
Terms for subject Microsoft containing времени | all forms | exact matches only
агент добавления времениpayment provider (An organization authorized by a solution provider to add time to that solution provider's computers enabled by FlexGo technology)
административное времяAdministrative Time
URL-адрес отметки времени манифестаManifest Timestamp URL (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
активное времяactive time (The entire duration of a timeline, including forward and backward iterations. For example, a timeline programmed to play forward and then backward, once, is active for twice the specified duration–once for the forward iteration and once again for the backward iteration)
анимация в реальном времениreal-time animation (Computer animation in which images are computed and updated on the screen at the same rate at which the objects simulated might move in the real world. Real-time animation allows dynamic involvement by the user because the computer can accept and incorporate keystrokes or controller movements as it is drawing the next image in the animation sequence. Arcade-style animation (such as in a flight simulator program) makes use of real-time animation in translating game plays into on-screen actions. In contrast, in animation done in virtual time, image frames are first calculated and stored and later replayed at a higher rate to achieve smoother movement)
баланс времени работы сотрудника по гибкому графику в текущий деньflex balance of the employee on the current day (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
библиотека времени выполненияrun-time library (A file that contains one or more prewritten routines to perform specific, commonly used functions. Programmers use an RTL primarily in high-level languages such as C to avoid rewriting these routines)
библиотека времени выполненияruntime library (Andy)
брокер времениTime Broker (A feature that provides time events that can be used to initiate background work in suspended apps)
брокер времениtime broker (Windows 8 Rori)
брокер событий времениtime event broker (ssn)
брокер событий времениTime Event Broker (A feature that provides time events that can be used to initiate background work in suspended apps)
внепроектное времяAdministrative Time (" All of a resource's time not devoted to a formal "project" (includes Working and Non-Working Time).")
внутреннее время упрежденияinternal lead time (The lead time for an intercompany sales order)
во время выполненияwhile in run mode (Alex_Odeychuk)
во время выполненияrun-time (Occurring after a program has begun to be executed, such as evaluation of variable expressions and dynamic allocation of memory)
во время выполнения обратного вызоваwhile the callback is running (Alex_Odeychuk)
во время выполнения приложенияwhen your code is being executed (Alex_Odeychuk)
во время выполнения приложенияwithin the running context (Alex_Odeychuk)
во время десериализацииduring deserialization
во время конструирования объектаduring object construction (Alex_Odeychuk)
во время опубликованияat the time of publish (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
во время просмотра веб-части произошла ошибкаan error occurred when previewing the Web Part. (Office System 2010)
во время публикацииat the time of publish (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
во время сериализацииduring serialization
во время синтаксического разбораat parse time (Alex_Odeychuk)
восстановление на момент времениpoint in time recovery
восстановление на определённый момент времениpoint-in-time recovery (The process of recovering only the transactions within a log backup that were committed before a specific point in time, instead of recovering the whole backup)
время блокировкиLockout duration (An integer control that specifies the duration in minutes the user is locked out for after hitting the Lockout Threshold. The default setting for this is "15" minutes. The lower limit for this setting is "1" and the upper limit is "9999". The upper limit allows the administrator to set the upper limit to greater than one day)
время в состоянииtime in state (System Center Operations Manager 2007 ssn)
время в формате UTCUTC (The standard time common to every place in the world, coordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Coordinated Universal Time is used for the synchronization of computers on the Internet)
время в формате UTCCoordinated Universal Time (The standard time common to every place in the world, coordinated by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures. Coordinated Universal Time is used for the synchronization of computers on the Internet)
время внутренней обработкиinternal processing time (The amount of time a function spends doing internal execution, as opposed to calling other functions)
время выполненияrun time (The time during which an application is running. During run time, you can interact with an application)
