
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing в момент | all forms
в какой-то моментat one time or another (Everyone feels jealous at one time or another. ART Vancouver)
в какой-то моментat one point (At one point I remember just sort of saying to myself, I have to stop taking drugs but I need support. ART Vancouver)
в какой-то моментat one stage (I confess that at one stage I just gave up. Frankly, I wanted to die. Then I heard my baby's voice and I thought, "I can't do this. I need to live." ART Vancouver)
именно в этот моментit was then that (что-то произошло: At first, they thought it was a joke being played on them by their friends, but as the wailing intensified they ran away in a panic. As the two friends ran down the hill along a trail they reached a curve in the path, and it was then that the source of the alien howling made itself known. According to Carlson, a huge, 7-to-8-foot-tall hairy female creature, naked except for a cloth around the waist, lumbered into view. (mysteriousuniverse.org) ART Vancouver)
происходитслучается что-либо в самый последний моментCome in under the wire (Interex)