
Terms for subject General containing вред | all forms | exact matches only
без вредаinnocuously
без вреда для здоровьяsafely (pelipejchenko)
без вреда для своего здоровьяwithout detriment to one's health
без вреда для себяwith impunity
благо или вредboon or bane (Rukavizza)
быть во вредreflect
быть использованным во вредbe used in harmful ways (Johnny Bravo)
в порыве злости действовать во вред себеcut off nose to spite face
в порыве злости действовать во вред себеbite off nose to spite face
в порядке возмещения вредаby way of indemnification (Alexander Demidov)
виновный в умышленном вреде, причинённом суднуbarratrous
во благо или во вредboon or bane (Rukavizza)
во вредin someone's despite (кому-либо)
во вредinjurious to
во вредcounter
во вредto the detriment (of)
во вредthe detriment of
во вредto the damage of something (чему-либо)
во вредin one's despite (кому-л.)
во вредharmfully
во вредto the detriment of (+ dat.)
во вредharmful to
во вред интересамto the detriment (The law prohibits the transmission of this document or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. 4uzhoj)
во вред себеfor your own good (E.g. ...too talkative for your own good Inna Oslon)
во всяком случае, это не принесёт ему ни малейшего вредаit can't possibly do him any harm
во всяком случае, это не причинит ему ни малейшего вредаit can't possibly do him any harm
воздух, причиняющий вред здоровьюunhealthy air (triumfov)
возмещение вредаindemnity
возмещение вреда при отсутствии виныabsolute indemnification (The broadest type of indemnification provision is absolute indemnification. This type of indemnification requires the client company to defend and indemnify the PEO from any and all claims that arise from or are in any way related to the client service agreement. Under these terms, the client company is responsible for providing, or paying, for the P E O 's defense for any claim arising from the client company's actions. Further, the client company is contractually required to reimburse the PEO for any amount of damages or fines the PEO is ordered to pay. Under such a provision, the duty to defend and indemnify applies without regard to the negligence or fault of the PEO or the client company Alexander Demidov)
возмещение материального ущерба и морального вредаpecuniary and non-pecuniary damages (Alexander Demidov)
возмещение причинённого вредаcompensation of harm caused (W.E. Butler ABelonogov)
возмещение причинённого вредаcompensation for damage caused (E&Y ABelonogov)
вред для здоровьяhealth injury (Andrew052)
вред здоровьюharm to health (AD Alexander Demidov)
вред или увечьеharm or injury (yuliya zadorozhny)
Вред курения для здоровья-это неоспоримый фактthat smoking causes health problems is an accomplished fact. (Alexey Lebedev)
вред морской фаунеmarine life injury (Johnny Bravo)
вред окружающей средеdamage to the environment (ABelonogov)
вред от куренияthe dangers of smoking (kee46)
вред, причиняемый здоровьюhealth harm (Scots under 40s risking serious health harm. Scotland's culture of heavy and binge drinking is having an increasing impact on the health of younger people, ... Information on alcohol related health harm in the Highland Council area... Alexander Demidov)
вред, причинённый здоровью и имуществу гражданdamage which is caused to the health and property of citizens (ABelonogov)
вреда в этом нетit can't hurt (Ремедиос_П)
вреда от этого не будетit won't hurt you (Andrey Truhachev)
вреда от этого не будетit won't do any harm
вреда от этого не будетno harm in that (linton)
все эти разъезды по стране наносят вред твоему здоровью. Почему бы тебе не бросить эту работу?All this travelling about the country is doing your health no good. Why don't you turn it in? (Taras)
всякий вред для растений от ветраblight (и пр.)
всякий вред для растений от дождяblight (и пр.)
всякий вред для растений от морозаblight (и пр.)
