
Terms for subject Microsoft containing гибкая | all forms | exact matches only
баланс времени работы сотрудника по гибкому графику в текущий деньflex balance of the employee on the current day (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
виртуальный гибкий дискvirtual floppy disk (A file-based version of a physical floppy disk. A virtual floppy disk is stored as a file with a .vfd file name extension)
гибкая аутентификацияflexible authentication (An authentication process where users in a variety of identity management systems can be authenticated. Rori)
гибкая методикаAgile method (Any of a family of processes that software developers use to minimize risk by developing applications incrementally, over a series of short iterations. In this model, real-time communications, such as in person conversations and telephone calls, are preferred over written documentation; the primary measure of progress is working software, instead of hours spent, tasks completed, documents reviewed, or phases signed-off; stakeholders are expected to collaborate, instead of negotiating; and planning happens continuously in order to respond to change)
гибкая модель приложенийfluid application model (A model that enables secure, cross-domain, integration between external applications and SharePoint Foundation deployments. Rori)
гибкая разработка программного обеспеченияagile software development (A conceptual framework for undertaking software engineering projects in a lighter, faster, more people-centric way. Many of the characteristics for agile software development originate in the Agile Manifesto established by the Agile Alliance, group of software professionals)
гибкий дизайнresponsive design (microsoft.com bojana)
гибкий дискfloppy disk (A reusable magnetic storage medium. The floppy disk used today is the rigid 3.5-inch microfloppy that holds 1.44 MB. It is called floppy because the first varieties were housed in bendable jackets)
гибкий ИДflexible ID (идентификатор Rori)
гибкий идентификаторflexible identifier (An identifier that is assigned to various synchronization entities, such as replicas. The identifier can be of fixed or variable length. Rori)
гибкий процессagile process (ptraci)
гибкое ограничениеflexible constraint (A constraint that does not tie a task to a single date. Flexible constraints are As Soon As Possible, As Late As Possible, Finish No Earlier Than, Finish No Later Than, Start No Earlier Than, and Start No Later Than. Rori)
операции одиночного гибкого хозяинаFSMO (Flexible Single Master Operations microsoft.com bojana)
операции одиночного гибкого хозяинаFlexible Single Master Operations (FSMO microsoft.com bojana)