
Terms for subject Politics containing впечатлений | all forms
негативное впечатление, отрицательная реакцияbad optics ('A scenario in which NATO starts bombing the very forces they previously helped would have "bad optics", as they say in Washington.' THE ECONOMIST 1ST APRIL 2011 Vitaliyb)
оставлять глубокое впечатлениеleave a profound impression
произвести впечатлениеhit it over the fence (о речи и т. п.)
производимое впечатлениеoptics (Mr Trump, lacking diplomatic experience or perhaps simply not caring about the optics, may have acted "on a foolish whim" to approach Mr Putin, Sir Andrew says. BBC Alexander Demidov)
производить вялое впечатление во время теледебатовto give a limp performance in the television debate (ssn)
речь этого политика произвела на избирателей сильное впечатлениеthe politician's speech went down big with the voters (bigmaxus)