всё то, что предохраняет от вредаguard
гарантия возмещения вредаindemnity
гражданская ответственность за причинение вреда третьим лицамgeneral liability (legal responsibility for injury, property damage, or financial loss caused to others: "You want coverage for major theft, fire, general liability (should a customer get hurt) and other perils. general liability insurance/policy "Commercial general liability policies also cover the cost of defending claims against your business. CBED Alexander Demidov)
гражданская ответственность перед третьими лицами за причинение вредаtortious liability (Alexander Demidov)
гражданская ответственность перед третьими лицами за причинение вредаtortious liability for harm caused (The issue of tortious liability for harm caused by climate change has risen to some prominence in recent legal literature. | The majority referred to developments in the United Kingdom suggesting in that country there was an emerging tortious liability for harm caused by an unlawful ... Alexander Demidov)
гражданская ответственность перед третьими лицами по обязательствам, возникающим из причинения вредаtortious liability (Alexander Demidov)
действовать во вредoperate to smb.'s disadvantage (кому́-л.)
действовать во вред своим собственным целямdefeat own purpose
действовать во вред своим собственным целямdefeat own object
действовать во вред себеbe one's own enemy
действовать себе во вредcut own throat
действовать себе во вредdo oneself an injustice (Anglophile)
делать себе во вредdo oneself a disservice
денежная компенсация в возмещение нематериального вредаnon-pecuniary damages (As regards the quantum of non-pecuniary damages – quantified ex article 1325 ABGB according to the duration and the intensity of pain and suffering – there ... Alexander Demidov)
денежная компенсация морального вредаnon-pecuniary damages (Alexander Demidov)
договор страхования риска гражданской ответственности за причинение вредаcivil liability insurance to cover any harm (mascot)
договор страхования риска ответственности по обязательствам, возникающим вследствие причинения вреда жизни, здоровью или имуществу других лицagreement on insurance of the risk of liability for obligations arising as a result of damage caused to the life, health or property of other persons (E&Y ABelonogov)
долгосрочный вредlasting harm (capricolya)
ей не причинят вредаshe will be unharmed
если она один раз нарушит медицинское предписание, это не причинит ей вредаan occasional transgression could not harm her
желая досадить другому, причинить вред себеbite off nose to spite face
желая досадить другому, причинить вред себеcut off nose to spite face
заведомо приносить вред…have reason to know is injurious to… (MichaelBurov)
заведомо приносить вред ...have reason to know is injurious to ...
избегание вредаharm avoidance (Личностная черта, имеет отношение к тревожному расстройству личности, F 60.6 в МКБ-10) AKarp)
иск заявителя о денежной компенсации морального вредаclaim for non-pecuniary damages (Alexander Demidov)
иск о возмещении вредаclaim for damages (See: ad damnum clause Burton's Legal Thesaurus, 4E. Copyright c 2007 by William C. Burton. Byline: ADRIAN SHAW RYAN Giggs yesterday lost a claim for damages over his affair with glamour model Imogen Thomas. Giggs loses court case on Imogen affair story; DEFEAT by The Mirror (London, England) Byline: Record Reporter RYAN Giggs yesterday lost a claim for damages over his affair with Imogen Thomas. Rat Giggs' fling case kicked out by Daily Record (Glasgow, Scotland) The circumstances of the accident may be different from claim to claim but if you feel that you have suffered as a result of some one else's negligence then you should get in touch with a no win no fee lawyer as they will be able to examine your case and decide whether or not you have the grounds for a claim for damages. The No Win No Fee Compensation Claim Defined by graham allen / Law community. TFD Alexander Demidov)
иск о денежной компенсации морального вредаclaim for non-pecuniary damages (Alexander Demidov)
