
Terms for subject Quotes and aphorisms containing вот -вот | all forms
вот приедет барин-барин нас рассудитWe'll sit back and wait for the gifts from heaven (VLZ_58)
вот приедет барин-барин нас рассудитthe boss will come and tell us what to do (Used ironically to mean something is bound to turn up; someone might do it for us. It is a quotation from the poem "Забытая деревня" (The Forgotten Village) by Н.А. Некрасов, a Russian poet.)
вот так!that's right! (Alex_Odeychuk)
вот, что мне нужноthat's what I need (Alex_Odeychuk)
вот что ты делаешьthat's what you do (Alex_Odeychuk)