Время высокой загрузкиPeak times (A feature that allows the user to schedule automatic synchronization between the device and the Exchange Server every time an item arrives or is changed in Exchange Server (if the organization is running Exchange Server with Exchange ActiveSync), and after the first full synchronization with Exchange Server when the volume of e-mail is high)
время до получения первого байтаTTFB (Time To First Byte)
время до получения последнего байтаTTLB (Time To Last Byte)
время доступа к дискуdisk access time (The time needed for a read/write head in a disk drive to locate a track on a disk. Access time is usually measured in milliseconds and is used as a performance measure for hard disks and CD-ROM drives)
время жизни объектаobject lifetime (The span of time a cached object resides in cache and is available to be retrieved by cache clients. The object expires when its lifetime ends. Expired objects cannot be retrieved by cache clients, but remain in memory of the cache host until they are evicted. Specified as time to live (TTL))
время жизни приложенияapplication lifetime (ssn)
время загрузкиboot-up time (Andy)
время записи запросовquery log time (Andy)
Время и расходыtime and materials
время изменения масштаба фотографииPhoto Zooming Time (Windows 8 Rori)
время инициализации ядраkernel init time (Windows 8.1 ssn)
время использованияusage time (An amount of time that is used toward computer or software access)
время использования компьютераcomputer usage time (An amount of time that is used toward computer or software access)
время компиляцииcompile time (The point at which a program is being compiled (i.e., most languages evaluate constant expressions at compile time but evaluate variable expressions at run time))
время молчанияquiet time (A timeframe someone specifies to suppress notifications from Windows Live Alerts)
время на исправление ошибокbug allotment (A chunk of development time allocated to fix bugs. An allotment is created by leaving slack in the iteration plan. Rori)
время на отсечкеsplit time (The time recorded for an interval or a segment of a race)
время на отсечкеsplit time (The time recorded for an interval or a segment of a race. Rori)
время нажатияMultipress time out (A menu item that lets the user set the length of time between key presses when entering text in Multipress mode)
время настройкиsetup time (The number of hours needed to prepare the work area prior to an operation)
время настройкиsetup time
время началаbegin time (The time at which an animation timeline should begin, relative to its parent's BeginTime. If this timeline is a root timeline, the time is relative to its interactive begin time (the moment at which the timeline was triggered))
время начала этого событияstart time of this event (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
Время низкой загрузкиOff-peak times (A feature that allows the user to schedule automatic synchronization between the device and the Exchange Server every time an item arrives or is changed in Exchange Server (if the organization is running Exchange Server with Exchange ActiveSync), and after the first full synchronization with Exchange Server when the volume of e-mail is low)
время обработкиthink time (The elapsed time between the receipt of a reply to one request and the submission of the next request. For example, if it takes about 60 seconds for a user to enter all the information required for a Web-based time-entry form, 60 seconds is the think time for this scenario)
время ожиданияqueue time (The number of hours spent waiting for an operation to begin)
время ожиданияtime-out (An event that occurs when a predetermined amount of time has elapsed without some other expected event or activity taking place)
время ожиданияtimeout (Settings in Web playlists that specify how long a playlist is available to clients. When the time-out value is reached, clients are disconnected)
время ожиданияqueue time
время ожидания активностиInactivity Timeout (Andy)
Время ожидания блокировкиLock timeout (Dynamics NAV 2009 SP1 ssn)
время ожидания "до"queue time before (The part of queue time spent waiting for the current operation to begin)
время ожидания доступаaccess timeout (Andy)
Время ожидания инструмента для подписывания истеклоSign tool timed out (Visual Studio 2013 VS Update ssn)
время ожидания командыcommand timeout (The amount of time allotted for executing a command against the database, which when reached causes an error message to be generated and displayed in the Web browser)
время ожидания перед выключениемpreshutdown time-out
время ожидания подключенияconnection timeout
время ожидания "после"queue time after (The part of queue time spent waiting for the next operation. Rori)
время ожидания простояInactivity Timeout (Andy)
время ожидания сеансаsession timeout (Windows 8 Rori)
время ожидания синхронизацииsynchronization timeout (Andy)
