
Terms for subject Microsoft containing вспомогательная | all forms | exact matches only
внедрённый во вспомогательные сборкиincluded in satellite assemblies (говоря о ресурсах Alex_Odeychuk)
вспомогательная библиотекаhelper library (ssn)
вспомогательная библиотека трассировки событийevent trace helper library (Windows 8 ssn)
вспомогательная версия пакета обновленияService Pack Minor (Windows 8 Rori)
вспомогательная плиткаsecondary tile (A shortcut to places within an app or to other content)
Вспомогательная плитка удаленаSecondary tile is uninstalled (Windows 8 ssn)
вспомогательная сборкаsatellite assembly (A .NET Framework assembly containing resources specific to a given language. Using satellite assemblies, you can place the resources for difference languages in different assemblies, and the correct assembly is loaded into memory only if the user elects to view that application in that language)
вспомогательная службаassisted service (A service for which an employee requires assistance from another person, such as a call center)
вспомогательная формаassistant shape (In an organization chart, a shape that is placed below and connected to any other shape with an elbow connector. This shape is placed above any additional subordinate shapes for the particular superior shape it is attached to)
вспомогательное приложениеhelper application (An application intended to be launched by a Web browser when the browser downloads a file that it is not able to process itself. Examples of helper applications are sound and movie players. Helper applications generally must be obtained and installed by users; they usually are not included in the browser itself)
вспомогательное приложениеhelper (An application intended to be launched by a Web browser when the browser downloads a file that it is not able to process itself. Examples of helper applications are sound and movie players. Helper applications generally must be obtained and installed by users; they usually are not included in the browser itself)
вспомогательное пространствоscratch space (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 ssn)
вспомогательные материалыcollateral
вспомогательный двоичный файлsatellite binary (Alex_Odeychuk)
вспомогательный контроллер доменаhelper DC (A supporting domain controller used to source SYSVOL from the restored backup media if only one domain controller is installed in the domain (SYSVOL has not replicated at least once between two domain controllers in the domain))
DC вспомогательный контроллер доменаhelper
вспомогательный материалnon-direct item (An item that is not calculated by Master Planning)
вспомогательный объект браузераBHO (An in-process Component Object Model (COM) component that Internet Explorer will load each time it starts; it runs in the same memory context as the browser and can perform actions on the available windows and modules)
выделенное для резервного копирования вспомогательное пространствоscratch space configured for backup (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 ssn)
развёрнутый во вспомогательных сборкахdeployed into satellite assemblies (Alex_Odeychuk)
скрытый вспомогательный объектhidden helper (An input element used to store information about the state of a webpage)
Убедитесь, что выделенное для резервного копирования вспомогательное пространство находится в папке, которая не зашифрована и не является сжатойEnsure that the scratch space configured for backup is located in an unencrypted and uncompressed folder (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 ssn)