
Terms for subject Audit containing выгод | all forms
будущая экономическая выгодаfuture economic benefit
метод оценки причитающихся выгодaccrued benefit valuation method
метод оценки прогнозируемых выгодprojected benefit valuation method
продажа ценных бумаг с выгодойsales of securities at gains (YuliaO)
с выгодойat gains (YuliaO)
соотношение между выгодами и затратамиbalance between benefit and cost
экономические выгодыeconomic benefits (The projected benefits revealed by an economic appraisal Economic benefits are usually gains that can be expressed in financial terms as the result of an improvement in facilities provided by a government, local authority, etc. For example, the economic benefits arising from the construction of a new or improved road might include lower vehicle operating costs, time savings for the road users, and lower accident costs as a result of fewer accidents. In each case the savings would be in economic terms, that is, excluding the effect of taxes and subsidies within the economy. See economic costs. OB&M Alexander Demidov)
экономические выгодыeconomic benefits (AD)