время ожидания соединенияcommunication timeout (Andy)
время окончания срока действияexpiration time (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
время ответаresponse time (The amount of time required to do work from start to finish. In a client/server environment, this is typically measured on the client side)
время откликаresponsiveness (Alex_Odeychuk)
время отключенияblackout time (The time that a server is identified as being unavailable, measured in seconds)
время отключенияblackout time
время отработки отказаfailover time (The amount of time it takes a resource, either individually or in a group, to complete the failover process)
время перезапускаrestart time (Andy)
время переходаedge time (The time contributed to the total time of a callee function when called from a specific caller function. The sum of the edge time of all the incoming edges to a function equals this function's total time)
время по часамwall-time (The total time taken by a computer to complete a task which is the sum of CPU time, I/O time, and the communication channel delay)
время подписиsignature time (An indication of the time that data was digitally signed. This is not a guarantee of validity unless countersigned by a Time Stamp Authority (TSA))
время подписиsignature time
время последней синхронизацииLST (The time when the most recent synchronization process was successfully completed. The last synchronization time determines when the next automatic synchronization will take place. The next automatic synchronization is performed at predefined points in time starting from the last synchronization time)
время последней синхронизацииLast Synchronization Time (The time when the most recent synchronization process was successfully completed. The last synchronization time determines when the next automatic synchronization will take place. The next automatic synchronization is performed at predefined points in time starting from the last synchronization time)
время прерыванийinterrupt time (Windows ssn)
время приложенияapplication time (The total time after estimated kernel time has been subtracted from elapsed time)
время прихода в текущий деньclock-in time on the current day (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
время производстваlead time
время производственного циклаproduction lead time (The lead time required to produce an item, starting from the time the order is released to production until the item is moved to inventory)
время простоя сетиnetwork outage time (Windows 8 Rori)
время работы батареиbattery life
время работы в режиме ядраkernel mode time (Windows 8 ssn)
время работы в режиме ядраkernel time (Windows 8.1 ssn)
время разработкиdesign time (The time during which you create and modify the design of the objects and code in your application)
время сервисного обслуживанияservice coverage (The specific hours and days of the week for which service support will be provided)
время событияtime of the event (Windows 8 ssn)
время событияtime of event (Windows 8 ssn)
время тактаtakt time (The time that it takes to produce one unit of a product)
время транспортировкиtransport time (The amount of time it takes to transfer items between two warehouses)
время транспортировкиtransport time
время транспортировки в дняхtransport days (The number of days required by the carrier to pick up and deliver goods)
время упреждения дляlead time (The minimum amount of time required for production of an item)
время упреждения для транспортировкиin-transit lead time (The lead time required for an item to leave the shipping party and arrive at the receiving party)
время ухода в текущий деньclock-out time on the current day (Dynamics AX 2009 SP1 ssn)
время фиксацииcommit time (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
время циклаcycle time (The time taken to complete an activity)
время ядраkernel time (The approximate time spent executing in kernel mode during the execution of a user mode application. Includes time spent in disk I/O and waiting for synchronization events)
время ядраkern
Вставлена хранимая процедура отключения ограничений или триггеров в статье "%1" на время создания одновременных моментальных снимков в базу данных распространителяInserted stored proc to disable constraint/triggers article "%1" during concurrent snapshot into the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
выбрать подходящее для вас времяpick a time that works for you (Alex_Odeychuk)
вызываемая оболочка времени выполненияruntime callable wrapper (A .NET Framework object that acts as a proxy for a reference-counted COM object)
вызываемая оболочка времени выполненияRCW (A .NET Framework object that acts as a proxy for a reference-counted COM object)
вызываемая оболочка времени выполненияRuntime-Callable Wrapper (vlad-and-slav)
выполняющийся моментальный снимок данных во время изменения схемы данныхactive snapshot running while the schema change (ssn)