иск о денежной компенсации морального вреда, причинённого в результатеclaim for non-pecuniary damages for (have a claim for non-pecuniary damages for the loss of care, guidance and companionship that they normally would have received from John ... | as did their claim for non-pecuniary damages for emotional distress, pain, and suffering, their request for attorney's fees was dismissed. | ... the parents could not be said to have renounced their own Article 2 claim for non-pecuniary damages for bereavement to which damages they were entitled. Alexander Demidov)
иски о компенсации вреда окружающей средеactions seeking compensation for damage to the environment (ABelonogov)
использоваться во вредbe used in harmful ways (Alex_Odeychuk)
испытывать желание причинить вредhave a grudge against (кому-либо)
испытывать желание причинить вредhave it in for (кому-либо)
источник вредаcommon nuisance
источник вреда для населенияcommon nuisance (шум, сброс вредных отходов, задымлённость)
источник неудобства или вреда для населенияcommon nuisance (шум, сброс вредных отходов, задымлённость)
компенсация в части взыскания морального вредаnon-pecuniary damages (Alexander Demidov)
компенсация вредаdamages for personal injury (Counsel is therefore instructed to argue that the defendant is liable to the Claimant for damages for personal injury and for other financial losses incurred. LE Alexander Demidov)
компенсация вреда окружающей средеcompensation for damage to the environment (ABelonogov)
компенсация вреда, причинённого личностиdamages for personal injury (Alexander Demidov)
компенсация материального ущерба и морального вредаpecuniary and non-pecuniary damages (Alexander Demidov)
компенсация морального вредаcompensation for psychological damage (Alexander Demidov)
компенсация морального вредаmental anguish damages (Alexander Demidov)
компенсация морального вредаemotional distress damages (Alexander Demidov)
компенсация морального вредаdamages for psychological injury (more hits Alexander Demidov)
компенсация морального вредаdamages for moral injury (Alexander Demidov)
компенсация морального вредаnon-pecuniary damage award (The purpose of a non-pecuniary damage award is to compensate a plaintiff for pain, suffering, loss of enjoyment of life and loss of amenities. bc-injury-law.com Alexander Demidov)
компенсация морального вредаemotional damages (max UK hits Alexander Demidov)
компенсация морального вредаnon-pecuniary damages (Alexander Demidov)
компенсация морального вредаemotional damages (max UK hits – АД)
компенсация морального вредаcompensation for moral damage (ABelonogov)
Курение приносит вред вашим лёгкимSmoking is hell on your lungs (mariakn)
меры по возмещению ущерба / вредаmeasures of satisfaction
меры, принятые в связи с докладом о вреде куренияthe follow-up of the report on smoking hazards
методики исчисления размера вреда, причинённого окружающей средеmethods for calculating the extent of damage caused to the environment (ABelonogov)
методы, не наносящие вреда окружающей средеenvironmentally friendly methods (Alexander Demidov)
минимизировать влияние / воздействие / вред / продолжительность контакта с и т.д.minimize exposure
моральный вредemotional damages (law.com Tanya Gesse)
моральный вредpain and suffering (some contexts wikipedia.org Tanya Gesse)
моральный вред an increasingly popular basis for a claim of damages in lawsuits for injury due to the negligence or intentional acts of another. Originally damages for emotional distress were only awardable in conjunction with damages for actual physical harm. Recently courts in many states, including New York and California, have recognized a right to an award of money damages for emotional distress without physical injury or contact. In sexual harassment claims, emotional distress can be the major, or even only, harmful result. In most jurisdictions, emotional distress cannot be claimed for breach of contract or other business activity, but can be alleged in cases of libel and slander. Evidentiary problems include the fact that such distress is easily feigned or exaggerated, and professional testimony by a therapist or psychiatrist may be required to validate the existence and depth of the distress and place a dollar value upon it. (See: damages) Copyright © 1981-2005 by Gerald N. Hill and Kathleen T. Hill.emotional distress (Alexander Demidov)
