
Terms for subject Cliche / convention containing всесторонне | all forms
всестороннее пониманиеfull knowledge (In a meeting with Municipal Affairs Minister Bill Vander Zalm, McMillan said: "Community plans, with firm zoning densities would provide every property owner with full knowledge, right from from the start, about municipal intentions for all areas of the municipality." (BC Business Week) -- обеспечить всестороннее понимание ART Vancouver)
всестороннее представлениеfull knowledge (In a meeting with Municipal Affairs Minister Bill Vander Zalm, McMillan said: "Community plans, with firm zoning densities would provide every property owner with full knowledge, right from from the start, about municipal intentions for all areas of the municipality." (BC Business Week) -- обеспечить всестороннее представление ART Vancouver)
подвергнуть всестороннему анализуconduct an in-depth analysis (The sandstone sculptures have been identified as two Roman gods and dated back to roughly 200 AD based on the age of the building where they were found. Since they were only recently pulled out of the ground, the team hasn’t had time to conduct an in-depth analysis of them. thevintagenews.com ART Vancouver)