Выражение должно являться константой во время компиляцииExpression must be a compile time constant (.NET Framework 3.5 Rori)
генерация кода во время выполненияrun-time code generation (microsoft.com Alex_Odeychuk)
дата / время последнего измененияLMDT (The timestamp of the most recent modification of a Navision entity. The modified entries are retrieved from the Change Log. If the Last Modified Date/Time is older than the last synchronization time, then entities will not be synchronized. If The Last Modified Date/Time is more recent, the synchronization will be performed)
дата / время последнего измененияLast Modified Date/Time (The timestamp of the most recent modification of a Navision entity. The modified entries are retrieved from the Change Log. If the Last Modified Date/Time is older than the last synchronization time, then entities will not be synchronized. If The Last Modified Date/Time is more recent, the synchronization will be performed)
Дата-время преобразуются в краткий формат датыthe date/time is converted to the short date format. (SQL Server 2012)
дата и время на конец текущего дняthe date and time at the end of the current day (Visual Studio LightSwitch 1 ssn)
дата и время на начало текущего дняthe date and time at the beginning of the current day (Visual Studio 2012 ssn)
Дата и время на форуме отображается по восточному времени США.Message board dates and times are shown in Eastern Time ET. (Windows Live Search Apr 08 Boards Rori)
дата окончания срока действия времени использованияusage expiration date (The date and time at which a purchased block of unlimited computer usage time terminates. Rori)
диапазон времениtime range (A period of time during which a setting or other functionality is in effect)
Директивы времени компиляцииCompile-time directives (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
до истечения времени ожиданияprior to the time-out
добавить метку времениAdd Time Stamp (A button in the Comments section that the user can click to add a date or time stamp)
добавить отметку времениAdd Time Stamp
дополнительное времяborrowed usage time (A limited amount of usage time provided after all purchased time has been expended. If the user does not add or download more usage time within this remaining amount of time, they will lose access to the computer)
дополнительное времяborrowed time (A limited amount of usage time provided after all purchased time has been expended. If the user does not add or download more usage time within this remaining amount of time, they will lose access to the computer)
Драйвер отключён во время связыванияDriver disconnected while associating (Windows Vista SP1 Rori)
если проблемы будут обнаружены, средство восстановления запуска исправит их автоматически. Во время этого процесса компьютер может быть несколько раз перезагруженif problems are found, Startup Repair will fix them automatically. Your computer might restart several times during this process (Windows 8 ssn)
за очень короткий промежуток времениwithin a very short span of time (Alex_Odeychuk)
Задание формата времени для всех компонентов системыSet the time format that is used throughout the system. (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
заданное времяclock setting (The time to which a clock is set)
Записи по оси считаются скалярными значениями или значениями даты-времениAxis entries are treated as scalar or date/time (SQL Server 2012 Rori)
запретное времяcurfew (The time or times during the day that a child is restricted from using the computer)
затраченное времяelapsed time (The total time after estimated profiling overhead has been subtracted from wall clock time)
затраченное инклюзивное времяelapsed inclusive time (Time spent in function and items it calls)
затраченное эксклюзивное времяelapsed exclusive time (Time spent in function, excluding time spent in items it calls)
защита в режиме реального времениreal-time protection (An option in Windows AntiSpyware that, when selected, provides spyware protection in real time)
Звонки за всё времяLifetime calls (The name of a section in Call Timers that displays the cumulative duration of all calls since the device was first activated)
значение времениtime value (The number of minutes, hours, days, etc)
игра с отсчётом времениtimed game (Windows 7 ssn)
измерение времениtime dimension (A dimension that breaks time down into levels such as Year, Quarter, Month, and Day)
инклюзивное время приложенияapplication inclusive time (The time spent in function and items it calls, excluding time spent in transitions to kernel mode and Performance Tools probes. Rori)
интервал времениtime frame (A period of time during which something takes place or is planned to take place)
интервал времени ожиданияtime-out interval (The waiting time before any action is taken)
Истекло время ожидания системы защитыProtector timed out (SharePoint Server 2016 ssn)