моральный вредmental anguish (Mental suffering. In some cases, damages may be awarded for mental anguish even though no physical injury is present. Found on (n) Mental Anguish is the mental suffering like fear, anxiety, depression, grief etc faced by a person during an event, period , action or situation. A person can claim damages for mental anguish if it was logically connected to the incident. Eg. Seeing the killing of a loved one. Found on glossarycentral.com, legal-explanations.com Alexander Demidov)
моральный вредmental anguish (Mental suffering. In some cases, damages may be awarded for mental anguish even though no physical injury is present. Found on (n) Mental Anguish is the mental suffering like fear, anxiety, depression, grief etc faced by a person during an event, period , action or situation. A person can claim damages for mental anguish if it was logically connected to the incident. Eg. Seeing the killing of a loved one. Found on – АД glossarycentral.com, legal-explanations.com)
моральный вредpsychological damage (Alexander Demidov)
намеренно и т.д. причинить кому-л. вредharm smb. wilfully (unwillingly, unconsciously, etc,)
нанесение вреда окружающей средеenvironmental degradation (Environmental degradation is the deterioration of the environment through depletion of resources such as air, water and soil; the destruction of ecosystems and the extinction of wildlife. It is defined as any change or disturbance to the environment perceived to be deleterious or undesirable.[1] As indicated by the I=PAT equation, environmental impact (I) or degradation is caused by the combination of an already very large and increasing human population (P), continually increasing economic growth or per capita affluence (A), and the application of resource depleting and polluting technology (T). WK Alexander Demidov)
нанесение вреда окружающей средеenvironmental damage (What is environmental damage? Very serious cases of water pollution, land contamination and damage to biodiversity are classed as environmental damage, and dealt with through the Environmental Liability Regulations. Alexander Demidov)
нанести большой вредwork great mischief (кому-либо, чему-либо)
нанести вредwound
нанести вредprejudice
нанести вредharm
нанести вредdamage (A preliminary raid on a small building on the property heightened the sense of paranoia among the Davidians, which damaged the negotiations between Koresh and the government. -- что нанесло вред переговорам coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
нанести вредinjure (gennier)
нанести вред репутации товарного знакаinjure reputation of trademark
нанести вред самому себеscore own goals
нанести непоправимый вредdeal a crippling blow to
наносить вредmake mischief
наносить вредwrong
наносить вредdamage (Никита Климов)
наносить вредcripple
наносить вредinflict damage on something (Andrey Truhachev)
наносить вредdo someone harm (Andrey Truhachev)
наносить вредcause harm (to someone Andrey Truhachev)
наносить вредafflict damage to something (Andrey Truhachev)
наносить вред интересамbe prejudicial to the interest (The law prohibits the transmission of this document or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an unauthorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States. 4uzhoj)
наносить вред самому себеscore own goals
наносить непоправимый вредoverwhelm (User)
наносящие вред высказыванияharmful speech (Oksana-Ivacheva)
наносящий большой вредhighly damaging
наносящий вредcounterproductive
наносящий вредtoxic
нарочно и т.д. причинить кому-л. вредharm smb. wilfully (unwillingly, unconsciously, etc,)
нарушение, представляющее угрозу причинения вредаviolation endangering (Alexander Demidov)
не причинять вредаbreak no squares
не причинять вредаbreak no bones
невиновное причинение вредаtortious injury (Moreover, a plaintiff may recover reasonable and necessary out-of-pocket veterinary care expenses incurred as a result of tortious injury to a pet. Alexander Demidov)
нейтрализовать вредbalance a disadvantage by
необратимый вредirreversible damage (4uzhoj)
несущий вредprejudiced
ни вреда, ни пользыa chip in a pottage pot
обидчик, наносящий вред другомуwrong doer
общественный вредsocietal harm (Lviv_linguist)
объём и размер возмещения вредаamount and extent of redress to be made for damage (ABelonogov)
