
Terms for subject Microsoft containing временное | all forms | exact matches only
алгоритм временных рядовMicrosoft Time Series algorithm (Algorithm that uses a linear regression decision tree approach to analyze time-related data, such as monthly sales data or yearly profits. The patterns it discovers can be used to predict values for future time steps; Майкрософт)
алгоритм временных рядовtime series algorithm (microsoft.com bojana)
алгоритм временных рядовMicrosoft Time Series algorithm (Microsoft)
временная границаtime fence
временная границаtime fence (A time interval, specified in days, that defines and limits which data are included in a master scheduling calculation)
временная метка высокого разрешенияhigh-resolution time stamp (less than 1 us – менее 1 микросекунды Alex_Odeychuk)
временная памятьtemporary memory (Any temporary storage space used within or in conjunction with a computer, such as RAM or a USB flash drive)
временная таблицаtemporary table (A table placed in the temporary database, tempdb, and erased at the end of the session)
временная хранимая процедураtemporary stored procedure (A procedure placed in the temporary database, tempdb, and erased at the end of the session)
временная шкалаtimeline (The area of the user interface that shows the timing and arrangement of files or clips that make up a project)
временная шкалаTimeline (​A graphic control that allows users to select time periods for data filtering, using a familiar linear time representation)
временное хранилищеcase
временной горизонтtime horizon (The maximum length of time for which future operations are planned)
временные затраты инструментированияinstrumentation overhead (An increase in the time it takes code to run when you instrument a binary. The increase is caused by additional code, known as a probe, that is inserted to monitor application performance. Rori)
временные затраты инструментированияinstrumentation overhead (An increase in the time it takes code to run when you instrument a binary. The increase is caused by additional code, known as a probe, that is inserted to monitor application performance)
Временные проводки по налогамTemporary sales tax transactions (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 Rori)
временный потребительtemporary consumer (An event consumer that receives event notifications only while the consumer is active)
временный узелtemporary node (A node that is created as a result of an administrator action and that displays in the navigation pane for the current console session only)
временный файлstash file (An internal structure that is used to stage a disc before recording it to media)
генерация временных метокtimestamp generation (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
дерево временных рядовTime Series Tree (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
дискретизация временной шкалыtimeline snapping (Snapping the movement of the playhead during frame-by-frame playback, and snapping keyframes, to specific intervals on the timeline)
дополнительные временные затратыoverhead time (The estimated total time spent in instrumentation overhead)
измерять временные интервалыmeasure time intervals (Alex_Odeychuk)
использоваться для измерения временных интерваловbe used for time-interval measurements (Alex_Odeychuk)
каталог временных файловscratch directory (A temporary directory used by the operating system or some other program to temporarily store data until the current session is terminated)
масштаб временной шкалыtimeline zoom (A zoom that displays a smaller or larger range of time on the timeline)
область временных файловscratch space (System Center Data Protection Manager 2012 ssn)
область временных файлов среды предустановки WindowsWindows PE scratch space (System Center Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 ssn)
Объекты и временная шкалаObjects and Timeline (The area of the workspace that displays all of the objects on the artboard and the animation timeline)
получить временную метку высокого разрешенияacquire high-resolution time stamps (less than 1 us – менее 1 микросекунды Alex_Odeychuk)
пробный временный адресtentative temporary address (microsoft.com bojana)
проверка подлинности подключаемых к ПК временных запоминающих устройствauthentication in host attachments of transient storage devices (ssn)
прогнозы временных рядовTime series predictions (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
Простая временная шкалаBasic Timeline (A SmartArt graphic layout used to show sequential steps in a task, process, or workflow, or to show timeline information. Works well with both Level 1 and Level 2 text)
пространственно-временнойspatiotemporal (Pertaining to something that exists both in space and time)
редактор временных шкалtimeline editor (The area in the Interaction panel where a user can edit individual timelines)
средство просмотра временных рядовTime Series Viewer (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
стандартный протокол IEEE для проверки подлинности подключаемых к ПК временных запоминающих устройствIEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage Devices (The IEEE industry standard that defines methods for authenticating transient removable storage devices (e.g. USB flash drives, memory cards, and portable hard disks) when they are mounted to host computers in corporate, government, academic, and other environments)
стандартный протокол IEEE для проверки подлинности подключаемых к ПК временных запоминающих устройствIEEE standard protocol for authentication in host attachments of transient storage devices (ssn)