календарь рабочего времениworking time calendar (A calendar that defines the capacity and work time in a production system, for use in managing work centers or work center groups)
календарь рабочего времениworking time calendar
код времениtime code (A digital signal applied to a stream. The signal assigns a number to every frame of video, representing hours, minutes, seconds, and frames)
код добавления времениtoken (A code that is used to add time to a computer that is running Microsoft FlexGo technology)
код, сгенерированный во время выполненияruntime-generated code (Alex_Odeychuk)
костяшка с временем годаseason tile (A tile type in Shanghai Solitaire. There are four season tiles, each representing a season)
краткий формат времениshort time format (Office System 2010 Rori)
линейное времяlinear time
логика операций со временемtime intelligence (Functionality that is used to show dynamic time periods relative to the current date)
льготное времяgrace time (The time period during which a product or service will remain functional before the user or customer must license, register, renew, or otherwise (re)activate their product or subscription)
льготное времяgrace time
Максимальное время упреждения для клиентаMCLT (Maximum Client Lead Time microsoft.com bojana)
Максимальное время упреждения для клиентаMaximum Client Lead Time (MCLT microsoft.com bojana)
метка времениtimestamp (A data type that is automatically updated every time a row is inserted or updated)
метка реального времени высокого разрешенияhigh-resolution time stamp (less than 1 us – менее 1 микросекунды Alex_Odeychuk)
мировое времяWorld Clock (A gadget that shows current local time in your own time zone or any city in the world)
Настроить алгоритм хэширования отметок времениConfigure time stamping hashing algorithm (Office System 2010 Rori)
недопустимая функция распределения времениinvalid timing function (Expression Blend Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
нерабочее времяnonworking time (Time devoted to non-work activities. Out-of-office time)
нерабочее времяNon-Working Time (Time devoted to non-work activities. Out-of-office time)
нотация формата времениTime format notation (Dynamics CRM 5.0 Rori)
обновление в реальном времениlive update (Andy)
общее времяtotal time (The time that is elapsed between the time a function starts execution until the time it terminates execution. This is the sum of this function's internal processing time and all its callees total time)
общее время переходаedge total time (The time a particular function takes to run when called from a specific parent function)
общее время переходаedge total time (The time a particular function takes to run when called from a specific parent function. Rori)
общее время прерыванийtotal interrupt time (Windows ssn)
общий резерв времениtotal slack (The amount of time that a task can slip before it delays the project)
общий резерв времениtotal slack (The amount of time that a task can slip before it delays the project. Rori)
Обычная с учётом времениStandard timed (Windows 7 ssn)
оплачиваемое времяbillable time (An amount of time in which work or a task is performed. A client/customer can be charged for the time spent performing the task)
оплачиваемое времяbillable time
опорное времяkeytime (The time at which a keyframe is located on Expression Blend's timeline)
оставшееся времяremaining availability (A resource's residual hours on hand minus hours assigned to work on other projects)
оставшееся время сеансовSession Countdown (A feature on the General tab of the User Settings tool that allows the administrator to display the session countdown interface to alert users of how much time is left before the end of their sessions)
отображать время какShow Time As (The field name for the confirmation status used to categorize how firmly a service activity has been scheduled. The options include Requested, Tending, Pending, Reserved, In Progress, and Arrived)
оценка времениestimated time (ssn)
оценка времени на обработку всех рабочих элементов в пуле потоковestimated time to process all work items in the thread pool (Lync Server 2013 ssn)
ошибка во время выполненияrun-time error (A software error that occurs while a program is being executed, as detected by a compiler or other supervisory program)
пакет синхронизации времениTime Synchronization Packet (A packet that instructs the Lower Provisioning Module (LPM) what time it is (in UTC format))
переход по времениtime travel (The process of moving between time frames)
план вознаграждения "на момент времени"point-in-time plan (A compensation plan that is calculated against a base figure taken at a particular point in time. Long-term incentives, such as stock option awards, are often calculated in this way)
поддержка во время выполненияsupport at run-time (Alex_Odeychuk)
подходящее для вас времяa time that works for you (Alex_Odeychuk)