обязательства из причинения вредаdamages in tort (Damages in tort are intended to compensate the Claimant for the loss and/or injury sustained as a result of the tort. LE Alexander Demidov)
омлет не причиняющий вред сердцуhearth healthy omelette (сделанный только из белков driven)
они наносят вред самим себеthey injure themselves
от него было больше вреда, чем пользыhe was more of a hindrance than a help. (Andrey Truhachev)
от этого вреда не будетit can do no harm
ответственность за причинение вреда перед третьими лицамиthird party liability (Alexander Demidov)
ответственность по возмещению вредаliability for damages (Alexander Demidov)
официальное предупреждение о вреде куренияgovernment health warning (печатается на листке и вкладывается в каждую пачку сигарет)
подверженный опасности физического или эмоционального нападения для причинения вредаvulnerable (Small fish are vulnerable to predators. We were in a vulnerable position. klarisse)
подозреваемый в умышленном вреде, причинённом суднуbarratrous
пойти во вредdent (Ремедиос_П)
польза и вредbenefits and harms (Alexey Lebedev)
польза или вредa benefit or a harm (англ. оборот взят из репортажа Bloomberg Alex_Odeychuk)
понимание вреда алкоголяalcohol awareness (luchik_sveta)
поступать во вред себеnot to do oneself any favours
право на получение возмещения вредаright to receive compensation for damage (ABelonogov)
представлять вред дляbe harmful to (Some bacteria in plaque are harmless, but some are harmful for the health of your gums. I. Havkin)
предупреждать о вреде куренияadvise against smoking (against excessive use of sugar, against late hours, etc., и т.д.)
предупреждение министерства здравоохранения о вреде здоровьюgovernment health warning (не только о курении Abysslooker)
предупреждение о вреде чрезмерного потребленияwarning of the harmful effect of excessive consumption of (ABelonogov)
принести больше вреда, чем пользыdo more harm than good (Anglophile)
принести больше вреда, чем пользыcause more harm than good (denghu)
принести вредeat away at
принести вредharm
принести вредdo a job on (sb., sth., кому-л., чему-л.)
принести вредdo harm
принести вредblight
принести вред себеmar market (кому-либо)
принести вред себе подвести себяmar market
принести много вредаdo a lot of damage (Tanya Gesse)
приносить вредdo harm
приносить вредinflict damage on something (Andrey Truhachev)
приносить вредsubtract value (A.Rezvov)
приносить вредcause damage (+ dat., to)
приносить вредwork harm
приносить вредcause harm (+ dat., to)
приносить вредcause harm (to someone Andrey Truhachev)
приносить вредafflict damage to something (Andrey Truhachev)
приносить вредblight (растениям)
приносить вредaffect
приносить вред растениямblight
приносить все больший вредmultiply evil upon evil
что-либо приносящее вредscathe
приносящий вредself-defeating (george serebryakov)
приносящий вредunhelpful
приносящий вредcounterproductive
приносящий только вредself-defeating
причинение вредаviolence (sever_korrespondent)
причинение вредаmisfeasance
причинение вредаwhupass (alex-l1904)
причинение вредаdamnification
причинение вреда жизни или здоровьюdamage to life or health (Alexander Demidov)
причинение вреда здоровьюinjury (Injury is damage to a biological organism which can be classified on various bases. WAD Alexander Demidov)
причинение вреда имуществуproperty damage (Post Scriptum)
причинение вреда самому себеself-inflicted damage (Val_Ships)
причинение себе вреда, нанесение себе увечийself-harm (moreindigo)
причинение тяжкого вреда здоровью либо вреда, ставящего в опасность жизнь человекаcausing harm which endangers life or causes the victim severe bodily harm (один из видов преступлений против здоровья // CNN, 2019 Alex_Odeychuk)
причинитель вредаparty which caused the injury (ABelonogov)
причинитель вредаparty which caused the damage (ABelonogov)
причинить большой вредdo a huge amount of harm (theguardian.com Alex_Odeychuk)
причинить вредplay havoc
причинить вредscathe
причинить вредshipwreck
причинить вредdo a mischief (кому-либо)
причинить вредdo an injustice
причинить вредharm (Tanya Gesse)
причинить вредdo a disservice
причинить вредdisserve
причинить вредdo ill
причинить вредplay the devil with
