
Terms for subject Humorous / Jocular containing всеять | all forms
в течение всей жизниfrom womb to tomb (VLZ_58)
во всей красеin all one's ... glory (An iconic black-and-white photograph of Salvador Dalí, in all his mustachioed glory, is reproduced on the front cover. ART Vancouver)
при всей честной компанииpublicly (честно́й)
при всей честно́й компанииpublicly
при всей честно́й компанииopenly
при всей честной компанийopenly
способный заехать изо всей силыpack a hefty punch (A pang of pity for the stricken officer passed through me. Orlo, as I have said, was well nourished, and Vanessa was one of those large girls who pack a hefty punch. A cop socked by both of them would have entertained no doubt as to his having been in a fight. (P.G. Wodehouse) • ...во время съёмки заехать изо всей силы прикладом винтовки... (vaschilin.blogspot.com) ART Vancouver)