
Terms for subject Social media containing в | all forms | exact matches only
активность в социальных сетях, связанная с личной жизнью пользователейprivate social media activity (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
буря в соцсетяхflurry of social media posts (шаблон, описывающий реакцию в социальных сетях: Flaming debris was seen blazing across the night sky in Melbourne on Monday, sparking a flurry of social media posts questioning if it was a meteor. -- вызвали бурю в соцсетях bbc.com ART Vancouver)
в китайских социальных сетяхon social media in China (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
в китайских социальных сетяхon Chinese social media (CNN, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
в сообщении, размещённом в социальной сетиin a social media post (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
в социальной сетиon a social media platform (Alex_Odeychuk)
в социальных сетяхvia social media (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
в социальных сетяхthrough social media (Alex_Odeychuk)
в социальных сетяхthrough social media platforms (контекстуальный перевод на русс. язык Alex_Odeychuk)
в социальных сетяхwith the help of social media (Alex_Odeychuk)
в социальных сетях Китаяon social media in China (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
в соцсетях появиласьpopped up on social media (An intriguing photo that popped up on social media earlier this week may show a legendary Bigfoot-like cryptid said to reside in Singapore. – в соцсетях появилась / распространилась фотография coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
в Твиттереon Twitter (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
волна возмущения в социальных сетяхsocial media storm (erupted on ... when ... ; BBC News Alex_Odeychuk)
выложить в интернетеshare on social media (Builders made the discovery while working on the 300-year-old home of John Adams in Norbury, Shropshire. Mr Adams shared a photograph on social media to try to work out what the text might say with several people suggesting it was in Hebrew. (bbc.com) ART Vancouver)
добавить в друзьяadd (в социальной сети: My ex said she wants to be friends and added me on Facebook. 4uzhoj)
добавить в друзьяadd to friends (в социальной сети: The next day I added her to friends on Facebook and casually invited her for a date at a bar. Himera)
добавить в друзьяbefriend (в социальной сети: He befriended me on Facebook and we started chatting. Sergey_Ka)
друзья в соцсетяхsocial media friends ("It's always the same story: every time you sit down to your laptop to try and actually get some work done, your cat promptly plops down on your keyboard. Does this mean that your cat is jealous of your clients and social media friends?" (The Modern Cat Magazine) ART Vancouver)
закрытые сообщества в социальных сетяхprivate groups in social media (edu.au Alex_Odeychuk)
запрос на добавление в друзьяfriend request (ssn)
кампания в социальных сетях, финансируемая из государственного бюджетаstate-sponsored social media campaign (Alex_Odeychuk)
канал новостей, содержащий призывы к насилию в ходе акций протестаchannel that called for violence during the protests (говоря о канале новостей в социальной сети // New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
Комиссия по вопросам деятельности в социальных сетяхSocial Media Committee (koban)
лидер общественного мнения в социальной сетиsocial media influencer (CNN, 2017 Alex_Odeychuk)
линия поведения в сетиonline persona (говоря о пользователе социальной сети theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
материалы на русском языке в социальных сетяхRussian language content on social media (cnn.com Alex_Odeychuk)
менеджер маркетинга в социальных сетяхSMM manager (MichaelBurov)
менеджер маркетинга в социальных сетяхsocial media marketing manager (MichaelBurov)
молниеносно разлететься в соцсетяхspread like wildfire on social media (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
молниеносно распространиться в соцсетяхspread like wildfire on social media (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com) • A security camera at a Peruvian market captured a guard seemingly speaking to an unseen person and the man at the center of the now-viral video has come forward with the fantastic claim that the footage shows him having a conversation with a ghost girl. The chilling scene reportedly unfolded in the city of Ventanilla last year, though the footage appears to have only popped up online earlier this month and, since then, has spread like wildlife on social media in Peru. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
моментально разлететься в соцсетяхspread like wildfire on social media (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
моментально распространиться в соцсетяхspread like wildfire on social media (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
написать в личкуsend a DM (Send me a DM to connect! ART Vancouver)
направить сообщение в WhatsAppWhatsApp (To send via WhatsApp: Incase of any urgency, you can either text me or WhatsApp me. 'More)
обмен новостями в соцсетяхonline chatter (An Ohio school district briefly entered into a lockdown after a misguided prankster dressed as Bigfoot was spotted roaming around on campus. Although a social media announcement about the situation simply stated that buildings had been locked down due to "an unknown visitor," online chatter quickly revealed that the interloper was of the 'cryptozoological' variety as several students captured video of what appeared to be Sasquatch outside. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
образ, культивируемый в сетиonline persona (говоря о линии поведения пользователя социальной сети theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