причинить вредprejudice
причинить вредdent (Bullets won't even dent the van's armor, so get a car and ram it off the road. 4uzhoj)
причинить вред репутацииdegrade
причинить вред самому себеscore own goals
причинить вред экономикеhurt the economy (Only 45% say the rejection of the plan will hurt the economy. /BBC news Alex Krayevsky)
причинить максимум вредаdo the worst
причинить максимум вредаdo one's worst (КГА)
причинить кому-либо много вредаdo much spoil upon
причинить кому-либо много вредаdo much spoil on
причинить непоправимый вред чему-либо / кому-либоcause irreparable damage to
причинить тяжкий вред здоровьюseriously hurt (The man who was behind the wheel in a crash in downtown Vancouver three years ago, killing a baby and seriously hurting her father, has been acquitted on all charges. Seyed Moshfeghi Zadeh pleaded not guilty to dangerous operation of a vehicle causing death and dangerous operation of a vehicle causing bodily harm in the July 6, 2021 crash. (globalnews.ca) ART Vancouver)
причинить тяжкий вред здоровьюcause a dreadful injury
причинять большой вредbe anathema to
причинять большой вред собственным интересамscore many own goals
причинять вредprejudice
причинять вредscathe
причинять вредdo somebody an injury
причинять большой вредdo harm to (кому-либо, чему-либо)
причинять вредdo hurt to (кому-либо)
причинять вредdeal a blow
причинять вредdeliver a blow
причинять вредstrike a blow
причинять вредdo damage
причинять вредdo a disservice
причинять вредdo someone an injury
причинять вредdisadvantageousness
причинять вредcause harm to
причинять вредcause damage to
причинять кому-л., чему-л. вредdo smb., smth. an injury
причинять вредtake a toll on (Tatiana_Ts_)
причинять вредdo wrong
причинять вредimpair (Stas-Soleil)
причинять вредdisserve
причинять вредadminister a blow
причинять вредdo harm
причинять вредshipwreck
причинять вредharm
причинять вредhurt
причинять вредdamnify
причинять вредdisadvantage
причинять вредconstitute a wrong (kee46)
причинять вредdetriment
причинять вред самому себеscore own goals
причинять вред своему здоровьюimpair health
причинять неприятность, вредdisserve
причинять себе вредself-harm (Anglophile)
причиняющий вредdamage feasant
программа уменьшения вредаharm reduction program (HarryWharton&Co)
размер вредаextent of damage (Come along and discover the true extent of the damage caused to Hull, the worst bombed city in the UK, during the blitz – АД ABelonogov)
размер денежной компенсации морального вредаquantum of non-pecuniary damages (Alexander Demidov)
рассчитанное на нанесение вреда другому лицу ложное заявлениеjactitation
рассчитанное на нанесение вреда другому лицу ложное заявлениеjactation
риск ответственности по обязательствам, возникающим вследствие причинения вредаthird-party liability risk (When the underwriter is rating a third party liability risk, infixing the premium he will consider the contractor's past third party claims. Alexander Demidov)
с ущербом, во вредdetrimentally
саранча причинила посевам большой вредthe locusts did a great deal of damage to the crops
сделать замечание во вред себеshoot oneself in the foot
себе во вредto someone's cost (Alexander Demidov)
себе во вредfor my own good (два противоположенных значения: "being or done for the benefit of oneself" и "resulting in harm to oneself": All of those years ago when we first fell in love... your father would say I was too sweet for my own good. Maybe he was right vogeler)
себе во вредfor one's own good (два противоположенных значения: "being or done for the benefit of oneself" и "resulting in harm to oneself": All of those years ago when we first fell in love... your father would say I was too sweet for my own good. Maybe he was right vogeler)
себе во вредfor your own good (два противоположенных значения: "being or done for the benefit of oneself" и "resulting in harm to oneself": All of those years ago when we first fell in love... your father would say I was too sweet for my own good. Maybe he was right vogeler)
себе во вредfor his own good (gemca)
себе во вредself-defeating
серьёзность причинённого вредаgravity of the harm inflicted (Val_Ships)
склонность к нанесению вредаmaleficence
служить ко вредуbe of the greatest prejudice to (кого-л.)
