
Terms for subject Dog breeding containing глухая | all forms
собаки-помощники для глухих и слабослышащих людейhearing dogs (Hearing dogs are trained to alert their owners to common sounds like doorbells, oven timers, smoke alarms, telephones, babies' cries, or alarm clocks. Hearing dogs make physical contact with their masters, nudging or pawing them to get their attention. 'More)
собаки-помощники для глухих и слабослышащих людейsignal dogs (Signal dog means any dog trained to alert a deaf person, or person whose hearing is impaired, to intruders or sounds. . 'More)
собаки-помощники для глухих и слабослышащих людейhearing service dogs (тж. hearing dogs, or signal dogs, help the deaf and hard of hearing. 'More)