пользовательская функция распределения времениcustom timing function (Expression Blend Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
потерянное событие реального времениreal-time lost event (ssn)
потерянное событие реального времениRT lost event (Windows 7 ssn)
поток событий в реальном времениreal-time event stream (Alex_Odeychuk)
превышение лимита времени ожиданияtime-out (microsoft.com Artjaazz)
привязка времени выполненияruntime binding (Assignment of a meaning to an identifier (such as a variable) in a program at the time the program is executed rather than at the time the program is compiled)
приостановить отсчёт времени использованияpause usage time (To stop metering computer usage time by putting the computer into standby)
проект "Время"time project (An internal project for which only hour transactions are registered)
проект "Время и расходы"time and material project (An external project that is invoiced as work progresses based on the consumption of hours, expenses, items, fees, and on-account transactions)
Процесс сканирования был создан, но во время применения параметров безопасности возникло нарушение ограничения Active Directory.the scan process was created, but an Active Directory constraint violation occurred while security settings were being applied. (Windows 7)
реальное времяreal time (The actual time in which events occur)
режим учёта времениTime Attack Mode (A menu item on the Purble Place menu that allows the user to select a timed mode for their game)
резервное времяsafety margin (A time buffer, specified in days, that is added to order due dates to protect against unplanned delays in the item lead time)
резервное время для повторного заказаreorder margin (A number of days added to normal procurement time for items to protect against unplanned delays)
резервное время для приходаreceipt margin
резервное время для расходаissue margin (A number of days added to issues from inventory, such as sales order transactions, to protect against unplanned delays)
свободный резерв времениfree slack (The amount of time that a task can slip before it delays another task)
Сделать снимок во время видеозвонкаTake a snapshot during video calls (Skype for Windows 5.10 Rori)
сервер времениtime server (A computer that periodically synchronizes the time on all computers within a network. This ensures that the time used by network services and local functions remains accurate)
Скомпоновано во время компиляцииLinked at compile time (Visual Studio 2013 Rori)
скорректированное времяCorrected time (Andy)
Служба времени WindowsWindows Time Service (todoska1990)
служба меток времениtime stamp authority (A service acknowledging that the data existed before a particular time. The service is typically a trusted third party)
служба отметок времениtime stamp authority
служба распространения списков заблокированных IP-адресов в реальном времениreal-time block list service (The business that compiles and distributes lists of IP addresses from which spam has originated in the past)
смещение относительно времени по ГринвичуUTC Offset (Dynamics CRM 4.0 Rori)
событие времениtime event (An event that occurs after a designated period of time or on the occurrence of a given date or time. A time event is indicated by the keyword after, followed by an expression that evaluates to an amount of time)
событие времени жизни приложенияapplication lifetime event (ASP.NET 4.5 ssn)
событие увеличения текущего времениcurrent time increment event (A special punctuation event that indicates the completeness of the existing events)
событие увеличения текущего времениcurrent time increment event (ssn)
сотрудник, мало времени проводящий за ПКkiosk worker (речь идёт о сотрудниках, которые могут делить компьютер с другими и вообще часто пользуются только терминалом в цеху, не имеют доступа к корпоративной почте – allcloudallthetime.com madoshi)
список блокировки в режиме реального времениrealtime block list (Exchange Server 2016 ssn)
список блокировок реального времениreal-time block list (A dynamic list that is maintained inside an organization or by a remote third-party organization that contains a list of known unsolicited e-mail sources. The receiving mail server may refuse connections from addresses that are on a RBL)
спрос за время упрежденияdemand during lead time (ssn)
спрос за время упрежденияdemand during lead time (The average daily demand for a product multiplied by the average lead time)
среднее время между созданием события и сбором данных в миллисекундахaverage time between event generation and collection in milliseconds (System Center Operations Manager 2012 ssn)
среднее время теста на выполнениеAverage Test Time Per Run (Visual Studio 2012 Rori)
схема управления электропитанием в нерабочее времяnon-peak power plan (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied outside peak hours or business hours)