сопротивляться во вред себеkick against the pricks
справедливая компенсация морального вредаjust satisfaction for non-pecuniary damage (Alexander Demidov)
средства правовой защиты, позволяющие им добиваться возмещения ущерба / вредаlegal remedies enabling them to seek redress (the Committee calls on the State party to ensure that victims of racial discrimination have access to effective legal remedies enabling them to seek redress, and to inform the public about such remedies.)
средство, причиняющее меньший вред, чем предполагалосьunderkill
страхование гражданской ответственности владельца опасного объекта за причинение вреда в результате аварии на опасном объектеhazardous facility third-party liability insurance (по аналогии с motor third-party liability insurance Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда вследствие недостатков товаровproduct liability insurance (Policy that pays for any damage or injury (within the limits of the cover provided) resulting from the use of the insured's goods or services. Use this term in a sentence In 1986, Scott's micromanufacturer and distributor of Botox was no longer able to supply the drug because of an inability to obtain product liability insurance. Source: Botulinum toxin – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The association provides a variety of other benefits for members, including discounts on FedEx shipping, health and product liability insurance, payroll processing, and AER assistance. Source: Natural Products Association – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда вследствие недостатков товаров, работ, услугproduct liability and malpractice insurance (Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда вследствие недостатков товаров, работ, услугproduct liability insurance (Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда вследствие недостатков товаров, работ, услугinsurance of civil liability for damage resulting from deficiencies of goods, work and services (ABelonogov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда имуществу третьих лицinsurance of civil liability for damage to the property of third parties (ABelonogov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда третьим лицамthird-party insurance (Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда третьим лицамgeneral liability insurance (Insurance policy that covers claims arising from an insured's liability due to damage or injury (caused by negligence or acts of omission) during performance of his or her duties or business. Read more: businessdictionary.com Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда третьим лицамthird-party liability insurance (If the policyholder has a high number of assets or income to protect, it may be worth paying extra to buy extra liability cover. Third-party liability insurance is there to help stop policyholders from losing savings, assets, homes and even future earnings. It is a legal requirement in most U.S. states, and even in states that have no-fault rules, it could protect the policyholder from losing everything that they own. Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда третьим лицамinsurance of civil liability for damage caused to third parties (ABelonogov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда третьим лицам при осуществлении своей деятельностиprofessional liability insurance (Professional liability insurance (PLI), also called professional indemnity insurance (PII) but more commonly known as errors & omissions (E&O) in the US, is a form of liability insurance that helps protect professional advice- and service-providing individuals and companies from bearing the full cost of defending against a negligence claim made by a client, and damages awarded in such a civil lawsuit. The coverage focuses on alleged failure to perform on the part of, financial loss caused by, and error or omission in the service or product sold by the policyholder. These are potential causes for legal action that would not be covered by a more general liability insurance policy which addresses more direct forms of harm. Professional liability coverage sometimes also provides for the defense costs, including when legal action turns out to be groundless. Coverage does not include criminal prosecution, nor a wide range of potential liabilities under civil law that are not enumerated in the policy, but which may be subject to other forms of insurance. WK Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда третьим лицам при осуществлении своей деятельностиprofessional indemnity insurance (= PII A form of third-party insurance that covers a professional person, such as a solicitor, surveyor, or accountant, against paying compensation in the event of being sued for negligence This can include giving defective advice if the person professes to be an expert in a given field. There