнёрствоpublic private partnership (an arrangement in which the UK government works together with a private company in order to improve a ^public service such as a railway system, road, prison, school, or hospital. The government believes that private companies can manage or build some of these things better than public organizations, but some people do not think that private companies should manage certain things such as prisons. LDOCE. Public–private partnership (PPP) describes a government service or private business venture which is funded and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sector companies. These schemes are sometimes referred to as PPP, P3 or P3. PPP involves a contract between a public sector authority and a private party, in which the private party provides a public service or project and assumes substantial financial, technical and operational risk in the project. Wiki , ГЧП)
государственно-частное партнёрствоpublic and private partnership (AMlingua)
государственно-частное партнёрствоpublic private partnership (an arrangement in which the UK government works together with a private company in order to improve a ^public service such as a railway system, road, prison, school, or hospital. The government believes that private companies can manage or build some of these things better than public organizations, but some people do not think that private companies should manage certain things such as prisons. LDOCE. Public–private partnership (PPP) describes a government service or private business venture which is funded and operated through a partnership of government and one or more private sector companies. These schemes are sometimes referred to as PPP, P3 or P3. PPP involves a contract between a public sector authority and a private party, in which the private party provides a public service or project and assumes substantial financial, technical and operational risk in the project. Wiki – ГЧП Alexander Demidov)
Государственно-частное партнёрство по экологическим автомобильным дорогамGreen Highways Partnership (Создано в 2002 г. по инициативе Федерального управления автомобильных дорог США ambassador)
государственные и частные инициативыgovernment and private initiatives (Alexander Demidov)
государственные предприятия с участием частного капиталаPublic Private Partnership (Lavrov)
государственный и частный сектораpublic and private sectors
государственный орган или частное лицоpublic or private actor (One central finding is that the bottom-line question is not so much whether the partnership is with a public or private actor, but rather whether ... Alexander Demidov)
диалог государственного и частного секторовpublic-private dialogue (whoever)
лицо, назначаемое правительством для разбора жалоб частных лиц на государственные учрежденияombudsman (ABelonogov)
лицо, назначенное правительством для разбора жалоб частных лиц на государственные учрежденияombudsman
Обзор государственно-частных расходов на охрану окружающей средыPublic Private Environmental Expenditure Review (Divina)
определённое равновесие в позиции государственного и частного секторовpublic-private balance
передавать государственные предприятия в частные рукиdenationalize
продажа государственной собственности частным компаниямdenationalization
развитие государственно-частного партнёрстваPPP development (tlumach)
система здравоохранения, финансируемая из государственных, частных и общественных фондовtri-partite health system
сочетать частную форму собственности с государственнойmix private and state ownership