схема управления электропитанием в рабочее времяpeak power plan (A Configuration Manager power plan that you can configure with power settings that are applied during the peak hours or business hours that you specify)
счётчик времени пользования компьютеромcomputer use time counter (The object at the top of the screen that counts down how much computer use time is remaining on your prepaid computer)
счётчик метки времениTime Stamp Counter
счётчик метки времениTSC
счётчик меток времениTime Stamp Counter (A program that tally and records the number of cycles that occurs on a central processing unit)
текущее времяcurrent time (The current position on a timeline, relative to the starting time)
точка входа, в которой записывается только времяTime-only entry point (An entry point where only the processing time will be captured, without any runtime variables)
управление временемTime Management (The Duet end-user application that enables users to view, create, and maintain their data for time recording activities in Microsoft Office Outlook. Users can add time-reporting data in Outlook in the form of Calendar items, which are integrated with time-reporting-compliance guidelines defined in SAP systems)
установка меток времени в конечный файлTime-Stamping Destination File (Windows 10 Rori)
установка меток времени в папку назначенияTime-Stamping Destination Directory (Windows 8 Rori)
учёт рабочего времени, отпусков и отгуловLeave Management (The Duet end-user application that allows users to self-manage their absence or availability for payroll purposes. Users can create and manage leave requests in Microsoft Office Outlook in the form of Calendar items, which are integrated with approval guidelines and business-defined processes defined in SAP systems. Rori)
учёт рабочего времени, отпусков и отгуловLeave Management (The Duet end-user application that allows users to self-manage their absence or availability for payroll purposes. Users can create and manage leave requests in Microsoft Office Outlook in the form of Calendar items, which are integrated with approval guidelines and business-defined processes defined in SAP systems)
учётная запись времени пользования компьютеромComputer Use Time Account (An e-mail address and password that authorizes you to add computer use time to your computer. Rori)
фактическое время, необходимое для применения команд в базе данных распространителяactual time needed to apply the commands in the distribution database (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
фильтр операций со временемtime intelligence filter (A dynamic dashboard filter that can be linked to scorecards and reports so that they will update automatically relative to the current time)
формула времениtime formula (An expression that is created following the Simple Time Period Syntax. It takes the form of a time unit plus or minus a whole number, such as Year-1 or Month-6. It is the formula that is applied when you are using time intelligence on a dashboard)
функция распределения времениtiming function (Expression Blend Visual Studio 2013 ssn)
хранение на месте с учётом времениTime-Based In-Place Hold (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period. Rori)
хранение на месте с учётом времениTime-Based In-Place Hold (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period)
часы реального времениRTC (In PCs, circuits or other hardware elements that provide the system with real-world time)
Число запросов, для которых истекло время ожидания резервного регистратораNumber of requests for which backup registrar timed out (Lync Server 2013 Rori)
число процессов реального времениrealtime process count (Forefront Server Security Rori)
чёрный список реального времениreal-time block list
чёрный список реального времениRBL
шкала времениtimeline
эксклюзивное время приложенияapplication exclusive time (The time spent in function to kernel mode and Performance Tools probes, excluding time spent in items it calls and excluding time spent in transitions)
элемент управления времени разработкиdesign-time control (An ActiveX control that is used while designing or editing a Web page. Design-time controls are installed on the client computer)
элемент управления "Выбор времени"time picker control (A control that developers use to allow a user to select a time)
эта функциональность в настоящее время ещё не реализованаthis functionality is not yet implemented. (SQL Server 2012)
это могло произойти из-за выполняющегося моментального снимка данных во время вызова административной процедурыthis could be due an active snapshot running while the admin proc was called (SQL Server 2012 ssn)
это могло произойти из-за выполняющегося моментального снимка данных во время изменения схемы данных, также могла произойти попытка изменения административной процедурыthis could be due an active snapshot running while the schema change or the administrative proc change was attempted (SQL Server 2012 ssn)