have been a number of very high awards made to plaintiffs (especially in the USA where PII is known as malpractice insurance) and this has greatly increased the cost of obtaining cover. OB&M Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда третьим лицам при осуществлении своей деятельности Liability insurance is a part of the general insurance system of risk financing to protect the purchaser (the "insured") from the risks of liabilities imposed by lawsuits and similar claims. It protects the insured in the event he or she is sued for claims that come within the coverage of the insurance policy. Originally, individuals or companies that faced a common peril, formed a group and created a self-help fund out of which to pay compensation should any member incur loss (in other words, a mutual insurance arrangement). The modern system relies on dedicated carriers, usually for-profit, to offer protection against specified perils in consideration of a premium. Liability insurance is designed to offer specific protection against third party insurance claims, i.e., payment is not typically made to the insured, but rather to someone suffering loss who is not a party to the insurance contract. In general, damage caused intentionally as well as contractual liability are not covered under liability insurance policies. WKliability insurance (Alexander Demidov)
страхование гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда третьим лицам при осуществлении своей деятельностиgeneral liability insurance (Alexander Demidov)
страхование имущества и гражданской ответственности за причинение вреда третьим лицамproperty and general liability insurance (Alexander Demidov)
страхование ответственности за причинение вредаliability insurance (insurance against claims of loss or damage for which a policyholder might have to compensate another party. The policy covers losses resulting from acts or omissions which are legally deemed to be negligent and which result in damage to the person, property, or legitimate interests of others. In comparison with most other forms of insurance, liability insurance is a relatively recent phenomenon. A very modest amount was written before 1890, but it was principally the introduction of the automobile after that year that spurred the rapid growth of this form of insurance, which now extends to a great many activities in addition to the operation of an automobile. Other types of liability insurance include professional liability for doctors and other professionals (malpractice insurance), marine liability for boatowners and operators, and products liability for manufacturers of consumer goods. Protection can also be provided against the possibility that one may be unable to fulfill the terms of a contract or against the risks involved in activities that are considered so dangerous to other people or property that the law requires persons engaged in them to assume responsibility for their consequences no matter how much care is taken to avoid damage. Examples of this last type, called absolute liability, vary from one legal jurisdiction to another but may include, for example, the ownership of dangerous wild animals. Britannica Alexander Demidov)
стремиться причинить вредhave a grudge against (кому-либо)
стремиться причинить вредhave it in for (кому-либо)
существенный вредessential damage (e.g. There was no essential damage on the car. – Существенного вреда машине нанесено не было. Soulbringer)
считать себя имеющим право на получение полной компенсации за причинённый ущерб / вредregard oneself as entitled to full reparation
тяжесть причинённого вредаseverity of harm (vlad-and-slav)
уберечь кого-л. от вредаkeep one out of harm's way
уверен, он не причинит милому мальчику никакого вредаsure he'll do the dear boy no harm
умышленное причинение вредаwilful damage (Alexander Demidov)
упорная работа никому ещё вреда не принеслаhard work never did anyone any harm
хороший совет не идёт во вредgood counsel does no harm
что-либо уничтожающее растения или приносящее им вредblight
экологический вредenvironmental damage (Alexander Demidov)
это лекарство принесёт вам только вредthat medicine will only harm you
это нанесло бы вред в военном и политическом отношенииit would be harmful militarily and politically
это нанесло неизмеримый вред нашим интересамthis has done incalculable harm to our interests
это нанесёт большой вред нашему делуthis will do great injury to our cause
это не причинило вредаthere's no harm done
это не причинит тебе вредаit won't hurt you (Andrey Truhachev)
это причинило неисчислимый вредit has done incalculable harm
я бы никак не желал, чтобы ей причинили вредit would go against me to have her come to harm
я не вижу в этом вредаI think no harm in it
я не причинил ей никакого вредаI didn't do anything to her
я никому не желаю вредаI don't mean to do any harm (SirReal)