
Terms for subject Microsoft containing в атаку | all forms
атака "злоумышленник в середине"man-in-the-middle attack (A security attack in which an attacker intercepts and possibly modifies data that is transmitted between two users. The attacker pretends to be the other person to each user. In a successful man-in-the-middle attack the users are unaware that there is an attacker between them intercepting and modifying their data)
атака "злоумышленник в середине"bucket brigade attack (A security attack in which an attacker intercepts and possibly modifies data that is transmitted between two users. The attacker pretends to be the other person to each user. In a successful man-in-the-middle attack the users are unaware that there is an attacker between them intercepting and modifying their data)
атака типа "отказ в обслуживании"denial-of-service attack (An attempt by a malicious (or unwitting) user, process, or system to prevent legitimate users from accessing a resource (usually a network service) by exploiting a weakness or design limitation in an information system)
атака типа "отказ в обслуживании"denial of service attack (An attempt by a malicious (or unwitting) user, process, or system to prevent legitimate users from accessing a resource (usually a network service) by exploiting a weakness or design limitation in an information system)
атака типа отказ в обслуживанииDoS
распределённая атака типа отказ в обслуживанииdistributed denial of service