
Terms for subject Real estate containing выставили | all forms
выставить дом на продажуput one's home up for sale (ART Vancouver)
выставить дом на продажуlist the property for sale (ART Vancouver)
выставить дом на продажуlist one's home (ART Vancouver)
выставить дом на продажуput one's house on the market (ART Vancouver)
выставить квартиру на продажуlist the property for sale (ART Vancouver)
выставить на продажуplace on the market (земельный участок: The site’s value is currently assessed at $98 million and is home to a seven-storey building constructed in 1980, according to BC Assessment. The site will be placed on the market after Feb. 24. (biv.com) ART Vancouver)
выставить на продажуlist (квартиру/дом: The owner had bought the lot 16 years earlier for $650,000 and had it on the market for about five years with various real estate agents before listing it with us for just more than $3 million. – выставил дом на продажу через наше агентство ART Vancouver)
выставить на публичные торгиput up for public bidding ("As far as the "Boffo Kettle family" development, Boffo was given a couple of breaks. While the community plan for the area allowed for developments of up to five storeys, council approved a variance that would allow Boffo to build a condo tower 12 storeys high. Then there was the matter of the city selling a piece of land to Boffo without putting it up for public bidding – another benefit." (The Vancouver Courier) ART Vancouver)