обход в обратном порядкеpost-order walk (обход, при котором просматриваются сначала потомки, а потом предки Ivan Pisarev)
обход в прямом порядкеpre-order walk (обход, при котором каждый узел-предок просматривается прежде его потомков Ivan Pisarev)
общаться в соцсетиconnect on a social network (Jeff and his buddies also connect on the social network DangBang, which lets users record their athletic achievements and encourage one another to accomplish their goals. ART Vancouver)
опубликовать видео в соцсетяхpost a video to social media (In a video posted to social media, ... • Residents of a city in China were left scratching their heads at the sight of a strange swarm of small glowing objects that seemingly wafted through the sky. When the video was posted to social media in China, it understandably spawned an array of theories as to what the puzzling glowing dots, which are said to have stretched a staggering 1,600 feet across the sky at one point, could have been. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
опубликовать постоянную ссылку в социальных сетяхshare the persistent link across social media (financial-engineer)
опубликовать сообщение в Твиттереissue a tweet (saying: ... – следующего содержания: ... // New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
опубликовать ссылку в социальных сетяхshare the link across social media platforms (financial-engineer)
пароли к учётным записям в социальных сетяхsocial-media passwords (InfoWorld Alex_Odeychuk)
первое место в менюtop in the menu (ssn)
писать в Твиттереtweet (about ... – о ... Alex_Odeychuk)
поведение в сетиonline persona (говоря о пользователе социальной сети theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
подвергаться резкой критике в социальных сетяхhas come under fire on social media (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
поделиться в социальных сетяхshare on social media (Builders made the discovery while working on the 300-year-old home of John Adams in Norbury, Shropshire. Mr Adams shared a photograph on social media to try to work out what the text might say with several people suggesting it was in Hebrew. (bbc.com) ART Vancouver)
подписчики в социальных сетяхsocial media followers (forbes.com Alex_Odeychuk)
превратить в объект презрительного отношения в социальных сетяхmake into an object of social media contempt (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
приглашение в друзьяfriend request (elgsk)
присутствие в социальных сетяхsocial media presence (nytimes.com Alex_Odeychuk)
продолжать оставлять сообщения в Твиттереhave kept tweeting (Washington Post Alex_Odeychuk)
профиль в социальной сетиsocial profile (sheetikoff)
разлететься в соцсетяхgo viral (Footage taken by bystanders went viral. -- Кадры от очевидцев разлетелись по социальным сетям. • The weird photo quickly went viral and, as one might imagine, spawned all manner of theories as to the nature of the curious critter. • A remarkably clear video of a UFO over New York City's Laguardia Airport has gone viral as the witness who captured the footage has come forward to share her story. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
разлететься в соцсетяхgo viral on social media (A weird video that has gone viral on social media in Mexico shows a puzzling anomaly emerge from a hole in a sidewalk before vanishing from sight and some believe the oddity could be some kind of shapeshifting entity. (coasttocoastam.com) • A strange piece of security camera footage from a farm in El Salvador shows an eerie figure strolling past a farm animal before vanishing into thin air. The creepy scene was reportedly captured in late March in the town of Chalatenango and went viral on social media in Latin America after resurfacing online this past week. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
разлететься в соцсетях со скоростью лесного пожараspread like wildfire on social media (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
распространение в социальных сетях видеоматериаловcirculation on social media of videos (showing ... Alex_Odeychuk)
распространиться в соцсетях со скоростью лесного пожараspread like wildfire on social media (Nauta's video spread like wildfire on social media in Argentina with some viewers dismissing Nauta's account as merely a tall tale on her part, while others responded that they had also seen such entities in the area. (coasttocoastam.com) ART Vancouver)
реакция в социальных сетяхreaction on social media (New York Times Alex_Odeychuk)
связи в соцсетяхnetworking connections (VLZ_58)
совокупность сообщений в социальных сетяхtotality of one's social media presence (She was terminated because of the totality of her social media presence. — Её уволили, принимая во внимание совокупность её сообщений в социальных сетях. Alex_Odeychuk)
создание профилей в социальных сетях на вымышленные именаmaking up false identities (Wired magazine, USA Alex_Odeychuk)
сообщение в социальной сетиsocial media post (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
сообщения в социальных сетяхsocial media posts (404media.co Alex_Odeychuk)
сообщения в социальных сетяхposts on social media (CNN Alex_Odeychuk)
специалист маркетинга в социальных сетяхSMM manager (MichaelBurov)
специалист по маркетингу в социальных сетяхSMM manager (MichaelBurov)
специалист по маркетингу в социальных сетяхsocial media marketing manager (MichaelBurov)
ссылка в шапке профиляlink in bio (Rapunzel)
управление учётными записями в социальной сетиonline identity management (Alex_Odeychuk)
управление учётными записями в социальных сетяхsocial media management (CNN, 2020 Alex_Odeychuk)
учётная запись в социальной сетиsocial media profile (Alex_Odeychuk)
учётная запись знаменитости в социальной сетиcelebrity social media account (Alex_Odeychuk)
учётные записи в ТвиттереTwitter handles (Alex_Odeychuk)